☝️ TLDR: Great apes are among the smartest animals on Earth, but they cannot actually speak sign language or ask questions

Apes are considered some of the smartest animals on Earth, but how smart are apes, really? We look deeper into the fascinating abilities of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom.

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how smart are apes

Great apes have shown remarkable intelligence. A famous example is Koko the gorilla, who learned more than 1,000 signs in sign language. However, despite the common misconception, apes don’t “speak” sign language the way humans do. Instead, they learn signs similarly to how dogs learn commands — by associating gestures with actions or objects. They can respond to questions but can’t ask their own, a key difference from human language development.

are apes smart

You might wonder, are apes smart compared to other animals, like monkeys? Great apes lack tails and have larger brains relative to their body size, leading to more advanced cognitive abilities, while monkeys generally have tails and smaller brain mass. Apes have the capacity for problem-solving, tool use, and empathy. They can process complex tasks and have better memory than other species.

apes can anwer questions

Among animals, the smartest ape would likely be the chimpanzee or bonobo. Beyond tool use, their brain structure allows them to excel in social learning and communication. While apes don’t have the capacity for higher-level reasoning that humans do, they’re far more advanced than most animals in areas like mimicking behaviors.

📌 Fun Fact: Apes can recognize themselves in mirrors!

A fun fact about great apes is that they can recognize themselves in mirrors, showing a level of self-awareness that only a few animal species possess. Chimpanzees, for example, will use a mirror to examine parts of their body they can’t normally see, a trait not commonly found in animals!

apes don't ask questions

Here is a list of the smartest animals on the planet and what they can do!

🐵 Animal🧠 Example of Intelligence
ChimpanzeeUses tools, can learn sign language, solves complex problems.
DolphinExhibits self-awareness, uses echolocation, works in groups to hunt fish.
ElephantDisplays empathy, remembers routes and watering holes, uses tools to scratch or dig.
CrowUses tools to obtain food, solves puzzles, can remember human faces.
OrangutanUses leaves as umbrellas, exhibits advanced problem-solving, and mimics humans.
African Grey ParrotCan learn and use hundreds of words, understands basic concepts like colors and shapes.
OctopusEscapes enclosures, uses coconut shells as protection, solves mazes.
PigCan navigate mazes, recognizes symbols, and demonstrates excellent memory.
DogLearns commands, recognizes human emotions, can detect diseases like cancer.
RavenSolves multi-step problems, communicates with complex vocalizations.


Progress in Brain Research, Volume 195


How much IQ does an ape have?

IQ tests are specifically designed for humans, so there’s not a straightforward answer. Researchers have used different cognitive assessments to estimate intelligence in apes. Some studies suggest that great apes may have an IQ equivalent of around 20-25 on the human IQ scale. But it’s important to note that comparing IQ scores between species is not entirely accurate, as they are tested on different cognitive abilities.

How smart is an ape compared to humans?

Apes, specifically chimpanzees and orangutans, are among the most intelligent animals, with cognitive abilities often compared to young children (ages 2-3). They can use tools, recognize themselves in mirrors, and solve complex problems. However, humans far surpass apes in language, abstract thinking, and cultural development. While apes show remarkable intelligence for animals, human cognition is much more advanced in areas like reasoning, planning, and communication.

Is an ape the smartest animal?

Apes are one of the smartest animals, but it’s difficult to crown a single species as the “smartest.” Dolphins, elephants, and certain bird species like crows also demonstrate advanced intelligence in various ways. It’s important to remember that intelligence varies depending on the criteria used to measure it.

Do apes recognize humans?

Yes, apes do recognize humans. They can distinguish individual humans, remember them over long periods, and differentiate between human facial expressions and gestures. In captivity, apes often form bonds with their caregivers and display recognition through eye contact, vocalizations, or gestures, showing they can recognize and remember specific people.

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