Quick logic tests – do they really show the level of skills you have when it comes to critical thinking? Are they at all relevant in the job interview setting? This topic raises some polirizing ideas. One job seeker started to critisize these tests on Reddit and platform users had a lot to say about the subject.

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Key takeaways:

  • The use of quick logic tests in the recruitment process, particularly for high-level candidates, has sparked a controversy regarding their relevance and validity.
  • Experiences vary widely among job applicants, with some seeing these tests as hurdles, and others managing to turn them into opportunities.
  • This controversy underlines a larger issue within recruitment processes, highlighting the need for more relevant, reliable, and fair methods of assessing a candidate’s potential for job performance.

The Unexpected Logic Test

It is a problem faced by many experienced job seekers: years of academic dedication, countless publications, and a wealth of expertise being passed over in favor of a six-minute test. That is the exact predicament that Dr. Robert Williams, a recent Ph.D. graduate, finds himself in. In an unusual recruitment process twist, despite his fifteen years of experience and an impressive h-index of 9, it is a brief logic-based test that is causing Dr. Williams and other candidates some concern.

Where is the logic in that?” Dr. Williams asked, frustrated, on a Reddit thread. “If I flunk the test, will they trust it more than my previous work?” Dr. Williams’ worries echo a larger issue within the hiring process, raising questions about the validity and relevance of such quick-fire examinations.

Reddit users joined the discussion, adding their insights and experiences. One participant, a psychometrics student, pointed out that while logic tests could theoretically be helpful, their validity heavily depends on the quality of the tests. They likened poor quality assessments to “biased and unreliable hoops” candidates have to jump through, comparing them to trivial magazine quizzes.

“Some companies have really good recruitment processes, some use really crappy tests that tell you as much as a magazine quiz,” they point out.

Another user shared this sentiment, suggesting that the recruitment processes of many companies yield as much useful data as an applicant’s “natal chart.” Even if the questionable quality of the tests is disregarded, they argue that what is being measured is often irrelevant to the job in question.

The Pragmatic Role of Logic Tests in Hiring

Another perspective shared in the discussion highlighted the pragmatic role these tests play in the recruitment process. The argument presented was that due to the overflow of competent candidates and the scarcity of available positions, it becomes essential to employ such “non-discriminatory” methods for weeding out applicants.

“The point is not that its unbiased. The point is that more qualified people apply to these places than they have positions for and they get to hide behind a “non-discriminatory” method of weeding people out”, one of the users suggests.

Interestingly, some shared their personal experiences with unusual recruitment practices. One user described being assessed based on their response to a whimsical question about being a tomato, while another recounted how an unfortunate aptitude test result with IBM didn’t deter them from pursuing a successful career in programming, culminating in a Ph.D. n Computer Science, where they experienced the challenge and necessity of the best dissertation writing

“I did an aptitude for computers test with IBM. They said it was the worst score ever and the last thing I should ever do was programming. So I taught myself, became a senior engineer at Microsoft, taught IBM coders new tech for a training company, then got a PhD in Computer Science.”

Questioning the Validity of Quick Logic Tests in Hiring

The discourse triggered by Dr. Williams’ post illuminates a broader question in the recruitment process. Is a six-minute test a fair measure of the capabilities of highly-qualified candidates, or should hiring companies place more emphasis on experience and academic credentials? While the views varied, there is a clear indication that this topic warrants further discussion and possibly, reform in the recruitment process.

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