As the summer break approaches, college student Malcom is anticipating the challenges he might face when returning to his childhood home after six years. Besides his lifeguard job, Malcom is unsure of what activities he can engage in to avoid going stir-crazy during his time off from school.
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Lack of social connections
Having moved back to his hometown just a few months prior to starting college, Malcom has yet to establish a close circle of friends in the area. This lack of social connections has left him feeling bored and isolated, especially during the winter break when he found it difficult to keep himself entertained.
Despite having a range of hobbies, such as half-marathon training, working out, and reading, Malcom admits he gets burnt out from the lack of social interactions. His lifeguard colleagues, while friendly, mostly spend time together during work hours and are not deeply connected outside of their jobs.
In an effort to make the most of his summer break, Malcom is actively seeking suggestions and ideas for engaging activities and ways to establish meaningful social connections in his hometown.
Feedback from Reddit
Reddit users have come forward with a variety of suggestions and shared their own experiences to help him make the most of his time off from school.
Many users emphasized the importance of taking a breather from school work, using the summer break as a chance to recharge for the next semester. Some suggested exploring a range of activities, such as attending bars and concerts, nature walks, exercising, playing video games, watching Netflix, hanging out with friends, or even visiting a casino. One user also highlighted the value of soaking up the sun, resting, and starting to prepare for the fall semester.
“Take a breather from school work. Go to bars and concerts, nature walks, exercise, bit of video games, baseball, catch up on Netflix, go out with homies if they’re around, maybe hit a casino one night, swimming, etc.”
“Use the time to have fun and recharge for next semester.”
Other Reddit users recommended attending social events to network and build connections or even visiting college friends during the break. Some shared their personal plans for the summer, including internships, vacations, and overcoming personal challenges like learning to drive.
A few users reminded that summer breaks are a luxury that many working professionals don’t enjoy, urging him to make the most of his time off before entering the workforce. One user said, “If you are going to be working an office job eventually and aren’t yet, please try and enjoy the last time in a while when you have a decent amount of time off and get to pretty much pick what you want to do.”
Finally, several Reddit users encouraged finding a balance between fun and responsibility, as one user put it: “Fun can be many things… Doesn’t matter as long as you take care of the other stuff first.”
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