School can be a drab place. For those who are not interested in one’s own education, school can be bleak. However, if you are active in extracurricular activities at your school, you can enjoy your education much more. Why is this? Joining in on extracurricular activities have been shown to improve academic performance, give the opportunity to learn a variety of skills, provide a sense of commitment, and create a wider circle of friends.
According to The Educator, “Studies have shown that students who participate in co-curricular activities have a marked improvement in the grades. This can be attributed to skills they learn such as better time management to accommodate their hobbies and class activities, better organizational skills and a boost in their self-esteem. Skills learnt in clubs such as debate can be applied in the classroom too, as the students learn how to express themselves better” (Jackson and Jackson, 2018). Though it may seem out of place to say such activities as being part of the Harry Potter Club, or something similar, would benefit one’s grades, it is scientifically proven to do so.
Extracurricular activities have been linked to the gaining of various skills. The Mountain Heights Academy expresses this finding: “These activities can also work to build professional skills that a classroom alone cannot always foster. A leadership-oriented club, for example, will help students to learn essential skills in management and delegation, while a debate or speech club will provide additional public speaking practice for students. In short, extracurricular activities can arm students with many of the skills future employers will be looking for” (, 2018). So, these activities can be seen as a necessary side education that fills in the gaps of our primary education.
Commitment is difficult to inculcate in the youth, but extracurricular activities seem to foster it. According to The Educator, “Students who participate in co-curricular activities have a sense of commitment to whatever they are involved in. This is because as they take part in whatever sports or club activity they are a member of, they have to commit to it and give their all, and this commitment extends to all other areas of their lives” (Jackson and Jackson, 2018). Students can be taught about commitment, but learning it firsthand through extracurricular activities is the best method of teaching commitment.
Schools can be lonely places, and extracurricular activities provide a venue for more social interaction. The Mountain Heights Academy agrees with this notion: “Extracurriculars are not solely about imparting stronger professional skills and supplementing education. These programs are also fun and offer students the opportunity to spend time with others of similar interests. Students can meet friends from different social groups by joining a sports team, student government or debate” (, 2018). It may seem out of place, but by making more friends through extracurricular activities, students can improve their overall academic experience.
Extracurricular activities are not only for enjoyment. They contribute significantly to the improvement of grades, to learning various skills, to garnering a sense of commitment, and to increasing one’s social circle. All of this makes one’s academic experience fulfilling and enriching.
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Jackson, N. and Jackson, N. (2018). The role of extracurricular activities in a student’s development – The Educator Blog. [online] The Educator Blog. Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018]. (2018). Why Extracurricular Activities Are So Important | Mountain Heights. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018].
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