In the heart of Japan, the days of the week are more than a mere measure of time; they are an intricate blend of history, astronomy, and mythology, woven into the fabric of everyday life. Each day is a silent ode to celestial bodies and mythic tales, reflecting the country’s rich cultural heritage and its harmonious relationship with nature and the cosmos. Let us embark on a fascinating journey through the Japanese calendar week, where each day’s name holds its own unique story and significance.

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The Celestial Rhythm of a Week

The traditional Japanese names for the days of the week are deeply rooted in ancient astrology and the classical elements of Eastern philosophy. They were adopted from the Chinese seven-day system, which was itself influenced by the Hellenistic planetary system, around the beginning of the 10th century during the Heian period. The days are named after the five elements, which correspond to five planets, plus the sun and the moon, each associated with a particular god from Buddhist mythology.

Japanese Day of the WeekKanjiEnglish Equivalent

Nichiyōbi: The Day of the Sun

Starting the week, ‘Nichiyōbi’ (日曜日), Sunday, is governed by the sun or ‘Taiyō’ (太陽). In Japan, the sun is not merely the bringer of dawn but also holds a divine status, symbolizing Amaterasu Omikami, the Shinto goddess of the sun and the universe. The day is often considered auspicious, a time for new beginnings and celebrations, much like the sun’s role in heralding the start of a new day.

Nichiyōbi (日曜日): 日曜日には、家族で近くの公園にピクニックに行くのが恒例です。On Sunday, it is our family’s tradition to go for a picnic in the nearby park.

Getsuyōbi: Embracing the Moon’s Mystique

Monday, known as ‘Getsuyōbi’ (月曜日), pays homage to the moon or ‘Tsuki’ (月). In the tapestry of the week, Monday is the reflection of Sunday’s vibrancy, a day to gather the threads of rest and tranquility. The moon’s phases have long been a guide for farmers and sailors alike, dictating the rhythm of rural life and navigation.

Getsuyōbi (月曜日): 月曜日の朝はいつも忙しく、週の始まりにたくさんのメールをチェックしなければなりません。Monday mornings are always busy, having to check numerous emails at the start of the week.

Kayōbi: The Fiery Mars

With the arrival of ‘Kayōbi’ (火曜日), Tuesday, we are met with the fiery planet Mars or ‘Kasei’ (火星), symbolizing fire and war. The day is said to inherit the planet’s energetic and combative spirit, a day for action and vigor, making it a favored time for tackling challenges.

Kayōbi (火曜日): 火曜日には、ジムでのトレーニングが私のスケジュールに入っています。On Tuesday, I have my training scheduled at the gym.

Suiyōbi: Mercury’s Fluid Wisdom

Midweek brings ‘Suiyōbi’ (水曜日), Wednesday, linked to the planet Mercury or ‘Suisei’ (水星), representing water and wisdom. It is a day steeped in the fluidity of communication and exchange, mirroring Mercury’s role as the messenger among the gods. This day is often seen as the ideal time for business dealings and academic pursuits.

Suiyōbi (水曜日): 水曜日は半ばで、仕事の進捗を確認する良い日です。Wednesday is the middle of the week and a good day to check on work progress.

Mokuyōbi: Jupiter’s Bountiful Harvest

As we reach ‘Mokuyōbi’ (木曜日), Thursday, we celebrate the influence of Jupiter or ‘Mokusei’ (木星), connected to wood and growth. This day resonates with expansion and prosperity, echoing Jupiter’s majestic size and its mythological status as the god of the sky and thunder.

Mokuyōbi (木曜日): 木曜日の夜には、友達とよく居酒屋で飲みに行きます。On Thursday nights, I often go out drinking at an izakaya with friends.

Kinyōbi: Venus and the Gleam of Metal

The week’s penultimate day, ‘Kinyōbi’ (金曜日), Friday, is ascribed to Venus or ‘Kinsei’ (金星), representing metal and brilliance. Associated with love and beauty, the day carries the allure of Venus, inviting social gatherings and the appreciation of arts and culture.

Kinyōbi (金曜日): 金曜日は一週間の終わりで、みんなで食事をしながらリラックスするのが待ち遠しいです。Friday marks the end of the week, and I look forward to relaxing over a meal with everyone.

Doyōbi: Saturn’s Timeless Wisdom

Concluding the week, ‘Doyōbi’ (土曜日), Saturday, is linked to Saturn or ‘Dosei’ (土星), symbolizing earth and agriculture. This day is often used for reflection and completion, a time to cultivate the seeds of wisdom planted throughout the week.

