AdvancedWriters Review:
based on real mystery shopping

A*Help Score: 73.75/100
🔥 published September 6, 2022 - updated September 5, 2024

Just imagine: you are sitting in front of your laptop during a coffee-fueled all-nighter, staring at your screen. Deadlines are looming, the clock is ticking, and that dreaded blinking cursor on a blank page is practically mocking you. The text just refuses to materialize and you still have several other assignments to finish. Sounds familiar? Many students find themselves caught in the whirlwind of academic pressure, searching for a bit of help. The weight of expectations and the fear of failure bear down upon their weary shoulders. In moments like these, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, questioning whether you’ll ever conquer the daunting task that lies ahead.

However, the process doesn’t need to be this exhausting. You don’t have to be “under pressure that burns a building down”, as the famous song goes since you can turn to essay writing services for help. One such service is called Advanced Writers. The company offers to write various types of essays, projects, and articles. So, let’s see whether you can save that all-nighter coffee for brunch with friends, while we review AdvancedWriters based on personal experience with the service. As always, our review is based on three main criteria: value for money, overall experience, and paper quality. 

See How We Test Essay Writing Services for more details on our evaluation approach.

Quick Overview

Launched in 2005, AdvancedWriters is a platform that offers academic support and writing advice to students. Quick-to-react customer service is a strong suit of the site, although the quality of assignments could use a bit of polishing. 

The Good
  • Great customer service
  • Discounts for new customers
  • Free inquiry option available
The Bad
  • Payment options could be expanded
  • Higher than average prices
A*Help's Choice Our verdict AHelp score 🔥 Updated April 2024
Service icon
Best quality papers 86.75/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best value for money 85.5/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best customer support 81.95/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best contact with writers 80.8/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best overall experience 77.1/100 Visit website
An infographic with a short Advanced Writers review describing the ways it was tested and how it received an A*Help Score: 73.75/100

Advanced Writers Experience Review

The A*Help team is determined to provide our audience with complex reviews based on personal experience with the service. Most students are stressed enough already with an intimidating list of assignments to do. That is exactly why they don’t need any more pressure when searching for academic assistance! So, to lift off the weight of choosing the best writing service, we decided to make it a bit easier for students and go through with our mystery shopping. 

Our experts disguised as college students ordered two types of work at AdvancedWriters: a 2-page personal narrative (which had to be done in 8 hours) and a 4-page long memo to the CEO (which had to be done in 7 days). This way it was easier to see the execution of two different types of assignments and make a more informed conclusion. Apart from that, our team keeps in touch with an American professor, who offers an expert and in-depth opinion on most academic assignments and rates the work on a 100-point scale. If the work gets any fewer points than 60, it is deemed low quality. 

The details of our testing scenario can be found below:

 Paper ⭐ Personal Essay (2 pages) 💼 Business Memo (4 pages)
🎓 Academic level Undergrad. (yrs. 1-2) Undergrad. (yrs. 3-4)
✅ Paper format MLA Chicago / Turabian
 Deadline 6 hours 7 days
👉 Paper instructions For this assignment, you will be writing a personal narrative–a story–illustrating an event or experience exemplifying gratitude. In other words, share a colorful story about an experience or event for which–either during or after the event– you feel or felt thankful. An example might be writing about your experience as a senior in high school and the teacher who helped you to achieve your goal of graduating and attending college. Another example might be writing a story about your experience growing up in a rural community, acknowledging that it was this small, but mighty, community that made you who you are today, and for this, you are thankful. This assignment should be at least 550 words. Underline your descriptive thesis statement or the point of your story. No outside/secondary sources are needed. See Appendix C – Formatting and Submitting Your Work See Formatting your Essay: MLA 8th Edition You are the Government Relations Director at a Canadian business. You have been asked to write a memo to your CEO about COVID-related government impacts on your business, comparing two provinces in which you operate. Your assignment is to write & submit this memo Your Task:
1. Choose a specific business you work in (Air Canada, Loblaws, 3M Canada, etc).
2. Choose two provinces to compare for your memo.
3. Research both provinces – what restrictions were in place in both provinces that affect your business? What supports are in place?
4. Write a memo in three parts: (1) how COVID is impacting our business, (2) a comparison of two provinces, (3)reflections on Canadian federalism and any recommendations for the CEO on how to work with governments to lead your business through the crisis

