EssayHub Review:
based on real mystery shopping

A*Help Score: 71.8/100
🔥 published January 24, 2023 - updated September 5, 2024

You know how sometimes your life has so much going on that you forget even the most important or recent stuff? There are just so many things that you can’t really focus on one task and so you choose the only obvious solution – doing a few tasks at once. 

This multitasking approach can be especially harmful when studying. Just imagine trying to write two or three different papers all in one sitting — you don’t want to see how it will turn out. Moreover, when you try to do all your assignments together, you are more likely to waste time due to procrastination. See, our brain is a bit afraid of failing, and so when it sees a lot of responsibilities flooding over it decides that the best protection from failure is to shut down. So what’s there left for you to do?

Our A*Help team knows the answer – homework help websites that assist students in effectively dealing with stacks of school, college, and university tasks. This article will highlight our review of Their website is designed for those who feel the wave of procrastination overpowering them the very minute they sit down to write their papers. But should you seize the opportunity with this service? Or should you stay clear from Essayhub’s shore? Let’s find it out together. See How We Test Essay Writing Services for more details about our testing approach.

Quick Overview

EssayHub is a suitable compromise for students seeking an affordable option. While the company offers bargain rates and various complimentary services, it may not always prioritize meeting deadlines, and inconsistency in the quality of work is likely.

The Good
  • Prompt customer support
  • Low prices
  • Free plagiarism report
The Bad
  • No wallet payment options
  • Uncommunicative writers
  • Limited discounts
A*Help's Choice Our verdict AHelp score 🔥 Updated April 2024
Service icon
Best quality papers 86.75/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best value for money 85.5/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best customer support 81.95/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best contact with writers 80.8/100 Visit website
Service icon
Best overall experience 77.1/100 Visit website
An infographic with a short EssayHub review describing the ways it was tested and how it received an A*Help Score: 71.8/100

Essayhub Experience: Mystery Shopping Review

Okay so you’ve decided to try and use this platform to deal with your homework. You may feel confused, anxious, and maybe even scared. These are the same feelings that can arise when you first step onto the surfboard. It’s a yet unknown setting for you, a new type of activity that raises many questions. Our A*Help team is here to answer them for you.

Being quite a curious bunch of reviewers, we organize a mystery shopping project designed to assess every aspect of the essay services. Be it with affordablepapers or review, we check and evaluate their value-for-money ratio and their ability to provide a pleasant overall experience. We also don’t forget to check the main feature – paper quality. 

We have come up with a scenario that represents the most common types of assignments for students. We order two papers from various providers. The first paper is a 2-page personal English essay with a 6-hour time limit, and the second is a 4-page business memo which supposedly takes 7 days to complete. As we want to get everything right, we send the works to be revised as many times as we feel necessary. After all the corrections, both papers are checked by our fellow US college professor, who grades them according to the widely-accepted standards. The assignments that get below a 60/100 pts benchmark are perceived as unsatisfactory. 

Here is our testing and research scenario:

 Paper ⭐ Personal Essay (2 pages) 💼 Business Memo (4 pages)
🎓 Academic level Undergrad. (yrs. 1-2) Undergrad. (yrs. 3-4)
✅ Paper format MLA Chicago / Turabian
 Deadline 6 hours 7 days
👉 Paper instructions For this assignment, you will be writing a personal narrative–a story–illustrating an event or experience exemplifying gratitude. In other words, share a colorful story about an experience or event for which–either during or after the event– you feel or felt thankful. An example might be writing about your experience as a senior in high school and the teacher who helped you to achieve your goal of graduating and attending college. Another example might be writing a story about your experience growing up in a rural community, acknowledging that it was this small, but mighty, community that made you who you are today, and for this, you are thankful. This assignment should be at least 550 words. Underline your descriptive thesis statement or the point of your story. No outside/secondary sources are needed. See Appendix C – Formatting and Submitting Your Work See Formatting your Essay: MLA 8th Edition You are the Government Relations Director at a Canadian business. You have been asked to write a memo to your CEO about COVID-related government impacts on your business, comparing two provinces in which you operate. Your assignment is to write & submit this memo Your Task:
1. Choose a specific business you work in (Air Canada, Loblaws, 3M Canada, etc).
2. Choose two provinces to compare for your memo.
3. Research both provinces – what restrictions were in place in both provinces that affect your business? What supports are in place?
4. Write a memo in three parts: (1) how COVID is impacting our business, (2) a comparison of two provinces, (3)reflections on Canadian federalism and any recommendations for the CEO on how to work with governments to lead your business through the crisis

