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Re: Jacob Polvaski
My history with Jane Wallport dates back five years. Jane first came to the Center for Social Support of Families and Youth in Durango, Colorado in 2007 as an intern while still pursuing her B.A. in social work. At the time, I was a family services consultant, and I recall Jane back then being already enthusiastic about hands-on work with the clients from the Center. Within a year, Jane had become an inalienable part of our team, working much more than what an internship at the Center was required to, and it was clear that she enjoyed what she was doing tremendously.
Having graduated in 2008, Jane kept working at the Center as a volunteer. In 2009, she became an official employee as the Volunteer Coordinator and launched her first volunteer outreach project. Ever since, Jane has been the developer of six different projects which we have embarked on in cooperation with our partners—the Social Services Committee of the La Plata County, the local Durango branch of the Colorado Department of Human Services, as well as the faculty of social work at the Colorado State University where Jane acquired her M.A. in social work. Furthermore, Jane has greatly contributed to a number of other on-going projects and has helped the Center establish new connections with various regional and state NGOs.
From the years I have known Jane, she has always been an inspiration—the person with that spark and never-ending capacity for enthusiasm, optimism, and faith. Jane has an open personality that perfectly suits the sphere of social services. She is tolerant, compassionate, empathetic, and understanding. We have a friendly team working at the Center, and Jane has greatly contributed to that as well. She is more than a colleague; she is a friend to whom I know I can turn to and will never let me down. It is arduous to realize that the time has come for us to let Jane go, and I can hardly imagine the Center being the same without her. The team of volunteers Jane has built over the past three years is now our support and major resource. That is in many ways Jane’s achievement as well.
When I think of Jane as the future mediator in the Civic Mediation Council of Virginia, I cannot imagine a better candidate for this position. Apart from her experience working with families and youth in the Center, where she frequently helped resolve conflicts between family members, Jane has a unique personal ability to bring out the best in people by demonstrating by her own example how nobility, trustworthiness, and kindness can help people reach a solution through compromise. I have no doubt that Jane Wallport will instantly become a valuable asset to your team and a responsible employee you will not want to let go.
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions with regard to Jane Wallport and this reference letter in particular.
Yours sincerely,
Jacob Polvaski
The Director of the Center for Social Support of Families and Youth in Durango, Colorado
Signature: ______________
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