PerfectEssayWriter Review:
based on real mystery shopping

A*Help Score: 57/100
published August 1, 2024 - updated November 18, 2024

PerfectEssayWriter: Quick Overview

What do we know about PerfrectEssayWriter? It is a decent platform (much better than some competitors) that allows you to make one free request without registering. However, after the registration, you will have a 1500-word free word limit, which will provide you with ten to fifteen random essay topic generator requests for free. 

PerfectEssayWriter is a simple and convenient tool. It does most things a good topic finder should do and even has one outstanding killer feature. It saves the history of previous generations in a convenient form, and you can always revise the whole story of your creative ideas. This seems like an obvious benefit, but you will be surprised how few tools actually consider something like that.

The Good
  • Saved request history
  • From ten to fifteen free attempts after the registration
  • Idea customization fields
The Bad
  • No database, generated topics
  • Only five topics, no details and elaboration

TOP services Our verdict AHelp Score 🔥 Updated August 2024
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AHELP Topic Finder
Best variety of academic topics 90/100 Get free access
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Built-in AI Writer 86/100 Read review
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Best pricing 80/100 Read review
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Highest word limits 57/100 Read review
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Best topic explanations 52/100 Read review

We have conducted real mystery shopping to determine the most convenient and reliable essay topic finder. To evaluate each tool fairly, we established three main criteria: value for money, quality of help, and overall experience. Today, we are discussing PerfectEssayWriter AI (57/100 on the AHelp score) and its ability to generate essay topics!

Quality of Help 41/50 ⭐⭐⭐: Top-Notch Topic Finding

To test the quality of help we’ve prepared two queries: basic (“social media”) and complex (“essay about Donald Trump republican party policy intersection”). PerfectEssayWriter-ai handled both pretty well: the topics were creative, properly formatted and ready to be used.

Basic Prompt:“Social Media”😱 PerfectEssayFinder PerformanceComplex Composition:
“Essay about Donald Trump republican party policy intersection”
Academic Style

topics are too generic
Ready to Be Used

The results for a basic query sounded a little bit generic and GPT-formatted, but composite prompt offered some really creative and comprehensive results. We grade the service’s quality of help as excellent and can definitely recommed tha platform for any student.

Academic style of topics
9 / 15
Topic Versatility
20 / 20
Ready to Be Used

Value for Money 7/30 ⭐: No So Much for Your Money

You will get one free request without a registration and from ten to fifteen more after the registration for free. If you’ve decided to go premium, you will be able to get a basic plan for $9.99.

PerfectEssayWriter Pricing

However, with PerfectEssayWriter, you still get only five topics without elaboration, three customization fields for your prompt (type, target audience, and tone), and no academic database of the handpicked topics. So, there is no reason to go premium with this essay topic finder: after you have used all free attempts, you can just move to the next better one.

Request Limitations
Number of Shown Topics
Topic Authenticity

Overall Experience 9/20 ⭐⭐: Should You Try It?

There are reasons to test PerfectEssayWriters to find ideas for creative content and college papers. For starters, you will have a significant amount of free generations. The following reason is that this essay topic generator presents ideas conveniently and saves the request history right on the generation page. The topics are appropriately formatted (title-cased) and ready to be used. So, this tool provides you with some significant features, but it is not the best option online.

PerfectEssayWriter Query
No-registration Requests
Export / Copy Topics
Topic Form

The Verdict

Well, you should definitely try the essay title generator from PerfectEssayWriter: it is simple, convenient, and easy to access. You will get one request without registration and from ten to fifteen more generations for free after you create the account. It is more than enough for most students to generate some random inspiration sparks for their college essays and never go premium. Of course, there is genuinely no reason to actually subscribe to the premium pricing plans: if you want to pay for a topic finder, there are much better online solutions.

PerfectEssayWriter Main Specs

> Free/Subscription ✅
Character/Words/Requests Limits1 request + 1500 words limit after the registration
Can you continue writing with an AI Essay Writer?
Number of Shown Topics5
type, audience, tone
Academic database or generation
no database
Try without registration
1 request
> Can You copy/export the topics ❌
Topic Form Convenience
Academic Style of Topics
Topic Versatility
Ready to Be Used

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