Academized Review:
based on real mystery shopping

A*Help Score: 83.6/100
🔥 published February 6, 2023 - updated August 21, 2024

Most of us lead a crazy-paced lifestyle. We sprint from one task to another, from one place to another just to make it in time at least somewhere. But in this rush, we lose a lot of possibilities just to relax and enjoy ourselves. What holds us back from savoring the moment?

For many, the answer will be studying. Even when not combined with working life (which is +100 stress points) attending courses, lectures, and preparing presentations, and assignments make your life feel like a whirlwind. As a result, your stress levels are through the roof and it seems like you are being torn between all your responsibilities.

However, there’s a way to help you feel whole again. And no, we are not talking about fancy meditation programs. There’s a much more practical way of dealing with stressful studying — using essay writing services. You might be wondering, what website writes essays for you? A*Help knows exactly the service.Our team reviews the most popular options and one of these gems is See How We Test Essay Writing Services for more details about our testing approach.This platform helps students fight their academic struggles by handling their assignments. Let’s see whether this is the best homework help website that can assist with learning and allow you to slow down the pace of life a little bit.

Quick Overview

Academized is not ahead of the league in overall user experience, but it doesn’t prevent them from writing excellent papers accompanied by various free extras.

The Good
  • High-quality papers
  • Variety of free features
  • Extensive discount program
  • Timely delivery
The Bad
  • Limited payment options
  • No communication with writers
A*Help's Choice Our verdict AHelp score 🔥 Updated April 2024
Service icon
Best quality papers 86.75/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best value for money 85.5/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best customer support 81.95/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best contact with writers 80.8/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best overall experience 77.1/100 Visit website
An infographic with a short Academized review describing the ways it was tested and how it received an A*Help Score: 83.6/100

Academized Experience: Mystery Shopping-Based Review

Say, you decided to deal with stress from studying some other way. For example, you picked a massage session for that purpose. How do you choose a spa to go to? You can ask around some friends for recommendations or turn to Google for reviews. You can use the same approach to finding an essay writing service for your needs. Or you can turn to our A*Help team to ensure quick and easy decision-making.

Our recommendations are exclusively based on real-life experience. We conduct a mystery shopping project trying each writing platform ourselves. We then rate these services according to a set of objective criteria such as value for money, overall buying experience, and paper quality. 

We want to make sure you get the best outcome, so, we place two orders with the websites we try. One is a small 2-page essay with 6 hours of due time, and the other is a more complicated 4-page business memo with a 7-day deadline. Upon completion, we require both works to be revised as many times as needed and then send the final tasks to be evaluated by our partner professor according to all usual college standards. We consider the papers to be successful only if they pass the 60/100 pts grading benchmark. 

Here is our testing and research scenario:

✍ Paper ⭐ Personal Essay (2 pages) 💼 Business Memo (4 pages)
🎓 Academic level Undergrad. (yrs. 1-2) Undergrad. (yrs. 3-4)
✅ Paper format MLA Chicago / Turabian
⏰ Deadline 6 hours 7 days
👉 Paper instructions For this assignment, you will be writing a personal narrative–a story–illustrating an event or experience exemplifying gratitude. In other words, share a colorful story about an experience or event for which–either during or after the event– you feel or felt thankful. An example might be writing about your experience as a senior in high school and the teacher who helped you to achieve your goal of graduating and attending college. Another example might be writing a story about your experience growing up in a rural community, acknowledging that it was this small, but mighty, community that made you who you are today, and for this, you are thankful. This assignment should be at least 550 words. Underline your descriptive thesis statement or the point of your story. No outside/secondary sources are needed. See Appendix C – Formatting and Submitting Your Work See Formatting your Essay: MLA 8th Edition You are the Government Relations Director at a Canadian business. You have been asked to write a memo to your CEO about COVID-related government impacts on your business, comparing two provinces in which you operate. Your assignment is to write & submit this memo Your Task:
1. Choose a specific business you work in (Air Canada, Loblaws, 3M Canada, etc).
2. Choose two provinces to compare for your memo.
3. Research both provinces – what restrictions were in place in both provinces that affect your business? What supports are in place?
4. Write a memo in three parts: (1) how COVID is impacting our business, (2) a comparison of two provinces, (3)reflections on Canadian federalism and any recommendations for the CEO on how to work with governments to lead your business through the crisis

Looking for more essay topics and ideas for inspiration? Check our Best essay writing topics digest. The most popular categories for custom writing assignments according to the weekly market data released by A*Help.