We firmly believe that no review should be left without an opinion from a professional in the field. That is precisely why we decided to ask our associate professor Sybil Low about overcoming writer’s block since it can be extremely hard for students to gather their thoughts together. Here’s what Mrs. Low had to say:

Writer’s block can be a frustrating experience, but there still is light at the end of the tunnel. As a professor, I get many questions from students about how they can overcome this exact issue since it can be quite hard for them to concentrate when writing. Firstly, it’s essential to establish a writing routine. The reason is simple – consistency is key to building momentum and reducing the anxiety associated with the blank page. Secondly, start with a brainstorming session. Jot down ideas, keywords, or phrases related to the topic. Even though it might seem impossible at first glance, there’s no harm in giving it a try. And lastly, if you’re stuck on a particular section, don’t hesitate to move on and come back to it later. Sometimes, fresh perspectives can be gained from working on other parts of the assignment. You can find additional advice in a Masterclass article with tips from a well-known writer and producer Shonda Rhimes. Give it a read as it has some fresh insights and exercises that might help you get out of writer’s block. And don’t be too hard on yourself – academic success isn’t built in one day.

As a result of our mystery shopping, we received two completed works by AdvancedWriters. We can confirm that this service is worth your attention as it will satisfy your academic needs.

Assessing AdvancedWriters Paper Quality — 39.75/50 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The last question we have to answer in this review heavily revolves around the quality of the papers we received. Although for some students this isn’t of the essence, the assessment of the final verdict relies on this exact criteria. Our team at A*Help wants to make sure that we don’t overlook any part of the completed work done by AdvancedWriters, so we asked for some assistance from a professional in the field. Mrs.Low grades the assignments according to the American university-level criteria so that we can surely say whether the service holds to the standard. Everything that is beyond the 60-point mark can be considered admissible. So, let’s look at what Mrs. Low had to say about these particular assignments.

The personal narrative was graded 90.9/100 and the memo to the CEO got 61.1/100 points. Both marks exceed the limit of 60 points, but the essay was definitely better executed. Here are some of the evaluation details.

The first work which was a personal statement did really well with spelling (100%) and grammar (100%), but the word choice (78%) could use some improvement. The essay had minor formatting issues which lowered the score a bit.

Dr. Sybil Low gave her comment regarding the essay:

Personal narrative is a very common type of written work in high schools, colleges, and other educational institutions. They might seem simple to write as they are mostly based on self-expression (which can never be done in the wrong way), however, they call for a compelling narrative. This can be achieved by providing personal and emotional experience and it was nicely demonstrated in this personal essay.

As for the memo, it is difficult because business writing requires precision, clarity, and conciseness. Finding the right balance between a professional tone and accessibility, as well as organizing information logically can be very challenging. Mastering these types of memos requires practice, practice, and, once again, practice.

The memo, it barely passed the 60-point mark. The main issues in the paper regarded grammar (70%) and word choice (51%), as well as efficiency (60%) and acuity (39%). Some formatting issues were also present, so the business memo required revision and changes to get a higher mark. 

For a more detailed overview, we include a more thorough analysis of the papers’ results:

Paper 1: “Score 90.9 |Comment:| Writing style indiscernible. Document formatting is very good, but there is room for improvement. Document formatting issues: page header. |Observations:| Trying a bit too hard to inject words into your narrative with which you are unfamiliar. {Integrity}: 100%. {Length}: 100%. {Mechanics:} 94% (spelling 100%, grammar 100%, punctuation 99%, word choice 78%). {Citation formatting:} ungraded. {Reasoning, logic:} 82% (efficiency 81%, acuity 85%, clarity 85%, objectivity 76%).”

Paper 2: “Score 68.1|Comment:| Turabian writing style. Document formatting is good, but there is room for improvement. Document formatting issues: vertical spacing; horizontal spacing; line spacing; section headers. |Observations:| Rather serious problems with spelling and word choice. {Integrity}: 100%. {Length}: 100%. {Mechanics:} 71% (spelling 78%, grammar 70%, punctuation 85%, word choice 51%). {Citation formatting:} 77%. Reference formatting: main problem area—titles (article); error types—element miscapitalized, element misspelled. In-text cite grade: seriously deficient (in-text cites misformatted). {Reasoning, logic:} 67% (efficiency 60%, acuity 39%, clarity 85%, objectivity 85%).”

Keeping this expert evaluation in mind, both papers received acceptable grades. Nevertheless, more work needs to be done to get a better mark on the memo, whereas the essay was rated highly.

