☝️ TLDR: Keeping your gut health in pristine condition is hard. Due to various factors, just 12% of Americans actually have good metabolism.

Today we’re talking about metabolical health and how to make sure you are in tip-top shape. Let’s learn more with AHelp! 

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how to be metabolically healthy

Yep, it’s a fact! But what exactly does metabolic health mean, and why is it so important?

In simple terms, metabolic health refers to how well your body handles essential functions like maintaining blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure at ideal levels. Poor metabolic health is often linked to things like lack of physical activity, poor diet, stress, and insufficient sleep. All these factors can throw your metabolism off balance and lead to problems like heart disease and diabetes.

metabolic health

So, how to be metabolically healthy? It’s not rocket science (thankfully). It all starts with those classic “adulting” habits we’ve been hearing about forever—daily exercise, balanced meals, managing stress, and getting enough sleep. Yep, those things your parents nagged you about actually matter. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to overhaul your life overnight. Small tweaks can work wonders.

Maybe swap that second soda for water (don’t worry, your taste buds will survive), or sneak in a walk after dinner instead of crashing on the couch immediately. And if the idea of “managing stress” sounds like a joke when you’re juggling a million things, even tiny moments of mindfulness or relaxation can help. The goal isn’t to be perfect—it’s just about making steady, manageable changes that can boost your metabolic health over time. You’ll be surprised how quickly those little efforts add up.

poor metabolic health

📌 Fun Fact: To Have Good Metabolism You Need to Stay Hydrated, Sleep a Lot, and…Be a Man?

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions when it comes to metabolism and how you can influence it. Yeah, we know—it’s everyone’s favorite topic at parties. If you’re blaming your “slow metabolism” for that extra slice of cake or thinking that doing 10 squats will magically melt off yesterday’s pizza, the truth is a little more complicated (and less exciting).

how to improve metabolic health
🖇 Fact📑 Explanation
Metabolism slows with ageAfter the age of 30, your metabolism decreases by about 2-3% per decade. This is why it’s harder to maintain weight as you get older.
Muscle burns more calories than fatMuscle tissue is metabolically active, burning more calories than fat even when you’re resting. This is why strength training can help boost your metabolism.
Protein boosts metabolismEating protein can temporarily increase your metabolism by 15-30% due to the energy required to digest it, a process known as the thermic effect of food.
Sleep impacts metabolic healthLack of sleep can lower your metabolism and increase hunger hormones, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight.
Cold temperatures can increase metabolismExposure to cold activates brown fat, which burns calories to produce heat, giving your metabolism a temporary boost.
Water aids metabolismDrinking water can temporarily increase your metabolism by up to 30% for about an hour. Staying hydrated is key to maintaining a good metabolic rate.
Men typically have faster metabolisms than womenThis is mainly because men tend to have more muscle mass, which helps burn more calories at rest.
Frequent small meals don’t necessarily boost metabolismThe myth that eating smaller meals throughout the day speeds up your metabolism has been debunked—it’s total daily calorie intake that matters most.
Stress can slow metabolismChronic stress triggers the release of cortisol, which can lead to slower metabolism and an increased tendency to store fat.
Genetics play a role in metabolismSome people are genetically predisposed to have a faster or slower metabolism, making it easier or harder for them to maintain weight.

So, there are quite a lot of things that play a part in your metabolic health. The best universal advice for people, who want to improve it, is to generally live a healthy lifestyle, trying to find a solution that fits best for you. Since there is no magic pill to have top-notch metabolism you just have to push through and incorporate a healthy habit each week…or at least each month.


UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health


What does metabolic health mean?

Metabolic health refers to how well your body manages key functions like blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight. Being metabolically healthy means having all these factors within a normal, balanced range, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

How can you improve your metabolic health?

You can improve metabolic health by exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, managing stress, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep. Small lifestyle changes like cutting down on processed foods and increasing physical activity can make a big difference.

What are the 5 signs of metabolic health?

The five signs of good metabolic health include normal blood sugar levels, healthy cholesterol levels, balanced blood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight, and low levels of inflammation. These factors are essential for overall well-being and reducing health risks.

How can I check my metabolic health?

You can check your metabolic health through routine medical tests that measure blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, and body fat percentage. Regular checkups with your healthcare provider are the best way to monitor and maintain your metabolic health.

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