Our partner professor Sybil Low shared with us her thoughts on why students can feel stressed about their assignments:    

Sometimes even easy tasks can send a student into the downward spiral. The reason for this is not the complexity levels, but the expected amount of work. Students don’t get just one assignment. They usually have a few projects to be done in one week. I think that’s the main cause for this “learning anxiety” that so many students suffer from. I always bring out the importance of baby steps when dealing with stress or anxiety. In one of many Healthline articles focused on mental health, Dr. Amy Hoyt mentioned what I preach — Journaling is a freat stress release. A study “Health Care Practitioners and Families Writing Together: The Three-Minute Mental Makeover” provided a proof that it is so. When faced with the next essay, take it ease, take a breath and just start writing. And for a change try to journal, it will take away anxiety from your life.


We scrutinized Academized to find out whether you should trust its services with your anxiety-free academic life. And now we can see that it could help you with your homework as a massage would relieve your back pain.

Academized & Paper Quality — 43.6/50 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

As a result of great rest, you feel more energized and much happier. And what is the result of quality academic help? A sufficient grade on your paper, of course. That’s why we send both of our assignments to be reviewed by our partner US college professor to check all the essential aspects such as grammar, reasoning, and general efficiency of the texts.

Can Academized do a good job of completing high-grade writing and relieving your mind from grading anxiety? Considering the marks our papers got, it can! Our essay was marked with 94.3/100 pts and we received 80.2/100 pts for the business memo task. Let’s dive a bit deeper to see what ensured prominent results.

Both works had great mechanics, as they gained 90-100% in spelling, grammar, and word choice. The reasoning and logic in the text were also notably good as they were marked with 93% (essay) and 91% (memo). The highest results in both works here were for acuity (100% and 98%). 

Some aspects could be improved though. The issues were mainly with formatting. Both essay and business memo had insufficient spacing, and the second paper also showed problems with page breaks and font control. The writer also seemed to face challenges when doing citation formatting for the second task, as it gained 73%.

We asked Prof. Sybil Low to comment on the papers by

I think that these are both well-completed assignments. They fully cover the given topics in an organized way. The essay, in particular, was noteworthy because of its rather optimistic and lively narrative. It was easy and interesting to read. That’s how, in my opinion, essays should be written.

In the end, it seems that with Academized you can just sit back and relax, as they will really put your mind at ease with the quality of their work. 

To get a more detailed picture of our papers’ results, see the information below:

Paper 1: “SCORE 94.3 out of 100 pts. Document formatting is very good, but there is room for improvement. Document formatting issues: vertical spacing; horizontal spacing. |Observations:| {Integrity}: 100%. {Length}: 100%. {Mechanics:} 97% (spelling 90%, grammar 100%, punctuation 97%, word choice 100%). {Citation formatting:} ungraded. {Reasoning, logic:} 93% (efficiency 80%, acuity 100%, clarity 100%, objectivity 91%).”

Paper 2: “SCORE 80.2 out of 100 pts. Document formatting is good, but there is room for improvement. Document formatting issues: vertical spacing; horizontal spacing; line spacing; font control; page breaks. |Observations:| {Integrity}: 100%. {Length}: 100%. {Mechanics:} 93% (spelling 91%, grammar 100%, punctuation 89%, word choice 92%). {Citation Formatting:} 73%. Reference formatting: main problem area—titles (article, journal); error types—element miscapitalized, element misidentified, element missing. Incorrect reference section header. In-text cite grade: C (some in-text cites mispunctuated, misabbreviated, miscapitalized). {Reasoning, logic:} 91% (efficiency 83%, acuity 98%, clarity 84%, objectivity 100%).”

Average paper score: 87.25

ParameterPaper 1. Personal Essay (2 pages)Paper 2. Business Memo (4 pages)
Paper score94.3/10080.2
Paper price$63.73$76.20
Completion time5.75 hours3 days

The Price of Academized: Value for Money — 22/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

If your go-to way of relaxation is to watch TV series or movies you know that some streaming services are better than others. Most likely you choose those that offer a more varied pool of interesting options. The situation is the same with the academic help platform.

Academized recognizes that and works to provide its clients with top-notch service. When you order from this website, you can expect to get some bonus features alongside a completed paper such as the addition of the title page, formatting, the work’s outline and bibliography, free revisions, and even an originality check to make sure you receive unplagiarized writing. And if you feel that your task needs extra care and attention you can also find some complementary elements, for example, a draft of your work, a 1-page summary, or an editor’s proofreading. 

