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By Johannes Helmold

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publish a bookI believe completing a book makes an amateur writer at least semi-professional. Indeed, writing a book is a big deal, because besides thoughts and a talent to express those thoughts, it also requires discipline and devotion. Anyways, imagine you have already finished your book (have you?), and rested on laurels for a week or so. Logically, you may ask yourself a question: “What’s next?” Walking around and asking people to check your book out isn’t a really effective way of gaining a broad audience. So, naturally, you should publish your book.

book publishingYes, time has come to introduce your book to other people. And all of the horrible stories you must have heard about how difficult it is to find a publisher are mostly true. Indeed, it’s not easy—especially when you are a novelist or a poet. However, things are not that bad—you just need to be persistent. And a bit lucky.

If you have never dealt with the publishing industry, it’s time for you to read up on it. Browse the Internet to find people with publishing experience; usually, writers are eager to share stories about how many plains of hell they had to walk through to have their writing published. Read through the policies of various publishing houses emphasizing the genres you write in (it would be silly to send your sci-fi novel to some “Windsor’s Historic Society” publishing house, wouldn’t it?). In other words, you must know what you are going to face.

Before submitting your manuscript to any publishing house, make sure you have completed your writing process 100%. Your writing should be without inconsistencies, and all possible mistakes or typos should be eliminated. Your book must be perfect: meaning you have done the best you could and you couldn’t find anything that might work against you.

Also, conduct research on agents whom you could possibly contact, their requirements for submitted manuscripts, terms of publishing, and so on. Actually, this is it. After you’ve done all that, you need to send a query letter to a publisher, and wait for their decision. I am not saying it is a piece of cake, but generally speaking, your organizational part is done.

In the next few blog posts, I am going to teach you how to write query letters, what complications you can face when searching for a publisher, and provide you with some dos and don’ts of getting your books published. Stay updated!

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