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Automatic writing or stream of consciousness writing is one of the best methods to create content fast. You write for a set amount of time without stopping to edit or look back at what you are writing.

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For more explanation, check out the description below, written by the use of automatic writing, and then after it, an edit of the automatic text:

fre writing like. When we do free writing, our mind is at complete freedom and we gain our creative voice easier. This is because we do not put contraints on what we do and let things flowa, as a river flows without blockages. And just like a stream, strma of consciousness writing allows you to put thought to paper super quickly and without bumps in the road. You ahvto keep writing despite all the flaws that are to come, but it doesn;t matter but you are seking for fresh content qucikly and worrying about editing later. It doesn’t even matter what you write, well so much. Because you need to writer, uust write on the idea that you were dreaming of. You can write a subtstal amount of content this way in a matter of minutes. Of coruse the editing will be more than usual after you have finished writing, but that doesn’t qual the amount of timeyou would take to pondr and write new text when using your inner editor. Your inner editor is the voice in your head telling you what is wrong ith you writing at all times. I know I making mistakes as I write this, but I disreagrd it and let the words flow rather stopping o edit myself along the way.

The edit:

Free writing is like freedom. When we do free writing, our mind is at complete freedom and we gain our creative voice easier. This is because we do not put constraints on what we do and let things flow, as a river flows without blockages. And like a stream, stream of consciousness writing allows you to put thoughts to paper super quickly and without bumps in the road. You have to keep writing despite all the flaws come, but it doesn’t matter. You are seeking fresh content and worrying about editing later. It doesn’t even matter what you write. Because you need to write, write based on the idea you were dreaming of.

You can write a substantial amount of content this way in a matter of minutes. Of course, the editing will be more than usual after you have finished writing, but that doesn’t equal the amount of time you would take to ponder and write new text when using your inner editor. Your inner editor is the voice in your head telling you what is wrong with your writing. I know I am making mistakes as I write this, but I disregard it and let the words flow rather than stopping to edit myself along the way.

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