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By Bhalachandra Sahaj

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drawing of ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare is known as a theater genius and a mysterious character. Whether he wrote all the plays he did or there were multiple writers using his name, his influence is unquestioned in drama and literature in general.

Another remarkable thing about Shakey’ boy is that he invented or at least used certain words for the first time in print. Some of these words are so commonly used today, that it seems crazy to think that Shakespeare used them first. But, as per historical record, the following words were first used by Shakespeare.

  1. Eyeball.

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene II.

  2. Puking.

    As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII.

  3. Obscene.

    Love’s Labours Lost, Act I, Scene I.

  4. Cold-blooded.

    King John, Act III, Scene I.

  5. Hot-blooded.

    King Lear, Act II, Scene IV.

  6. Epileptic.

    King Lear, Act II, Scene II.

  7. Addiction.

    Othello, Act II, Scene II.

  8. Arch-villain.

    Timon Of Athens, Act V, Scene I.

  9. Assassination.

    Macbeth, Act I, Scene VII.

  10. Bedazzled.

    The Taming of the Shrew, Act IV, Scene V.

  11. taming of the shrew

  12. Belongings.

    Measure For Measure, Act 1, Scene I.

  13. Dishearten.

    Henry V, Act IV, Scene I.

  14. Eventful.

    As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII.

  15. Fashionable.

    Troilus And Cressida, Act III, Scene III.

  16. Inaudible.

    All’s Well That Ends Well, Act V, Scene III.

  17. Ladybird.

    Romeo And Juliet, Act 1, Scene III.

  18. Manager.

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act V, Scene I.

  19. New-fangled.

    Love’s Labour’s Lost, Act I, Scene II.

  20. Pageantry.

    Pericles, Act V, Scene II.

  21. Scuffle.

    Antony and Cleopatra, Act I, Scene I.

  22. Swagger.

    Henry V, Act II, Scene IV.

  23. Uncomfortable.

    Romeo and Juliet, Act IV, Scene V.

  24. Bloodstained.

    Titus Andronicus, Act II, Scene III.

  25. Laughable.

    The Merchant Of Venice, Act I, Scene I.

  26. Negotiate.

    Much Ado About Nothing, Act II, Scene I.

  27. Outbreak.

    Hamlet, Act II, Scene I.

  28. Rant.

    Hamlet, Act V, Scene I.

  29. Marketable.

    As You Like It, Act I, Scene II.

  30. Savagery.

    King John, Act IV, Scene III.

  31. Jaded.

    King Henry VI, Part II, Act IV, Scene I.

  32. cover of shakespeare play

  33. Zany.

    Love’s Labour’s Lost, Act V, Scene II.

  34. Dawn.

    Henry V, Act IV prologue.

  35. Grovel.

    Henry IV, Part II, Act I, Scene IV.

  36. Moonbeam.

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene I.

  37. 35. Torture.

    King Henry VI, Part II, Act II, Scene I.

  38. Lonely.

    Coriolanus, Act Iv, Scene I.

  39. Gnarled.

    Measure For Measure, Act II, Scene II.

  40. Mimic.

    A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene II.

  41. Pedant.

    The Taming Of The Shrew, Act III, Scene iI.

  42. Unreal.

    Macbeth, Act III, Scene IV.

macbeth cover

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