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children misbehaving

Children are one of the biggest treasures for married couples—this is what many happy families would say when asked about children. Indeed, raising children can give a new meaning to the life of many parents. But at the same time, having a child often has a number of problems that inexperienced parents might have to deal with; one of such problems is a child’s misbehavior—at school, at home, or wherever else. Rather often, adults do not bother themselves with trying to understand why their child misbehaves; at the same time, these causes may be much more serious than just child’s play or hyperactivity.

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One of the main tasks when being a child is to figure out how the complex world around you works. This world includes different relationships—with parents, in particular. At each developmental level, children learn what is acceptable in relationships with other people, and what is not—they are trying to see where the boundaries are (if any). This makes a child constantly break the silence, so to say: shout, fight, be rude, or misbehave in any other way—each case is particular. This may be frustrating for parents, who might start thinking their child has gone crazy or is possessed by evil spirits all of the sudden, but in fact it is normal and necessary for a child. During such periods, all parents can do is set the boundaries and limits and consistently follow them (

It may be hard to believe, especially for parents who already experience complications with their child’s misbehavior, but sometimes the reason for a child’s rioting may be his or her lack of skills. A child with a lack of social and communication skills may hit another child, not clean his or her room (sometimes because he or she is not sure what to do when his or her toys do not fit in the toy box). In this case, parents are required to teach their children skills, the lack of which leads to troubles. By showing a misbehaving child alternatives to misbehavior, parents can make him or her calm down, learn from his or her mistakes, and acquire new skills (About Parenting).

Perhaps not a pleasant one, but still a reason: sometimes, children do not know how to draw their parents’ attention to them other than misbehaving, as parents do not grant them with enough warmth and love. Such misbehavior can be a sort of revenge. Such children may find attention in being mean, vicious, and violent, and thus making their parents feel bad. The solution here might be to try giving the child what they need: comfort, love, care, attention (GreaterGood).

Children’s misbehavior is not a temporary phenomenon that can be explained by children’s penchant for pranks. Children may misbehave due to serious reasons, such as trying to figure out what is acceptable and unacceptable in the relationships between people (and learning from this experience); the lack of skills: communication, problem-solving, and so on; also, misbehavior can be a form of revenge for a child who feels abandoned and not loved. In each particular case of children’s misbehavior, parents should figure out the reasons standing behind it.


“8 Reasons Why Children Misbehave (With Solutions!).” N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.

Morin, Amy. “10 Reasons Why Kids Break the Rules and Misbehave.” About Parenting. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.

“Causes of Misbehavior.” KidsGrowth. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.

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