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By Bhalachandra Sahaj

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Hi everyone!

I bet you have at least once wished studying was more fun and less hard work than memorizing, researching, reading through loads of complicated writing, and passing tests. However, do not forget that you live in the 21st century, which means there are not only traditional, but also newer and more fun ways of studying (as well as doing anything else).

Watching YouTube videos is one of such methods. Apart from cats, TV comedies, and the Harlem Shake, YouTube is full of usefulness, such as educational channels with learning tips, lectures (on any subject you can think of), how-tos, and so on. Unlike in college, YouTube lectures are more interesting, and for some reason easier to understand—maybe because the material you listen to is supported with visual images.

So, especially for you, I’ve gathered 10 educational YouTube channels worth your attention.

1. SciShow.

If you like science as much as I do, or if you are a student of this respective major, this channel will be invaluable for you. Scientific discoveries, the latest concepts, discussions between scientists—all this and much more fun awaits you.

2. Sixty Symbols.

This channel is dedicated specifically to physics and astronomy. Fun and informative.

3. BoredShortsTV.

Not really educational, this channel is a great collection of videos about lots of aspects of modern life, highlighted in a way perfectly suitable for kids.

4. Periodic Videos.

As the title suggests, this channel is regularly updated with videos dedicated to chemistry. Even though chemistry and I are located at the opposite corners of the Universe, I could still understand something when watching videos here. I guess it is a good sign, and for all the enthusiasts of chemistry, this channel will be fun to watch.

5. Omegalab.

Forget about Myth Busters, Omegalab does some ultra dangerous experiments. Lasers, x-rays, aliens, whew!

6. ForaTV.

If you are passionate about politics and economic issues, ForaTV is exactly the channel you need. The channel is “the leading online destination for intelligent video programs on the people, issues, and ideas changing the world.” So, don’t miss your chance to subscribe to greatness.

7. Speak English with Misterduncan.

Hey, any ESL students out there? This is a channel you should watch every day! The guy running this channel is a teacher of ESL people like you, so he knows what you need.
Bonus: videos have subtitles, so you will understand everything.

8. TEDTalks.

Do I really need to propagate about TED?

9. Vsauce.

One of my favorite channels on YouTube. Check it out for yourself.

10. Discovery Channel.

Well, what can I say? One of the most famous channels in the history of television, and if you haven’t seen it, or are not subscribed to it, you are weird.

I hope these YouTube channels will help you to study. Enjoy!

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