Average paper score: 79.5

ParameterPaper 1. Personal Essay (2 pages)Paper 2. Business Memo (4 pages)
Paper score90.9/10068.1/100
Paper price$66.60$82.80
Completion time2 hours 10 minutes6 days 11 hours

Is AdvancedWriters Worth It? Value for Money — 16/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Navigating through several different assignments at a time can be extremely exhausting for students. Especially, when they are trying to maintain a work-life balance and handle other aspects of their daily routines. It puts a lot of pressure on people and understandably lowers their motivation to continue studying and delivering decent results. So, to ease the tension in the short term and get quality work, some students may want to turn to AdvancedWriters for assistance.

The site immediately greets its visitors with an order form, where you can calculate the approximate cost of the assignment. The cost mainly depends on factors such as the deadline (the sooner, the pricier), the type of written work, the academic level, and the number of pages. This way you can more or less get hold of the price without having to go through a lengthy registration process.

We all know what we came here for – to discuss the prices. The original prices were $74 for the 2-page essay and $92 for the memo to the CEO. However, based on the fact that it was the first order, we managed to get a 10% discount on both assignments and lower the cost to $66.60 and $82.80 respectively. You have to be aware that the urgency of the written work directly influences its pricing. With that being said if you are planning to get an essay “on the budget”, it’s best to place your order ahead of time. Not only will it be a bit cheaper, but you will also have the opportunity to change certain aspects of the work if you feel like it without stressing about the coming deadline.

A screenshot of paper price estimation at advancedwriters
Paper price estimation at Advanced Writers (click to see a large image)
Order placement at Advanced Writers (click to see a large image)

    For the purpose of getting an extensive conclusion, our mystery shopping experiment consisted of getting two different assignments both in varying timeframes and sizes. It is worth mentioning that we typically set a 6-hour deadline for an essay, however, AdvancedWriters only had the option of either 4, or 8 hours, and we decided to go with the latter. The essay was finished after 2 hours and 10 minutes. The timing was far from the deadline and allowed for an opportunity to request a more precise revision. We asked the writer to slightly polish the text and after messaging back and forth a few times they delivered a great result which was accepted by us. The memo to the CEO had a limit of 7 days and was done in 6 days and 11 hours, which is a bit more pushy. The paper needed not one, but two revisions, and we quickly got what we asked for from the expert. Both works got accepted with a few changes which definitely helped to improve their quality.

    Overall, AdvancedWriters showed results that were satisfying to us in terms of Value-for-Money. Although the average paper price is quite high and the site didn’t have many additional services, in the end, we had two completed assignments done within the deadline. According to the A*Help rating, the service got 16 points out of 25.

    Deadline & Terms
    Free services
    Additional services
    Average paper price

    AdvancedWriters Overall Experience — 18/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Some people firmly believe that first impressions are highly important when it comes to anything. We can safely say that the website is intuitive and easy to navigate. The layout immediately shows you everything you need to know as far as the services and prices go. The registration process requires you to fill out your email, create a password, and optionally add a phone number and your name. After signing up the user is asked to confirm the account via email, which then leads you back to the website and allows you to proceed with the order. 

    The option to contact a customer support representative was available in the chat 24/7 and the whole conversation went very smoothly. We received the answers to all of the pending questions and even got a discount via chat because of the fact that it was the first order on the account. Whenever we needed some assistance with the ordering process, our experts quickly got the necessary information and finished the order. 

    The messaging with the writers happened on a different page in the “My orders” section, where we were able to talk about correcting some of the aspects of the work. Both writers who wrote the essay and the memo kindly asked for further explanations on what was exactly wrong with the work before delivering it almost right away.  

    A screenshot of my orders at advancedwriters
    My orders at Advanced Writers (click to see a large image)
    A screenshot of support and communication with authors at advancedwriters
    Support and communication with authors at Advanced Writers (click to see a large image)

    t is safe to say that the customer support at AdvancedWriters was excellent since we got everything we needed. Both representatives were quick to react to our problems and made sure that we got what we needed in the end. The same could be said for the writers who completed the two assignments with further corrections from our experts. Such an attitude is exactly what might be essential for a student under lots of academic pressure.

    However, customer service isn’t the only necessary thing to consider when it comes to choosing the best essay writing service. Payment options are important in that process. AdvancedWriters offers Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover as their payment methods, although Google Pay or Apple Pay aren’t supported on the site. The list definitely can be expanded with time, although all of the already existing options are proven to be secure when it comes to transactions.

