FavTutor Review:
based onreal mystery shopping

A*Help Score: 77.5/100
🔥 published March 15, 2023 - updated January 20, 2025

Quick Overview

FavTutor’s experts do their job well and can prove it by providing photo or video evidence. However, steep prices and a lack of discounts work against this service.

One of the places where you can get competent help with coding assignment is FavTutor – the platform that offers expert assistance in Computer science education. The service provides all benefits of personal mentoring that can improve your academic standing and bring you a step closer to your CS degree. We opted to verify whether they could deliver on their commitment to providing superior coding aid, and the results of our experiment are here in this review. See How We Test Programming Homework Help Websites for more details about our testing approach.

The Good
  • High quality of completed assignments
  • Helpful and responsive customer service
  • Video evidence of the functioning task
The Bad
  • Above-average pricing
  • No opportunities for price reduction
  • Limited selection of available programming languages
TOP services Task score AHelp score 🔥 Updated June 2023
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100% 92/100 Visit Website
Service icon
100% 89/100 Visit website
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Coding Homework Help
95% 89.5/100 Visit website
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95% 89.5/100 Visit website
Service icon
95% 77.5/100 Visit website
An infographic with a short FavTutor review describing the ways it was tested and how it received an A*Help Score: 77.5/100


The bottom line

Difficulties are inevitable in any endeavor, especially in a specialized field like programming. Obstacles on the way should not deter us or alter our plans. Instead, they should strengthen and better prepare us for future career challenges. Favtutor demonstrates its capacity to be a trustworthy partner and mentor for individuals struggling to grasp various computer science concepts. While the company still has areas for improvement, our experience confirms that the service meets its commitments and is a dependable assistant. Who knows, maybe this “tutor” will become your “FAVorite” one?


FavTutor Reviews

We perform a thorough and accurate evaluation of every company. This involves examining reliable data obtained through conducting secret shopping activities with FavTutor and gathering further comments and reviews from customers posted on multiple platforms like Reddit, Sitejabber, Reviews.io, and Trustpilot. All this combined serves as a credible source of information about FavTutor.

Is FavTutor a Scam?

FavTutor has effectively finished a Python programming task of moderate difficulty level within the given timeframe and as per our directions. The service fulfilled all its commitments and didn’t involve us in any activities beyond the scope of the website’s terms and conditions. Therefore, there is no evidence of any deceitful behavior on the part of this service provider. FavTutor is not a scam.

Is FavTutor Legit?

The A*Help team exclusively assesses and collaborates with genuine service providers, thereby affirming that FavTutor is a reputable, dependable, and totally legit organization.

Is FavTutor Safe?

Our interactions with the company verify the security of its services and the procedures it employs to manage financial transactions for its customers. The website’s privacy policies are accessible to all users and are distinctly specified in the relevant section of the website.

Is FavTutor Trustworthy?

The comprehensive evaluation represented in this review clearly states that customers can rely on FavTutor as a dedicated and customer-centric online platform. The company prioritizes providing quality professional services.

Is FavTutor a Good Service?

The A*Help score is a measure of a service provider’s professionalism. It is determined by assessing cost-effectiveness, user experience, and assignment quality. FavTutor has obtained a rating of 77.5/100, indicating that it is a decent choice for individuals who require professional help with codding assignments.

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