Exploring the roots of a polynomial is an essential skill in mathematics, crucial for students, educators, and professionals alike. This guide demystifies the process with straightforward explanations and practical examples, making it accessible to all.

In mathematics, the roots of a polynomial are the values at which the polynomial equals zero. Understanding these roots is not just a theoretical exercise; it has practical applications in fields ranging from engineering to economics. A polynomial in variable ‘x’ has roots that can be substituted for ‘x’ to make the polynomial zero. These roots, also known as zeros of the polynomial, are either real or complex. This article will walk you through the process of finding polynomial roots, using the MATLAB programming environment as a practical tool.

Understanding Polynomial Roots

Polynomial roots are the solutions to the equation where the polynomial equals zero. These roots can be real, intersecting the x-axis of a graph, or complex, where the polynomial does not intersect the x-axis. Determining these roots is crucial for understanding the behavior of the polynomial.

Methodology for Finding Polynomial Roots

The process of finding the roots of a polynomial involves several steps. Initially, one identifies the polynomial, determines its degree, and notes its coefficients. The next step is solving the equation where the polynomial equals zero. For polynomials of lower degree, algebraic methods like factoring, applying the quadratic formula, or synthetic division are used. However, for higher-degree polynomials, numerical methods such as the Newton-Raphson method are often employed.

MATLAB, a high-level programming language, offers a simple yet powerful function, ‘roots’, to calculate polynomial roots. This function requires the polynomial to be defined as a column vector of its coefficients. For a polynomial of degree ‘p’, the vector contains ‘p+1’ coefficients.

Practical Examples in MATLAB

Let’s explore how to find polynomial roots using MATLAB through various examples:

Example #1: Quadratic Polynomial

Poly = [1 -1 -6]; % Define the polynomial coefficients
R = roots(Poly); % Calculate the roots

The expected mathematical roots of this polynomial are 3 and -2. The MATLAB output confirms these roots.

Example #2: Cubic Polynomial

Poly = [1 -5 2 8]; % Define the polynomial coefficients
R = roots(Poly); % Calculate the roots

This yields the roots 4, 2, and -1, aligning with the mathematical solutions.

Example #3: Polynomial with Non-Real Roots

Poly = [1 0 0 2 1 -2]; % Define the polynomial coefficients
R = roots(Poly); % Calculate the roots

The output reveals complex roots, indicating the polynomial has no real roots.

Example #4: Quadratic Polynomial with Complex Roots

Poly = [1 0 1]; % Define the polynomial coefficients
R = roots(Poly); % Calculate the roots

This polynomial has no real roots, and the MATLAB output confirms this with complex roots.

Example #5: Cubic Polynomial with Real Roots

Poly = [1 -3 -4 12]; % Define the polynomial coefficients
R = roots(Poly); % Calculate the roots

The roots, as shown by MATLAB, are -2, 3, and 2, consistent with the mathematical calculations.


Finding the roots of a polynomial is a fundamental aspect of mathematics with widespread applications. MATLAB’s ‘roots’ function simplifies this process, accurately computing both real and complex roots.


Roots in mathematics are the values for which a polynomial equates to zero. In other words, they are the values that can be substituted in place of ‘x’ to make the polynomial equal to zero. Roots are also known as zeros of the polynomial. If a polynomial has real roots, these values are also the x-intercepts of the polynomial.

How can I find the roots of a polynomial in MATLAB?

You can find the roots of a polynomial in MATLAB by using the ‘roots’ function. This function takes the input polynomial as a column vector, where the vector contains coefficients of the polynomial. For a polynomial of degree ‘p’, the column vector should contain ‘p+1’ coefficients.

What happens when a polynomial has non-real roots?

When a polynomial has non-real roots, it means that the roots are complex numbers. In MATLAB, the ‘roots’ function can still find these complex roots. For example, if you have a polynomial like x^2 + 1, it will have complex roots, and MATLAB can find them.

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