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Can absolute truth exist? First, let us look at a Wikipedia (a place for consensus) definition of it for all those that want it defined: “Absolute truth is something that is true at all times and in all places. It is something that is always true no matter what the circumstances. It is a fact that cannot be changed” (Wikipedia). The modern world, in the majority, believes in relativism, but there are some reasons why we should consider absolute truth as a viable proposition.

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There are constants in the Universe we live in. Gravity, for instance, affects us all the time on Earth no matter if we believe in it or not (Backman, John). Even if one does not know the word “gravity” and its properties, it is acting with or without our knowledge of it. Say a person who has never came in contact with the modern world and lived in the jungles of the Amazon for his or her entire life, gravity would still affect him or her with or without knowing the science behind it or its nomenclature. And also, even if scientists do not completely understand gravity (though to a great extent they do), it is constantly barraging us and all that exists on Earth.

Another absolute that we can agree on is that the reality each of us is perceiving is happening. Even if you believe individual reality is an illusion, or a computer program, or anything else, you are perceiving a form of existence. You are reading this paper right now on an electronic device, or having it read out loud to you. There has never been a case where a baby was born without all five senses. This means all living creatures sense the world around them in some way. Also, there has never been a recorded living being that lost all of its senses. This means that no matter what, we are perceiving existence.

Another way to look at absolute truth is through semantics. When people claim that “absolute truth does not exist,” either this statement has to be absolutely true or not. Also, if someone claims “we cannot know anything for certain,” it is only in regard to “our” knowledge, and we cannot be certain that other beings more advanced than us can know absolute truth. Lastly, if someone claims that “all truth is empirically or scientifically testable,” it is intriguing that this statement itself cannot be empirically or scientifically tested (Strange Notions).

Absolute truth is not as elusive as one might think. It is in the form of constants like gravity, in the everyday life of our perception, and in the search for meaning. Though most ideas, especially moral ones, are relative, there are absolute truths that cannot be refuted no matter if we believe in them or not, or if we know about them or not.


“3 Easy Steps to Show that Absolute Truth Exists.” Strange Notions, 24 July 2015, Accessed 22 Sept. 2017

Backman, John. “Is There Absolute Truth?” The Huffington Post,, 29 Jan. 2013, Accessed 22 Sept. 2017

“Absolute truth.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Jan. 2017, Accessed 22 Sept. 2017.

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