Doyōbi (土曜日): 土曜日には、趣味の陶芸教室に参加することにしています。On Saturday, I make it a point to attend my pottery class, which is a hobby of mine.

The Beauty of Japanese Days of the Week

The naming of the days in Japan is more than a nomenclature; it is a testament to how astronomy, nature, and spirituality are intricately interlaced within Japanese culture. The days of the week serve as a reminder of the universal order and the celestial bodies that have guided humanity through time. Each day, named after a different heavenly body, carries its own energy and significance, influencing the daily lives and practices of the Japanese people.

The choreography of the Japanese days of the week is a captivating blend of the tangible and the mystical. It’s a unique perspective on time that intertwines the celestial with the routine, and in doing so, it narrates the story of a culture that has long sought harmony between the heavens and the earth. As each day passes, the Japanese people are not just moving through a schedule; they are walking alongside the stars.


How do I pronounce Japanese days of the week?

To pronounce the Japanese days of the week, you will need to be familiar with Japanese phonetics, where syllables are typically short and crisp. Here’s a phonetic breakdown:

  • Nichiyōbi (Sunday): nee-chee-yoh-bee (日曜日)
  • Getsuyōbi (Monday): get-soo-yoh-bee (月曜日)
  • Kayōbi (Tuesday): kah-yoh-bee (火曜日)
  • Suiyōbi (Wednesday): swee-yoh-bee (水曜日)
  • Mokuyōbi (Thursday): moh-ku-yoh-bee (木曜日)
  • Kinyōbi (Friday): kee-nyoh-bee (金曜日)
  • Doyōbi (Saturday): doh-yoh-bee (土曜日) Remember that the “r” sound in Japanese is lightly rolled, almost between an English “r” and “l” sound.

What is the historical origin of Japanese days of the week?

The Japanese days of the week have their origins in ancient Chinese astrology and Buddhism, which themselves were influenced by the planetary days of the week used in Hellenistic astrology. Each day is associated with a celestial body and an elemental force. The system was transmitted to Japan around the 9th century. For instance, Sunday (Nichiyōbi) corresponds with the sun, Monday (Getsuyōbi) with the moon, and so forth, integrating the natural, astrological, and mythological elements into the fabric of timekeeping.

How can I remember the Japanese days of the week easily?

To remember the Japanese days of the week, you can associate each day with its corresponding celestial body and element:

  • Sun (Nichiyōbi) – Imagine a bright sun on Sunday.
  • Moon (Getsuyōbi) – Picture the moon for Monday.
  • Fire (Kayōbi) – Think of the fiery Mars for Tuesday.
  • Water (Suiyōbi) – Visualize Mercury and water for Wednesday.
  • Wood (Mokuyōbi) – Remember the wooden nature of Jupiter for Thursday.
  • Metal (Kinyōbi) – Consider the metallic nature of Venus for Friday.
  • Earth (Doyōbi) – Associate Saturn with the soil of Earth for Saturday. Using imagery linked to each element can create a vivid mnemonic that makes the days easier to recall.

Are there any differences between Japanese and English days of the week?

The main difference between Japanese and English days of the week is the underlying cultural context and language structure. In English, the days are mostly named after Norse gods (like Thursday from Thor’s day) and celestial bodies (like Sunday for the sun and Monday for the moon). In Japanese, the days are named directly after celestial bodies (日 for Sun, 月 for Moon) and associated with the five elements of ancient Eastern philosophy. Also, Japanese days end with “yōbi” (曜日), meaning “weekday,” which is not the case in English.

Is there a mnemonic to memorize Japanese days of the week?

A mnemonic to remember the Japanese days of the week is to use the phrase “Sun, Moon, Fire, Water, Wood, Gold, Earth” and pair them with the days:

  • Sun – NIchiyōbi (Sunday)
  • Moon – GEtsuyōbi (Monday)
  • Fire – KAyōbi (Tuesday)
  • Water – SUiyōbi (Wednesday)
  • Wood – MOkuyōbi (Thursday)
  • Gold (Metal) – KINyōbi (Friday)
  • Earth – DOyōbi (Saturday) By remembering this sequence and the first syllable of the Japanese days, you can recall each day effectively. The order follows the planetary associations, starting with the luminaries and then through the visible planets as per ancient astrology.
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