    Customer service at AdvancedWriters did a great job of assisting our experts throughout the ordering process, but a few payment options surely would be a useful addition. With that being said, the site gets 18 points out of 25 for the Overall Experience.

    Security & Privacy
    Payment Methods

    Summing Up the AdvancedWriters Review

    AdvancedWriters provides assistance with a variety of written assignments and does so with fair quality and in a timely manner, although it can be upgraded. Our experts had a fairly good experience with it, especially when it came to customer support. The quality of the essay was excellent and it was delivered fast. On the other hand, the business memo could use some work both in terms of content and time. So, there is definitely space for improvement.

    Negativity rank — 26%

    The process of carefully crafting a review takes a lot of time and consideration. Our team at A*Help tries to go above and beyond when it comes to coming up with a verdict for such a service. That is why we carefully document and analyze the voices from the community that are just regular students in search of academic help with their assignments. 

    This thorough process entails more than just reading through user opinions; we go the extra mile by investigating and documenting them for our comprehensive assessment. Our goal is to uncover objective and honest critiques that shed light on any weaknesses of the platform, which we then put to the test. This is what the Negativity rank is about, as it stresses the importance of thoroughly researching information about the service before you decide to use it.

    According to different reviews on the web, most issues concerning AdvancedWriters were voiced in relation to the prices on the site. However, the cost of writing two assignments doesn’t seem to be that much higher than other services we reviewed. Another common topic throughout student feedback that understandably upset customers is the fact that the experts at AdvancedWriters went off-topic at times. This, in turn, provoked additional revision and in some cases even made the customer miss the deadline. Although, it is necessary to mention that in all situations regarding severe problems with the service, a customer support representative has indeed reached out to the commentators to offer additional assistance. 

    All in all, AdvancedWriters works hard to help students in their educational journey, although it definitely has room for improvement. But only you can decide for yourself.


    AdvancedWriters Reviews

    It’s always better to talk about a subject and include voices from the group actually involved with it. In order to get the full picture our team opts to check in with the students that have experience with a certain service. The same goes for AdvancedWriters, as we checked popular sites, such as Reddit, Sitejabber,, and others to make sure our reviews aren’t one-sided. 

    Is AdvancedWriters a Scam?

    Our team received a complete order with two assignments while doing our mystery shopping. Apart from that, we didn’t catch any suspicious activity during the process. So, the conclusion is simple – no, AdvancedWriters is not a scam.

    Is AdvancedWriters Legit?

    Academic Help reviews only reputable essay writing websites, and AdvancedWriters is among the platforms that have garnered our trust. Throughout our interactions with writing experts and the service as a whole, we have not come across any questionable activities. Therefore, the A*Help team confidently asserts that AdvancedWriters is a legitimate and reliable academic help  service.

    Is AdvancedWriters Safe?

    When conducting the mystery shopping experiment, we didn’t come across any problems regarding the payment process. AdvancedWriters carefully follows a set-out privacy policy and doesn’t give out users’ personal information to third parties. According to this, the service can be deemed as safe.

    Is AdvancedWriters Trustworthy?

    AdvancedWriters states to have more than 400 professionals working with the students who decide to ask for help. The customer service is online 24/7 and the quality of work is sufficient. Moreover, the disciplines you can choose include 75+ choices. All of this verifies that AdvancedWriters is a trustworthy platform.

    Is AdvancedWriters a Good Service?

    Having reviewed the service based on certain criteria, we concluded that AdvancedWriters got 73.75/100 points. This further proves that the site offers fine-quality help when it comes to written assignments. 

    AdvancedWriters Specs

    Minimum deadline4 hours
    Maximum deadline14 days
    Min price per page$18
    Standard Page275 words
    AVERAGE paper price (acc. to our mystery shopping)$74.70
    >Free services: 
    Formatting (MLA, APA, Chicago, custom, etc.) 
    Title page & bibliography 
    Free inquiry (payment only after finding a writer) 
    >Additional services: 
    Progressive delivery+10%
    Split payment 50% at a time+5%
    >Payment Methods 
    – PaypalNo
    – Google payNo
    – Apple payNo
    – VisaYes
    – MastercardYes
    – American ExpressYes
    – DiscoverYes
    – CryptoNo
    CouponsYes (10% for 2 orders)
    Loyalty ProgramNo
    Referral ProgramYes
    >Security & Privacy 
    Need a phone number to registerNo
    Need an email to registerYes
    Security payment SSLYes

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