By Bhalachandra Sahaj
Hi everyone!
Do you like to surprise people by using fancy words whose meanings are esoteric? Do you believe an intelligent and educated person should not only be able to operate with words people use every day, but also with rare and almost forgotten terms? If yes, then this post is for you.
TOP 15 Words
Below is a list of 15 words that are in the English language, although at first glance it might be difficult to believe. Memorize them, and the next time you will be participating in a verbal duel, the words from this list will become your secret weapon. Enjoy!
1. Philodox.
A person who is extremely fond of his or her own opinion, regardless whether it is right or wrong. The word is good for calling names without actually insulting a person.
2. To bibble.
Means to drink often, and also to drink or eat in a noisy manner.
3. Erinaceous.
This adjective is used to mark that something resembles a hedgehog. Wow, seriously? Then there should also be other words like that for chipmunks, for instance. And where is “hedgehog” in “erinaceous?”
4. Churlish.
A rude, noisy, miserly, and/or scandalous person.
5. Gargalesthesia.
The next time someone tickles you, while laughing remember that gargalesthesia is the sensation of being tickled. Also, you can tell your friends you have gargalesthesia, and check their reaction. It’s fun!
6. Vulpine.
This word means a cunning and crafty person, and comes from the Latin word “vulpes,” which means “a fox.”
7. Jentacular.
Something pertaining to breakfast. Who would need such a word anyways?
8. Kakorrhaphiophobia.
This fancy and smart-sounding word means nothing else but a fear of failure. You know, not just a concern that something will go wrong, but a panic fear to start doing something and fail.
9. Brontide.
When thunder rolls somewhere far away, it is called brontide.
10. Dextrosinistral.
An adjective meaning a person who was born left-handed, but then taught to use their right hand as their main one. That’s me, by the way.
11. Hypermnesia.
A condition of having super-memory. Imagine you can remember everything, be it something you see, hear, say, or learn every day. I don’t even know if it’s cool or horrible….
12. Quire.
Twenty four sheets of paper. Don’t ask why exactly twenty four—I have no idea.
13. Virago.
A woman possessing qualities that makes her look and/or act like a man. A feminist’s dream, I suppose.
14. Xertz.
It’s not a name of some alien race, as you might have thought. Moreover, it’s a verb; it means to gulp something down quickly and greedily.
15. Yarborough.
Although it sounds like a name of some small countryside town in England, it is in fact a hand of cards where none of the cards is above nine. Why this misfortune needs a special name for it, I don’t know.
Some of the mentioned words would look great in your English or Literature writing tasks. However, if you yet don’t know how to incorporate them into the text properly, you should visit best homework help websites for college students and ask for a piece of professional advice.
May 2023 Update
In the vast world of language, some words can seem like diamonds hidden deep within a mine – rare but highly valuable once discovered. These unusual or uncommon words, otherwise known as “rare words,” can give us an edge in communication, not only by expanding our vocabulary but by expressing thoughts and emotions more precisely. This article aims to explore such lesser-known but surprisingly useful words.
Let’s start with the intriguing term ‘Accismus.’ This term, as surprising as it sounds, is used to denote the act of pretending to be disinterested in something, while actually wanting it. Remember the last time you acted nonchalant about the last piece of donut in the office pantry while hoping nobody else would take it? That was Accismus in action.
On the other hand, ‘Acumen‘ refers to the ability to make quick and right decisions. This is especially useful in legal contexts, where your intellectual acumen might be the finest compliment for your competence. If you’re the person others rely on for decision-making, then you’re someone with considerable acumen.
Another term to enhance your vocabulary is ‘Anachronistic.’ Used mostly in historical contexts, it refers to something or someone not being in the correct historical or chronological time, especially a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time. For instance, spotting a digital watch in a movie set in the 18th century would be anachronistic.
Ever found yourself talking to your pet or a favorite inanimate object? Then you have been ‘Anthropomorphizing,’ or attributing human characteristics to non-human entities. Next time you find yourself talking to your cat or car, you can say you’re practicing anthropomorphization.
Have you ever enjoyed the warmth of the sun on a cold day? Then you’ve experienced ‘Apricate,’ a rare word that means to bask in the sunshine. It’s what cats do when they find a sunny spot by the window, or what beachgoers might enjoy on a sunny day.
In the world of politics or institutions, ‘Bastion‘ is a word often used. It signifies a well-defended position or a place or system in which some principles or attitudes are strongly defended. For example, a university may be a bastion of free speech or academic integrity.
Moving on, ‘Behoove‘ is a term that suggests that it is necessary or appropriate for someone to do something. For instance, if you’re trying to be persuasive in an argument, it would behoove you to use strong evidence and logic.
As spring approaches, you may notice the trees and plants around you ‘Burgeoning,’ or beginning to grow or increase rapidly. It’s a wonderful term to describe the noticeable transformation nature undergoes during spring.
Hosting a gathering soon? Make it a ‘Convivial‘ one. This term suggests a lively, enjoyable atmosphere — it’s about great company, laughter, and the general warmth of being among good friends.
Whether it’s a crossword or a complex research paper, we’ve all faced a ‘Conundrum‘ at one point or another. A conundrum is a confusing or difficult problem or question that requires a solution.
‘Deciduous‘ is a term used to describe trees or shrubs that shed their leaves annually. Think about the grandeur of trees during autumn, as their leaves change color and eventually fall – this is deciduous behavior. It’s a handy term to know if you’re into gardening, botany, or simply a lover of the changing seasons.
‘Effulgence‘ is a rare word that depicts extreme brightness or radiance. If you’ve ever seen the sun shining so brightly that it’s almost blinding, or the glow of a thousand lanterns illuminating the night sky, you’ve witnessed effulgence.
Are you a food enthusiast who loves cooking up a storm? Then the word ‘Gastronome‘ is for you. A gastronome is a person who enjoys and knows a lot about high-quality food. So, the next time you’re indulging in some gourmet cuisine, remember you’re being a gastronome.
‘Eunoia,’ a truly unique term, stands for a well-mind or beautiful thinking. It is the shortest word in the English language containing all five vowels, and it suggests a state of goodwill or beautiful thinking towards the listener in a discourse.
The term ‘Logophile‘ refers to someone who loves words and language. If you’re thoroughly enjoying this exploration of rare words, congratulations, you might be a logophile!
‘Nepenthe‘ is an ancient word, deriving from Greek mythology, referring to a drug or drink, or the plant yielding it, mentioned by ancient writers as having the power to bring forgetfulness of sorrow or trouble. In a broader sense, it has come to mean anything that induces a pleasurable forgetfulness.
‘Susurrus,’ a word as captivating as its meaning, stands for a soft, whispering or rustling sound. It is like the gentle sound of wind moving through the trees or waves lapping on a beach.
‘Velleity‘ refers to a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action. Ever had a fleeting thought about learning a new instrument or language but never quite gotten around to it? That’s velleity.
Lastly, ‘Credulity‘ denotes a tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true. It’s a term often associated with being gullible and is a challenge to critical thinking. Maintaining healthy skepticism can prevent excessive credulity.
Understanding and using these rare words can prove to be a captivating exercise in linguistic acrobatics, as well as providing a chance to enhance and refine our expression. So, the next time you’re engaged in conversation, try slipping in some of these unusual words and enjoy the reactions! If you are eager to use them in your writing but have doubts how to do it properly, seek help with college homework online.
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