In MBA applications, some good-looking people might get an unfair advantage just because of their looks. This means they could be chosen over others who might be better suited for the program. The issue sparked a debate on Reddit, where people shared their stories and opinions on the matter. 

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Key Takeaways:

  • Pretty privilege is the societal advantage given to those perceived as conventionally attractive, based on the deep-rooted belief that “what is beautiful is good.” This bias can lead to preferential treatment in various areas, such as job opportunities and social situations.
  • While those with pretty privilege might find certain paths in life smoother, it comes with pressures to maintain their looks and the risk of their accomplishments being attributed to their appearance.
  • In the professional world, while initial appearances can offer advantages, it’s the deeper qualities such as reliability, creative problem-solving, and teamwork that prove more valuable in the long run.

One of the users on Reddit shared their thoughts about pretty privilege. Some of their family members have complained about the fact they don’t get desired positions and opportunities. But the question still stands: is pretty privilege much of a concern in today’s world?

What Is Pretty Privilege and How It Affects Your Life Without You Knowing

Pretty privilege refers to the societal advantages that people deemed conventionally attractive are often afforded simply because of their appearance. To put it simply, the definition in Urban Dictionary is straight to the point: “A person who has more opportunities, and becomes more successful in life because of how attractive they are”. This form of privilege operates on the deep-rooted psychological notion that “what is beautiful is good,” causing people to often relate positive traits such as intelligence, kindness, and competence to those they find physically attractive. That is precisely the reason some people with similar qualities may end up in different job positions based on their looks, as one of the Redditors pointed out.

“This is obvious… it’s also the reason why some people end up in client services vs back office. Ever notice how most people in recruiting and sales are overall pretty attractive or put together?”

These biases are largely influenced by cultural norms, media representations, and societal expectations regarding beauty standards. While attractiveness can be subjective, and influenced by varying cultural and personal preferences, a generalized standard of beauty often prevails in many societies. This privilege can manifest in various ways, from job opportunities and promotions to social interactions. The foundation of pretty privilege underscores the complex mix of aesthetics, societal values, and biases.

For some, pretty privilege leads to a smoother path in life, with doors opening more easily. They might receive better treatment in various settings—be it in the workplace, at social gatherings, or even during activities like shopping or dining out. Such individuals often benefit from the “halo effect,” a cognitive bias where the perception of one positive trait (in this case, attractiveness) leads to the assumption of other positive traits or abilities. However, not everybody is fooled by the looks.

“Here’s my perspective as a non-traditional international T-10. Some folks at MBA program are the wanna be cool kids that weren’t cool in undergrad and think that they can do it in the MBA, they try super hard and create an artificial “popular” kids circle.”

Pretty privilege, while seemingly beneficial for those it favors, can be harmful for both the recipients and those who don’t meet society’s beauty standards. For the “pretty” individuals, it often comes with a pressure-cooker expectation to maintain their looks, with their value, to some extent, deeply related to their appearance. They may constantly feel the need to uphold certain standards. Their accomplishments may be overshadowed, attributed more to their beauty than their capabilities. 

On the other side, those deemed “lesser than” based on conventional beauty metrics can face outright discrimination, be it in personal relationships, workplaces, or social settings. This not only impacts their self-esteem but can also limit opportunities, forcing a vicious cycle of feeling undervalued. 

Studies Relate Being Pretty to Success. But Is That All It Takes to Win? 

It’s clear that looking good can sometimes offer people advantages in life. Numerous social observations suggest that people who are perceived as more attractive often receive preferential treatment in a variety of contexts, from the classroom to the boardroom. For example, one study used a unique field experiment to determine whether attractive individuals had a higher callback rate for interviews. They found that attractive males received a significantly higher callback rate, but the results were mixed for females. Some Reddit users pointed out similar experiences.

“As far as “conventional attraction” is concerned, studies show being tall and pretty is an advantage throughout life, both in school, romance, and careers. But there’s little you can do to change those, so focus on what you can change.”

