Verbling vs Preply: Which one is better?

published September 20, 2023 - updated March 1, 2024

The main difference between Preply and Verbling is that Verbling offers a more convenient lesson purchasing process. Moreover, Verbling gives users lessons and materials all in one spot, but Preply is more about linking students to tutors. Both sites help with language learning but in their own unique ways.

In today’s fast-paced world, learning a new language presents a unique set of challenges that go beyond mastering grammar and vocabulary. The overwhelming amount of resources available can lead to decision paralysis. From apps and online courses to traditional classes and textbooks, the sheer number of choices can make it difficult to pinpoint the most effective method for individual learning styles. Many students are hesitant to choose between platforms, so that’s why A*Help is here – to ease the process and give you some information to rely on when picking out the best language learning website. Amidst the various considerations when selecting a platform, potential users often find themselves questioning, “is Verbling reliable?” or “is Preply safe?” This review will address all of these questions and many others.

TOP services Our verdict AHelp Score 🔥 Updated January 2024
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Best platform
91.8/100 Visit website
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Best professional tutors 78.25/100 Visit website
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Best lesson categories 75/100 Visit website

Quick Overview

Preply and Verbling are two of the standout stars in the world of online language tutoring. While both aim to bridge the gap between eager learners and proficient tutors, their methods and offerings differ in notable ways. For example, Preply offers a broader range of subjects beyond just languages, allowing students to find tutors in areas like math, science, and art. This versatility makes it an all-in-one hub for various learning needs. On the other hand, Verbling focuses exclusively on language learning, ensuring a specialized experience. Their platform boasts an integrated system where lessons, video chats, and resources are all connected, providing a cohesive learning journey. Both platforms, with their distinct features, cater to different learner preferences.

Liked about Preply
  • Wide choice of tutors
  • Helpful customer support
  • Structured community section
Liked about Verbling
  • Variety of discounts
  • Free trial lessons available
  • Intuitive website

Comparing Value for Money: Preply vs Verbling

Value For Money19/2519/25
Lesson specification2/22/2
Types of classes8/106/10
Special offers3/55/5
A screenshot of a tutor browsing at
Tutor browsing at Preply (click to see a large image)
A screenshot of a tutor browsing at
Tutor browsing at Verbling (click to see a large image)

Comparing Overall Experience: Preply vs Verbling

Overall Experience24/2523/25
Accessibility & Use4/55/5
Lesson Time4/44/4
Tutor Browsing6/66/6
A screenshot of a dashboard at Preply
Dashboard at Preply (click to see a large image)
A screenshot of a dashboard at Verbling
Dashboard at Verbling (click to see a large image)


The Winner

So, which service is better? For more diverse learning needs, Preply is the go-to choice. The site offers a wider range of tutors and subjects, including areas beyond languages, whereas Verbling focuses solely on language learning with a more consistent teaching quality due to stricter tutor requirements. Verbling’s platform is more integrated, combining lessons, chat, and resources, while Preply emphasizes connecting students to tutors. Your preference between the two will depend on your specific needs, budget, and desired learning level.

Why is a credible source of information:

Stay curious with us. has been a reliable educational resource since 2011, providing students with the latest news, assignment samples, and other valuable materials. Even with the extensive information we process, our quality remains consistent. Each team member has experience in education, allowing us to evaluate new sector offerings critically. Our reviews are up-to-date and relevant, with impartiality ensured by the A*Help score methodology from mystery shopping. We aren’t affiliated with any listed service providers. Our focus remains on providing our audience with reliable and unbiased data.

Main Specs

> Types of classes  
Single lessons
Group lessons
Bulk classes
Speaking clubs
Corporate classes
> Price  
Can choose the price per lesson
Pay in installments/per class
Price per lesson (e.g. 30/45/60 minute lesson)
Subscription plans
> Special offers  
Free lesson/trial
Community for learners (articles, podcasts, tests)
Referral program
> Registration  
Need a phone number to register
Need an email to register
Uses third-party registration methods (Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft account)
> Accessibility&Use  
Built-in classroom
Third-party video call tools
Easy to navigate
> Lesson time  
general time of the day (time period)
specific time
any time
time zone
class duration50 minutes60 minutes
re-scheduling of classes
late cancelation
> Tutor browsing  
Origin (country)
both Natives and Non-natives

both Natives and Non-natives
Additional languages (if the teacher speaks more than 1 language)
Skill level/teacher type
Certificates/ Credentials
Change of a tutor
Course switch
> Payments  
Google pay
Apple pay
American Express


What is better than Preply?

Whether one platform is “better” than Preply largely depends on individual preferences and specific learning needs. If you are looking to better your casual language practice, you might consider Cambly or Verbal Planet. Similar to Preply in many ways, iTalki also offers a vast selection of teachers across many different languages.

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