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By Bhalachandra Sahaj

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No matter what kind of writer you are, knowing how to write in many genres and forms is important. It is like learning different languages—you open yourself to a new world and culture when you learn other literary genres and forms. One can stick to one form of writing throughout one’s career as a writer, but commonly, writers who do this become stagnant in their style and expression.

The best idea is to slowly branch out. Say you write haiku primarily—try your hand at other forms of micro-poetry, later writing full-sized lyrical poems. A development should happen, though not too fast, as you should get used a form for a while to understand it properly.

You don’t have to abandon your primary form of writing for another one, but you can simply explore a varying form. You will have to sacrifice a bit of your output in one type of writing for the sake of learning another, but that is how it is. Besides, you don’t have to think of it as a sacrifice, as you are adding inspiration to your primary form of writing and enjoying writing something fresh.

You can even combine forms of writing, or make them compliment each other. Like for one of my books, I would write haiku and then write a full-sized poem based on the haiku. It was a wonderful project that turned out to be a great success with readers and with my personal enjoyment.

To write in only one form of writing can be boring after a while, make you stagnant as a writer, and can limit your progress. Explore other types of writing avidly to be more enthused and flexible as a writer.

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