Moreover, first impressions, while not the be-all and end-all, hold significant weight in shaping our initial perceptions of someone. When we meet someone for the first time, our brains quickly gauge and form an image based on various factors, from their appearance to their demeanor.

“A person might be average looking otherwise but in a MBA the comparative attractiveness matters, matters in the way people choose you, to connect with/befriend you & what not. You could argue it’s not about the looks but the hard truth is no matter how funny/smart you are, your looks will give the first impression and that impression stays, unless you are an absolute dick. “

Of course, as relationships deepen and more interactions occur, those initial judgments can replaced by more comprehensive insights. But the time it takes to know a person better can stretch through months if not years. And if you’re in a position where you have to quickly make surface-level acquaintances, it can certainly pose a challenge.

Appearances vs. Experience in the Business World

In the business world, appearances often matter more than we’d like to admit. A polished presentation and professional demeanor can act as a shortcut to building trust among peers and higher-ups, especially in high-performance environments. Indeed, an attractive MBA student may find themselves at a unique point, enjoying the benefits of their “pretty privilege”. But this privilege only gets one so far. Once past the initial impressions, substance takes over style. No matter how impeccable one’s presentation, the real test lies in answering critical interview questions, demonstrating expertise, and executing detail-oriented tasks efficiently. One commenter shared their personal story about an attractive MBA student, whose facade faded after a brief interaction.

I briefly assisted with MBA recruiting at my firm in 2019. The recruiting season was underway already and I was meeting the candidates at an event for the first time. There was a very conspicuous Ken doll type in the group – 6′ 5″, fit, blue eyes you could see from a mile away, and a jawline that could kill. I was not surprised when my team told me that he was one of their top picks based on the networking events so far. I was also not surprised when interview day came around and his feedback was terrible. No offer.”

Yes, looks can catch attention, but what really matters are qualities like being able to self-reflect, handling emotions, and using your unique skills. Being attractive can be a bonus, but in the long run, attributes like reliability, creative problem-solving, and teamwork are pivotal. 

“Being just pretty doesn’t get you into any MBA program. Having a bit of self-awareness, emotional maturity, and leveraging your other stregnths ….along with being a reliable, creative problem solver and team player will likely set you miles agead of even the most attractive of classmates!”

So, while some people might get noticed first because of their appearance, those with a mix of these deeper qualities often do better in perspective, especially in business administration. Over time, these qualities prove their worth in various life situations, from professional challenges to personal relationships. For instance, in a competitive work environment, while an attractive individual might be given the first opportunity, it’s the one who can handle stress and consistently deliver results that rises to the top. Likewise, in personal relationships, the initial allure of good looks may draw people in, but it’s genuine ability to connect on a deeper level that sustains meaningful relations. It should be clear, that while appearance can open doors, it’s character and competence that determine how far one truly goes.

Tips to Consider During Traditional MBA Application Process

When applying for an MBA program, there are several general rules to keep in mind to ensure a successful application process. First and foremost, it’s essential to research and understand the specific requirements of the institution you’re applying to, as these can vary widely. A compelling personal statement or essay that highlights your career objectives, achievements, and reasons for pursuing an MBA is crucial. Solid academic records, professional experience, and strong GMAT or GRE scores often hold significant weight. 

Letters of recommendation should be carefully chosen, preferably from individuals who are familiar with your academic and professional accomplishments. Additionally, ensure you showcase qualities like leadership, teamwork, and other soft skills that MBA programs often prioritize. Lastly, attention to detail is paramount: meticulously proofread your application for errors, adhere to word limits, and meet all deadlines. An MBA application is not just a showcase of your qualifications, but a reflection of your dedication, seriousness, and fit for the program.

Consider researching the necessary documents for your application in advance. Many universities have related checklists on their website, such as the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Their highlights of the admissions process may vary from the general points, as well as other schools. So, be very careful and prepare everything beforehand in order to stand out as organized and reliable (which is always a plus in MBA).

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