Check-Plagiarism Review:
based on real mystery shopping

🔥 published January 3, 2024 - updated January 20, 2025

Quick Overview

Check-plagiarism is a simple website that has the main focus of helping improve your text’s credibility and integrity. Despite the old-fashioned interface, it provides a great advantage: unlimited free plagiarism detection of texts up to 1000 words long. It also has an affordable and versatile subscription base as well as alluring features of spell- and grammar checking. See How We Test Plagiarism Checkers for more details about our testing approach.

The Good
  • Can be used for free
  • Offers additional helpful tools
  • Doesn’t require registration
The Bad
  • Many ads
  • No information on the original sources
TOP services Our verdict AHelp Score 🔥 Updated January 2024
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AHelp Plagcheck
Best plagiarism detector 86.5/100 Get free access
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Best free trial offer 86.4/100 Get free access
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Best price 86.2/100 Read review
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Best experience 86/100 Read review
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Best features 85.1/100 Read review

Check-Plagiarism’s Detection quality — 32.5/50 ⭐️⭐️⭐️’s performance in plagiarism detection is moderate at best, scoring 32.5 out of 50. We submitted several texts to evaluate how well the platform can check plagiarism in various cases. It shows some capability in identifying human-written text as unique, with an 87% free score, but struggles significantly with content copied from the internet and AI-paraphrased materials, detecting only 66% and 50% of plagiarized content, respectively. The service completely fails to identify text modifications as plagiarized. This indicates that while might be useful for basic checks, it is not reliable for thorough academic or professional plagiarism detection needs.

> Text> Best result> Acceptable result> Check-Plagiarism result
Human-written text100% free of plagiarism10% margin of error87% free✅
Internet sample100% plagiarism detected10% margin of error66% detected✅
AI paraphrase (2 texts)100% free of plagiarism10% margin of error50% plagiarism detected✅
Replaced characters100% plagiarism detectedFlagged character replacements0% plagiarism detected
No flags or alerts
A screenshot of a checking process at Check-Plagiarism
Check-Plagiarism scanning process (click to see a bigger picture)

Check-Plagiarism’s Value for Money — 14/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Offering a range of affordable subscription plans, provides a basic level of service that might appeal to individuals or organizations with limited plagiarism detection needs. The pricing structure is competitive, but the value proposition is diminished by the tool’s limited detection capabilities and source coverage. Without discounts for longer commitments, the service’s appeal is further constrained, particularly for those seeking comprehensive plagiarism detection solutions.

A screenshot of pricing plans at pricing (click to see a bigger picture)
Basic features
Price & special offers

Check-Plagiarism’s Overall Experience — 13/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The user experience of is straightforward, scoring 13 out of 25. The website is easy to navigate, and users can start checking texts without the need for registration, making it accessible for quick checks. However, the overall experience is hampered by the lack of a desktop app, browser extensions, and comprehensive support options. The registration process is simple, requiring only an email, but the absence of third-party registration options and direct support chat further limits user support.

A screenshot of a dashboard at Check Plagiarism
Dashboard at Check-Plagiarism (click to see a bigger picture)
User experience & registration


Check-plagiarism is a good website when you need a quick check of a short piece of writing. It will mostly be suitable for those who want to omit unintentional plagiarism. However, it’s better to look for other credible options for more serious works.


Check-Plagiarism Reviews

We take into consideration the response that a service receives from its users. That’s why we make sure to go on online platforms such as Trustpilot,, and Reddit, to see what others have to say about the reviewed platform. We then present the results of our research in the Negativity Rank section of our reviews.

Is Check-Plagiarism a Scam?

The A*Help team always makes sure to check only credible websites. Having reviewed Check-Plagiarism, we can confirm that this platform is not a scam and is certainly among such services.

Is Check-Plagiarism Legit?

We put our time and research only into those services that were proven to be legitimate. Thus, as we reviewed Check-Plagiarism, we can confirm it to be among such websites as well.

Is Check-Plagiarism Safe?

Check-Plagiarism doesn’t require creating an account to work on the website and it certainly won’t ask to provide your phone number when setting up a profile. Thus, we can confirm that Check-Plagiarism values your privacy and safety of personal information.

Is Check-Plagiarism Trustworthy?

We have used the service ourselves to make sure it checks the plagiarism as it advertises. We can confirm that the website works as intended and it can spot some sorts of plagiarised content. However, if you want more trustable results, we would recommend looking at other options as well.

Is Check-Plagiarism a Good Service?

We took a quick assessment of Check-Plagisrism and can confirm that this platform can be used for plagiarism detection in some works. However, it’s always a good idea to look into more options before sticking to one platform. 

Check-Plagiarism’s Specs

>Features (to check text) 
Check files✅
Insert text✅
Receive report✅
Word limit✅
1000 words
Academic proofreading module (check citations and etc)❌
Check for free/trial✅
Number of free checks available❌
Spelling check✅
Grammar check✅
>Advanced features (to check text) 
Detect AI content❌
Cross language search❌
Text compare❌
OCR scan❌
Current Batch Files (your own docs)❌
Plagchecker’s database❌
>Price & special offers 
Paid plans✅
Weekly – $4.99/month
Monthly – $15/month
Semi-Annual – $16.66/month
Annual – $11.25/month
Easy to use website✅
Desktop version❌
Trying before registration✅
Browser extensions❌
Account (do users have an account?)✅
Time to check workCouple of seconds
Need email to register✅
Need phone to register❌
Third-party registration methods❌
Onboarding (how to use plagcheck)❌
Support chat❌
Wallets (ApplePay, GooglePay, Paypal)✅

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