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Board Meeting

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The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m., February 23, 2013, at the management office meeting room.

Attendees Present:

William Reginald
Jason Smith
Jack Lewis
Sara Kravitz
Steven Moore
Maria Hernandez
Robert Mitchell


Alison Bennett
David Barnes

Approval of Minutes:

Motion: To approve meeting minutes from the meeting held on February 12, 2013.
Vote: Unanimous approval.
Resolved: After some necessary corrections, meeting minutes from February 12, 2013, were approved.


– Project management team report given by Jack Lewis.
– HR department report on new appointments given by Robert Mitchell.


Motion: To accept the “Johnson, Moriz, and Co.” written proposal of strategic partnership in the sphere of legal services (providing legal assistance and support, advocation).
Vote: Six votes in favor, one abstained from voting.
Resolved: Accepted the written proposal of the strategic partnership in the sphere of legal services from “Johnson, Moriz, and Co.”

Motion: To appoint Maria Hernandez to the position of the Head of Public Relations Department.
Vote: Motion approved, five voices in favor, one opposed, one abstained from voting. Sara Kravitz offered the candidacy of David Barnes, but it was rejected after the voting of the majority.
Resolved: Maria Hernandez appointed as the Head of Public Relations Department.

Motion: Decide on the delegation to the XV Open Conference of Advertisers and Marketers in Seattle.
Resolved: Alison Bennet, Robert Mitchell, and Jason Smith chosen to represent “Point 35 Advertising” at the XV Open Conference of Advertisers and Marketers in Seattle.
Amendment: Jason Smith volunteered to participate in the conference.

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