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Producer of Le Scandal Cabaret
Ms. Jennifer Dunnette
Le Journal Officielle                                                                         12th February, 2012
470 East 32nd St.
Paris, France

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Dear Ellen Demiere, Editor in Chief,

I am writing to express my interest in the Fashion Observer position you announced last week. My desire to join the team of Le Journal Officielle has been triggered by your magazine’s exquisite reputation within the fashion industry. I would be honored to join your professional team and play a part in my favorite magazine’s next edition.

My experience includes three years as a freelance journalist covering various fashion events: runway shows, performances, interviews with designers and models, as well as 13 months working with The New York Fashion House magazine, where I was responsible for writing fashion week reviews from all over the world. In addition, I have worked as a fashion consultant for Cosmo Moscow for 9 months.

My education includes a B.A. in Journalism from St. Ives University in Southern Sorbonne, and a two-year program with the London University of Distant Education, where I earned my M.A. in Journalism. You can find more information about my education and work experience in the enclosed CV. I also attached a few samples of my writing—articles that have been published in The New York Fashion House, Christie’s Fashion, World Fashion Weeks Annual and some other fashion magazines.

My desire to work in Le Journal Officielle is driven mainly by the excellent reputation of your magazine worldwide, and its direction towards realistic portrayals along with a critical overview of fashion-related events. To me, Le Journal Officielle is one of the titans of fashion industry journalism, and working together with Ives Gratier, Perley Baer, and Jelisma Hayek would be an honor, as well as an incredible opportunity to learn more about fashion journalism first-hand from top professionals in the field. With French being my native language, I have aimed to work with a French-based fashion magazine, and Le Journal Officielle, like no other magazine, has the history and the ambiance that fascinate and inspire me as a journalist. Being a part of your team has been my main dream and my career goal.

I would be more than willing to provide any additional information that you might need. Please contact me anytime should you need further details about my educational and professional background.

You can contact me by phone: (1) 925-456-5656, or via e-mail: [email protected]

My reference contacts are:

Elsiel Normanne, The New York Fashion House: (1)888-888-8888

Anna Novakova, Cosmo Moscow: (075)-456-34567

Jessica Goodwin, Christie’s Fashion: (1) 457-467-4567

I thank you for your time, and look forward to your kind and favorable consideration.

My best regards,

Jennifer Dunette

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