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How to Fall Asleep Fast Falling asleep quickly is an issue for many people worldwide. Sometimes it takes people 30 minutes to one hour to finally drift off to sleep. That is a serious issue that needs addressing. Not only is it frustrating, it wastes time. In order to confront this problem, this essay will discuss the many ways one can fall asleep fast. Here are some of the ways to go about it: lowering the temperature of your home, breathing deeply, getting on a schedule, experiencing bright light in the day and darkness at night, practicing meditation, avoiding naps, listening to calm music before sleep, and more. Though these are not all the ways to fall asleep fast, they are some of the most simple and useful.

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Let us first talk about temperature, as our body temperature changes when we fall asleep. If you feel too warm, it can be difficult to sleep. A recommendation according to Healthline: “Taking a warm bath or shower could also help speed up the body’s temperature changes. As your body cools down afterwards, this can help send a signal to your brain to go to sleep” (“20 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep as Fast as Possible”). You can also set your thermostat to a different temperature, or find the right amount of blankets/clothing that is ideal for sleep.

Deep breathing can aid in sleeping quickly as well. According to the HuffPost, there is a special breathing technique that allows us to calm the nervous system: “1. Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth, and keep it there through the entire exercise. 2. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound. 3. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four. 4. Hold your breath for a count of seven. 5. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight. 6. Repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths” (Schwartz, Sara). This technique is called the “4-7-8” method, and is purported to allow people to sleep in under a minute.

Also, a simple trick is getting on a schedule. As stated by Healthline, “Waking up and going to bed at the same times each day can help your internal clock keep a regular schedule. Once your body adjusts to this schedule, it will be easier to fall asleep and wake up around the same time every day” (“20 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep as Fast as Possible”). So, setting your alarm clock at the same time each day and going to bed at relatively the same time daily will aid you in going to sleep at a faster rate.

Light can be another factor. According to HuffPost, “When it comes to sleep, the less blue light you expose yourself to in the hours before bedtime, the better” (Schwartz, Sara). This means you should not expose yourself to the light of your phone or computer 30 minutes before going to sleep if you want to drift off quick. Dimming lights before you want to sleep is another good idea.

One factor that is more esoteric is using meditation to sleep better. Stated by Healthline, “Meditation can enhance melatonin levels and assist the brain in achieving a specific state where sleep is easily achieved” (“20 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep as Fast as Possible”). Meditation often involves quieting the mind, which can aid in falling asleep faster.

Another tip is to not to take naps during the day. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “Avoid naps, especially in the afternoon. A power nap may help you get through the day, but if you find that you can’t fall asleep at bedtime, eliminating even short catnaps may help” (“Sleep Tips for Insomnia Sufferers”). Avoiding naps is one of the main ways to get out of insomnia.

Lastly, listening to calm music before you go to sleep can settle your nerves and thoughts. It is recommended to listen to this type of music 45-30 minutes before being in bed for sleep for maximum effect (“20 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep as Fast as Possible”).

Falling asleep fast is not that difficult if we listen to the advice stated in this essay. The main ways to settle into sleep quickly is lowering the temperature of your room, taking deep breaths, staying on a schedule, experiencing bright light in the day and darkness in the evening, doing meditation, not napping, putting on calm music before sleep, and more.

Works Cited

“20 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep as Fast as Possible.” Healthline, Healthline Media,

Schwartz, Sara. “15 Science-Backed Ways To Fall Asleep Faster.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 29 Sept. 2016,

“Sleep Tips for Insomnia Sufferers.” National Sleep Foundation,

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