A screenshot of our orders at academized
Our orders at (click to see a large picture)

As we ordered our own assignments, they cost us $63.73(essay) and $76.20 (business memo), which means that you can expect to see an average price of $69.97 here. Yeah, Hulu is cheaper, but it won’t write your English essay for you. Besides, you will also receive discounts as well. As a newcomer on the website, we were offered 15% off our first order. Pretty generous for the starting offer, don’t you think? There are also extensive loyalty and referral programs, so you can gain even more bonuses and perks. 

If instead of watching Netflix at home you decide to take some time for yourself and go to the movies, you plan your time ahead. You know exactly how long it will take you and if you have time to go somewhere else afterward. It’s good when you can expect the same from the chosen platform, especially if you need an urgent essay writing service. showed that they have great consideration for your schedule, as they made a timely delivery of both our papers. The essay was ready just in time –  15 minutes before the deadline. And our memo to the CEO task made it into our inbox 4 days earlier than expected. When papers are ready as scheduled, you have an opportunity to ask for revisions and make all the needed adjustments. Not to mention this will also allow you to submit your assignment according to the deadline or even earlier.

Looking at all the mentioned aspects, we can’t overlook the fact that Academized is surely worth your attention.

Deadline & Terms
Free services
Additional services
Average paper price

Overall Experience — 17/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The other way to ease off your mind is to go somewhere calm where you can just enjoy the moment. And, when you want to work with an academic assistance provider, you should also go for that pleasant overall experience. tries to ensure that cozy vibe with its customer service system. When you work with their website, you can always expect to get that 24/7 help via email, phone, or support chat. The platform also offers an opportunity to get a personal assistant to control the writing process at an extra cost. So, in case you have a really important assignment to be completed, you can choose this option as a guarantee of your peace of mind.

A screenshot of our order page at academized
Our order page at (click to see a large picture)

The process of depositing funds for your tasks should go quickly and smoothly as well. Unfortunately, like many other platforms, Academized, for some reason, only offers card payments such as Visa and Mastercard on their website. So if you are a dedicated PayPal, Apple, or Google Pay user, you need to make sure that your credit card is somewhere near you when ordering from this platform.

Some other slightly problematic moments for us touched upon privacy, as we needed to provide our mobile number to register with the service. Of course, this makes it easier for customer support to contact you but still, we understand that not many of you would be happy to disclose this information.

We were also not impressed with the communication we had with our writers. Frankly, we didn’t talk to them at all. And we specifically needed to do that for our first essay order, as the task was to write about our personal story and not some imaginary scenario.

Still, we would say that Academized does give its users that comfy feeling, however, not in all the aspects you expect.

Security & Privacy
Payment Methods

Final Thoughts

You shouldn’t close your eyes on the stress levels. When feeling tense, you need to seek relief.  Find some time for yourself and get rest. And if you can’t escape all your homework, you can sign up for academic guidance and is a service for that. Here you will get helpful solutions for your everyday school tasks in a form of various free and additional features, and quality- and timely-completed assignments providing an efficient and anxiety-free experience. Meanwhile, you can treat yourself to a relaxing full-body therapy session or a chill-out movie-marathon weekend. Then you can get into that studying grind back again but with much fewer worries and more energy this time. 

Negativity rank — 44.5%

We think you deserve to know the whole truth and to make a sound choice of an academic writing service based on the accurate facts. What’s the use of the review if it doesn’t unfold all the covert problems and hazards?

That’s why our team goes on websites like Reddit, Sitejabber, and looking for negative comments about the reviewed platforms. We want to know if there are any risks or issues that you may face while getting help from them. However, not all comments are true. So we analyze them on the account of severity and plausibility to filter out pre-paid and false accusations. You shouldn’t lose an opportunity to get quality assistance just because of the market competition. As the result, we present you with our findings so you can make up your mind to trust the service with your tasks or not. We also give a chance to providers to see what needs changing and work towards fixing those issues.

So, we carried out the same investigation for Academized and found quite some feedback from unsatisfied customers. The main problems were with deadlines not being followed and with the quality of papers. Users complained about possibly plagiarised or poorly-written, grammatically incorrect assignments while working with the platform. As the result, the website’s negativity rank climbed up to 44.5%. Still, we think that considering our own experience, Academized can still provide you with quality help. Just be sure to read through the tasks before approving them and ask for as many revisions as you feel necessary. 

Academized Exclusive Promo codes and Discounts

Academized discount codes range from 5% to 15%. Always check email since can send personalized promo codes and coupons.