Looking for more essay topics and ideas for inspiration? Check our Best essay writing topics digest. The most popular categories for custom writing assignments according to the weekly market data released by A*Help.

Our partner professor Sybil Low wanted to share her thoughts on the evaluation process of the students’ works:

There are many aspects that contribute to the successful paper. Grammar, punctuation, and language use are the basic ones. I also pay attention to the logic of the text, how clearly the students can express their thoughts and how well they connect different parts of the writing. I concentrate on the content and whether the topic was fully covered as well. That’s why grading, sometimes, takes so much time. I carefully read through every work so that I can evaluate them accordingly. I recommend this handy manual “Writing an Argument in College” . My fellow science colleagues of the University of Chicago compiled a helpful handbook which any student can follow before writing an essay. It has information on everything, starting with a structure and finishing with persuasive approaches.

Putting all of the marks together, we receive the original A*Help score which reflects how well the service passed our shopping test. Essayhub went through the whole evaluation process and ended up receiving its own place in our ranking.

Paper Quality – 35.8/50⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Once again, what was our goal? Oh yes, getting quality papers from Essayhub. Receiving a good grade feels like you finally learned how to conquer the academic ocean. You step on the board and you catch tide after tide. But some of these rides can show that your moves need to be worked on.

The two assignments were sent to be graded by our partner professor. The essay received 81.8/100 pts, while the business memo came down with 61.4/100 pts. Let’s take a closer look at why there’s such a gap between two marks.

A screenshot of our order page at essayhub
Our order page at (click to see a large picture)

The essay task was quite successful. Other than issues with formatting, which included vertical spacings and body headers, the only obvious problem was with grammar, as it gained only 54%. On the other hand, spelling and word choice, as well as efficiency were marked with 100%. 

Professor Sybil Low decided to share her thoughts on the content of the personal narrative: 

I am generally fond of the idea of including small dialogue parts in the essay. It makes the narrative more lively and emotional. Basically, this method allows to bring readers closer to the author and put them in his shoes. However, in this case, the whole story is concentrated around one dialogue. It visibly limits the writer and doesn’t let them make the plot fully complete.

Our business memo task, unfortunately, faced much more critique. Evidently, the second performer from does need to work more on their writing moves. Some notably good aspects here were length (100%), spelling (93%), grammar (93%), and word choice (95%). The formatting had a lot of problematic aspects though, including serious issues with references and in-text citations. Still, the paper passed the grading limit of 60 pts.

What can we say? Unarguably, Essayhub does have some good writers. We would still recommend making use of the platform’s unlimited revisions policy to get your paper to the standard you want. 

Below we included a more ample analysis of the papers’ results for your reference:

Paper 1: “SCORE 81.8 out of 100 pts. Document formatting is very good, but there is room for improvement. Document formatting issues: vertical spacing; body header. |Observations:| {Integrity}: 100%. {Length}: A little bit short (91%)—quote somewhat less or write somewhat more. {Mechanics:} 87% (spelling 100%, grammar 54%, punctuation 92%, word choice 100%). {Citation formatting:} ungraded. {Reasoning, logic:} 89% (efficiency 100%, acuity 75%, clarity 90%, objectivity 93%).

