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Dear Doggies are the Best,

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I am writing with regard to your advertisement in the New York Post on February 12th about the position of Dog Training Assistant. Having had three years of experience working at a similar job in San Francisco, and having received a certificate from the National Dog Training Association, I believe I am quite suitable for this position.

As to my personal traits, I am an open-minded, communicative, and responsible 27-year-old university graduate, currently pursuing my second degree in psychology (my first major is in political science). You can find more information about my education and previous work experience in my resume, which I have attached to this email. I should also mention that I currently volunteer at the San Diego Pet Training Camp, where I frequently assist as an events manager, helping with dog and cat exhibitions, open days, holiday celebrations, and the like.

Another fact I should mention is my love for dogs, which is what drove me to obtain certification as a professional dog trainer. Training dogs is not just a job or a hobby of mine—it is my life. We have had three dogs in my family and, ever since I can remember, I have been playing with dogs, training them, and talking to them.

Please let me know if you need any additional information, or have any questions regarding my application. I will be more than willing to provide all the information you need to consider me for this position.

My regards,

Joshua Wallen

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