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By Johannes Helmold

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Hi everyone!

quotes about bloggingAs a writer, you have probably at least once in your lifetime done the blogging thing. It does not matter whether you did it as a freelancer, or as a hired specialist—it always happens the same: one day you discover you don’t know what to write. You are like, “Okay, I already wrote this and that—what should I write about today?” In this case, read further, because I am going to supply you with blogging ideas that will serve you as an endless source of topics to write about.

1. Keep up with the news

Seriously, this is a idea-supplying base that never depletes. I refer to news whenever I feel I am stuck; in this case, I browse recent headlines and choose something that I feel would intrigue my readers. In my case, it’s culture, like museums or concerts; you should know the audience you are writing for as well. After choosing a headline, I don’t retell the news article I’ve chosen, but rather express my opinion of it, or rant about it, or criticize, or write enthusiastic comments, and so on.

2. Interview interesting people

The best thing is if you can interview a person yourself. If you cannot reach a celebrity or a well-known person, you can interview your best friend, or your mom, or a school teacher. In my opinion, what makes the genre of interviews so appealing to readers is the clash of ideas, the vibrant and live dialogue, when an interviewer sets traps of provocative questions, and the interviewee extricates and counter-attacks. However, it is crucial how you introduce the interview. The headline “An interview with my mom” won’t work—you will need to compose something that draws attention. “I raised a future Google CEO—mom says” is more intriguing.

3. Answer your readers’ questions

I bet you’ve received at least one comment under one of your blog posts. Some of these comments might contain questions like, “What the hell did I just read?” or “How can I write like you?” Do not hesitate to answer the questions your readers ask you. Review your weekly blog posts, pick the most interesting questions (those you can answer with humor, for example, or those answers that would help your readers somehow), and cite them in your, for example, Friday’s blog post. Depending on how extensive your answers will be, from three to five questions is usually enough.

4. ‘How to’ blog posts

This is King Solomon’s mines for a blogger. Since you are supposedly a more skilled writer than your readers (otherwise it would be you reading their blogs, not them reading yours), you can share a vast amount of “How to write…” or “How I did…” posts with them. Your readers will appreciate if you explain in a detailed, step-by-step way how to write articles, how to do freelancing, how to start a blog, and how to accomplish specific tasks like writing a poem or an academic paper, and so on.

5. Keep an eye on hot topics

There is always something going on in the media. Music, cinema, sports, wars, video games, celebrities, etc…. all of them are newsmakers, producing tons of content every day. In these Augean stables, there is always something that becomes trendy or ‘hot’: Dolce & Gabbana fashion week, Radiohead’s unexpected album, the war in Ukraine, Obama’s healthcare program, and so on. Make sure to keep track of such events and newsbreaks and highlight them in your blog posts.

These are just some of the blogging ideas that can help you stay afloat and keep your blog interesting for a long time. Stay updated for more!

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