Paper 2: “SCORE 61.4 out of 100 pts. Document formatting is fair, with room for improvement. Document formatting issues: vertical spacing; horizontal spacing; body header; section headers; font control; bullets or lists. |Observations:| “403 Forbidden” is not the name of a journal. {Integrity}: 100%. {Length}: 100%. {Mechanics:} 88% (spelling 93%, grammar 93%, punctuation 69%, word choice 95%). {Citation Formatting:} 50%. Reference formatting: main problem area—titles (article, journal, words in journal title); most frequent error types—element miscapitalized, attention to detail, element misformatted. Incorrect reference section header. In-text cite grade: seriously deficient (in-text cites misformatted, mispunctuated, miscapitalized, misabbreviated). {Reasoning, logic:} 64% (efficiency 58%, acuity 59%, clarity 65%, objectivity 75%).

Average paper score: 71.6

ParameterPaper 1. Personal Essay (2 pages)Paper 2. Business Memo (4 pages)
Paper score81.8/10061.4/100
Paper price$30.78$40.80
Completion time2.6 hours7 days and 1 hour

Reviewing Essayhub’s Value for Money — 17/25⭐️⭐️⭐️

Can you imagine paying for a surfing session in LA and not even getting gear or a surfing suit? These things should be already included in the booking right? Of course, there could be some extra charges for additional opportunities. Well, we think the same should apply to an academic writing service. 

And it seems that Essayhub agrees with us on this as they provide its customers with some essential features like revisions, formatting, task outline, and title page free of charge. Besides that, you should get a Turnitin plagiarism check and the best writer pick as well. However, if you expect to add some other services to your order, you won’t have many to choose from. The platform only offers to get your work delivered ahead of time for a surcharge.

A screenshot of our orders at essayhub
Our orders at (click to see a large picture)

The most pleasant part is that all of this won’t even cost half of the price of that surfing class. Essayhub can be truly praised for its affordability. We were charged $30.78 for the essay and $40.80 for the business memo. This means that, on average, writing assistance here will only cost you $35.79. That’s even less than the lowest price of a wetsuit. Besides, the website offers discounts and you should also get additional promo codes in the chat. For example, we got 5% off our first order and 15% off the second one. And you can get even luckier and get 20% off.

The storm came out of nowhere. Everything seemed great until it was time to get our completed papers. The delivery was fast with the 2-page assignment – we received it only after 2.6 hours. The problem occurred with the 4-page task – it was one hour late. If time had been an issue for us, we would have been upset, to say the least. We would recommend paying close attention to the punctuality of the writers you choose and making your orders in advance. 

All things considered, Essayhub did well in terms of value for money. You should take into account, though, that there are not so many discount programs or additional features on this website. 

Deadline & Terms
Free services
Additional services
Average paper price

Using Essayhub: Overall Experience — 19/25⭐️⭐️⭐️

Let’s say you’ve decided to go surfing at last. You could watch a YouTube tutorial and try learning everything, from the right posture to cool moves, by yourself. Or, you could hire a knowledgeable instructor who would show you all the tricks and be right by your side when you have questions about the moves. 

In the case of an essay writing service, that person is a customer support agent. They are in the role of the instructors, helping find the right paper format, formatting style, promo codes, and whatnot. Well, at least it’s how our user journey went with Essay hub. Our assistant not only advised us on our order but also placed it for us and gave us recommendations about the best writers. 

You should be pleased with the level of security provided by this platform. We weren’t asked to provide our phone number or name while registering. The only information they need is your email. So, if you are worried about privacy, you can lighten up now. 

Now, there were some waves in the sea of our overall experience with Essayhub. Unfortunately, their website doesn’t provide many opportunities for payment. The only variety comes down to different card options (Visa, Mastercard, AmericanExpress, and Discover). We agree it would be much easier to deposit money via Paypal or Apple pay. Well, maybe that’s what we’ll see in the near future. 

