JSpell Review:
based on real mystery shopping

A*Help Score: 44.7/100
🔥 published October 26, 2023 - updated May 10, 2024

Quick Overview

Jspell is one of the many online apps for correcting grammar, offering to proofread your text completely for free. As we used it, however, we noticed that it didn’t correct most mistakes. It also only allowed corrections to be made one-by-one, which wasn’t too convenient. As a result, this paper grammar check received only a 44.7/100 pts A*Help score from us.

The Good
  • Can be used for free with no limits
  • Support a variety of languages
  • No account needed
The Bad
  • Low checking quality
  • Only allows to correct 1 mistake at once
TOP services Our verdict AHelp Score 🔥 Updated April 2024
Service icon
AHELP Grammar Checker
Best overall grammar checker 90/100 Get free access
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Highest grammar-checking quality 75.7/100 Read review
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Most versatile language coverage 75/100 Read review
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Best cross-platform solution 70/100 Read review
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Best free solution 65.3/100 Read review
Infographic showing JSpell main features
SpeedPaper Review

Jspell Value For Money — 24/30

Supported languages
Extra services
Free use & wordcount limits
Pricing at JSpell
Pricing at JSpell (click to see a large image)
SpeedPaper Review

Jspell & Overall Experience — 9/20

Website Experience
Document Upload
Dashboard at JSpell
Dashboard at JSpell (click to see a large image)
SpeedPaper Review

Jspell’s Quality of Help — 11.7/50

Correction Quality: Email
Correction Quality: Personal Statement
Correction Quality: Research Paper Intro
Checking Process
  >Txt 1 – Email >Txt 2 – Personal Statement >Txt 3 – Research Paper Intro
>Grammar 2/4 1/5 2/5
>Punctuation 0/5 0/3 0/5
>Spelling 5/6 4/5 1/5
>Word Use 0/4 1/6 0/15
>Word Order 0/1 0/2 0/2
>General Mistake Correction Score 7/20 6/21 3/32

JSpell’s Main Specs

>Supported languages English, Spanish, French, German, Italian
Words/Sentence suggestions
>Possible extra services  
>Free use & Wordcount Limites  
Free use
Plans Monthly -$5/month 
Annual – $40/year
Need to create an account
Email for registration
Third-party registration (Google, Facebook, Apple)
>Website Experience  
Easy-to-use platform
Aesthetic Interface
Irritating ads
No ads at all with ith an account
Contact center
Email, live chat, contact form, phone, WhatsApp
Email & Facebook
>Document Upload  
Docx/doc files
Pdf files
Browser Extension
>Checking process  
Underlines each mistake
Underlines incorrect sentences
Option to correct all mistakes at once
Shows the general grammar score
Underlines mistakes that are not there


JSpell Reviews

Your trust is important to us, so we’ve done the homework to give you a clear picture of Jspell. We sifted through various platforms, including Trustpilot, Reviews.io, and more, gathering real user feedback. We’ve looked at both the highs and lows to provide a balanced review.

Is JSpell a Scam?

No, from our investigations, Jspell isn’t a scam. We put its features to the test with several texts and can confirm its spelling and grammar tools work as intended.

Is JSpell Legit?

Definitely. Jspell has established a presence online that’s hard to ignore. Based on our assessments, it’s evident that Jspell is a legitimate tool for addressing grammar and spelling concerns.

Is JSpell Safe?

From what we’ve seen, Jspell offers users access to its features without needing to register. This user-friendly approach ensures a smooth and secure experience. We confidently recommend Jspell as a safe choice for your grammar-checking requirements.

Is JSpell Trustworthy?

We took a deep dive into Jspell for you. While it identified some mistakes, most were overlooked. We would advise you to look for some other alternative to use, even for simple and short texts.

Is JSpell a Good Service?

Our A*Help team tried Jspell and examined its grammar-checking abilities as well as overall convenience and value. We rated the service with a 44.7/100 A*Help score. As we also tested other services, we can say that it’s not the best solution you could opt for. You should probably check out some of the other reviewed platforms before choosing this one. 

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