Academized Specs

Minimum deadline3 hours
Maximum deadline14 days
Min price per page$12.99
Standard Page275 words
AVERAGE paper price (acc. to our mystery shopping)$69.97
Free services: 
– Revisions 
– Title page 
– Formatting 
– Outline 
– Bibliography 
– Originality check 
Additional services: 
– Originality report$29.99
– Urgent writer assign$9.99
–  I’d like to get a draft+20%
– Proofread by editor$2.55 per page
– 1-page summary$12.99
Payment Methods 
– PaypalNo
– Google payYes
– Apple payYes
– VisaYes
– MastercardYes
– American ExpressYes
– DiscoverYes
– CryptoNo
Coupons15% first order discount
Loyalty Program5% life-time discount when you order 15 pages in total
10% life-time discount when you order 50 pages in total
15% life-time discount when you order 100 pages in total
Referral ProgramYou give your friends your referral code, they use it when placing their 1st orders with a 20% discount and you get % of EACH order of your friend + 2-level referral program
Security & Privacy 
Need a phone number to registerYes
Need an email to registerYes
Security payment SSLYes


Academized Review of Dissertation Services

Quick Overview

If you were looking for high-class assistance with your academic assignments, Academized may sound like a guy for you. We put their expertise to the test with our research proposal task, which was delivered on time and with a high result of 81.58/100 pts. Their platform was very simple to use and offered many extra features and pleasant discounts, which made our general experience quite satisfactory.

The Good
  • A varied pool of free features
  • Helpful support
  • Plentiful discounts
The Bad
  • Installment payments only for big orders
  • Poor communication with the writer

Dissertation services. Academized mystery shopping

✍ Paper⭐ Research Proposal “The impact of social media presence for companies”
🎓 Academic levelUndergraduate
✅ Paper formatAPA
⏰ Deadline10 days
👉 Paper instructionsDiscuss and evaluate how the social media altered and influenced the traditional way of conducting business in the last 10-15 years. 1. What’s the origin of the issue, its background? 2. What are the purpose and objectives of the research? 3. What type of evaluation methodology and the objectives or outcomes to be evaluated? 4. What’s the source of data and evidence used.

Dissertation services. Paper Quality — 33.7/50 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Paper score: 81.58

⭐ Parameter✅ Research proposal (5 pages)
Paper score81.58/100
Paper price$89.21
Completion time126.5h

Dissertation services. Value for Money — 22/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Ordering & Price
Free services
Paid services
Paper price
A screenshot of pricing plans at Academized
Pricing plans at Academized (click to see a large image)

Dissertation services. Overall Experience — 20/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Dissertation Process
Payment methods
Contact with writers
A screenshot of the order form at Academized
Order form at Academized (click to see a large image)
A screenshot of the chat a writer at Academized
Communication with a writer at Academized (click to see a large image)

Academized Dissertation Specs

Order details, pricing 
Min price per page$17.99
Standard Page275 words
Writer categoriesBest Available
Academic LevelsFreshman
Paper price
(based on our mystery shopping)
Free services 
 Title page
Revision upon request
Originality check
Paid services 
Originality report$21.99
Proofreading by editor$11.00
1-page summary$26.99
Discounts, Pay by chapters 
Coupon for first-time users
15% off for first-time users
Installment payment
for order $500 +
5% life-time discount
when you order 15 pages in total 
You are eligible for 10% life-time
discount when you order 50 pages
in total 15% life-time discount when you
order 100 pages in total
Dissertation Fulfillment Process 
Designated writer for the whole project
Personal manager
Submit by chapters


Academized Reviews

We scanned through Reddit, Sitejabber and in our quest to find the truth about We analyzed the negative feedback and included our findings in the Negativity rank section so you could also know what to expect from this website.

Is Academized a Scam?

We check whether the platforms provide their customers with actual service by placing two orders with them. Having done the same with Academized and received fully completed papers we can say that you can count on this platform to handle your assignments.

Is Academized Legit?

Our reviews are solemnly dedicated to the services that have been in the industry for a while, have established a pool of customers, and have proven to successfully provide clients with the services they offer. As Academized ticked all of the boxes, we can call it a legitimate academic help provider.

Is Academized Safe?

Having registered with the service ourselves and reviewed their Privacy Policies, we can assure you that this website doesn’t collect any data aside from the one you consent to provide them with. So you can be calm knowing that your personal information is safe and won’t be used or stored against your will.

Is Academized Trustworthy? did a great job with completing both our assignments far beyond the passing grade. As such we can recommend their services as the ones worth your trust.

Is Academized a Good Service?

We’ve run through an inside-out evaluation process to know whether you should pay attention to their platform. After scanning it by our checklist and making all the estimations this platform received 83.6/100 pts of A*Help score. Considering the result, you can perceive Academized as a worthy and high-quality candidate to fulfill your academic needs.

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