A screenshot of writers at essayhub
Writers at (click to see a large picture)

 We have to admit that our writers took little interest in connecting with us. Especially considering that one assignment required telling a personal story. The performers still completed both tasks, but we think open communication would reduce the number of revisions and save you time.

A screenshot of asking for revisions at essayhub
Asking for revisions at (click to see a large picture)

Finally, it would be wrong not to agree that Essayhub ensured smooth wave riding for us. Some parts of the way could be easier, at least the platform can work to make them. 

Security & Privacy
Payment Methods

The Verdict

In the end, it seems that Essayhub is a wave to catch. It offers many attractive services to make your experience better. With this platform, you should get the result you strive for – a well-written paper with a good grade. There are things that need a little patching, mainly task delivery time and writer-customer communication. Otherwise, the site is a good choice if you prefer surfing rather than missing out on the good weather doing homework.

Negativity rank – 31.2%

Seeing only the bright side won’t let you have the full picture. You need to look into the shadows as well. That’s why we make sure to consider the negatives as well as the positives of the services when doing our research.

We take a critical approach to analyzing backlash comments. We visit different websites like Reddit and Sitajabber to collect such feedback and measure it in terms of seriousness and plausibility. Some accusations turn out false, some can be pre-paid. We don’t want to see them ruining the possibility of using a great service for you. Our findings are presented here, so you can judge the service and its possible pitfalls yourself.

Essay hub’s main problem seems to be an unclear and confusing payment system. Quite a few commenters brought up their issues with adding funds or long card processing. Only several users mentioned that they received unsatisfactory tasks, with “subpar” writing. Even considering all that, the platform’s negativity rank reached only 31.2%. Taking our personal experience into account, there weren’t any problems with payment. Thus, Essayhub is definitely working on optimizing that aspect. Ultimately it’s up to you whether to let these estimates influence your decision or not. Special Discount and Promo Codes

Customers get discounts that span from 5% to 15%. The service provides a signup bonus, so make sure to check your email for an EssayHib promo code or a coupon. Use bonuses when placing orders on the platform.


Essayhub Reviews

We’ve searched through Reddit and Sitejabber to gather the feedback from Essayhub’s customers. Having evaluated the comments, we’ve put together this research and included its results in the Negativity Rank section. So, don’t skip reading it through to make an informed decision.

Is Essayhub a Scam?

The short answer is no. We’ve ordered two different assignments from the writers on and received both of them fully completed. So, we can say that this platform doesn’t scam its customers for money and provides the service they promise.

Is Essayhub Legit?

Our team is dedicated to reviewing only those websites that have a defined customer base and some years of experience. We also check whether the service gives its clients what they ask for. Based on this, we can say that Essayhub is a legitimate service that has ticked out all the mentioned boxes.

Is Essayhub Safe?

We looked through Essayhub’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and didn’t find any suspicious statements. Their website also uses standard encryption to protect personal and payment information. You can definitely be safe with this service.

Is Essayhub Trustworthy?

Our team asked Essayhub to complete two assignments and it successfully completed the job. Both papers received above-the-benchmark grades. So, we confirm that you can trust this platform with your assignments but recommend providing clear and detailed instructions to the writers.

Is Essayhub a Good Service?

We’ve scanned Essayhub according to our three main parameters and, according to the results, marked it with a 71.8/100 pts of the A*Help score. To our mind, this can be considered a good result that indicates Essay hub is a sufficient educational guidance provider.

EssayHub Specs

Minimum deadline3 hours
Maximum deadline180 days
Min price per page$10.80
Standard Page275 words
AVERAGE paper price (acc. to our mystery shopping)$35.79
> Free services 
– Revisions 
– Writer’s pick 
– Plagiarism check 
> Additional services 
– order before deadline(%)
> Payment Methods 
Google pay
Apple pay
American Express
> Discounts 
Loyalty Program
Referral Program
> Security & Privacy 
Need a phone number to register
Need an email to register
Security payment SSL

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