The Japanese Culture Center of Illinois invites all enthusiasts of eastern culture to our open house event, which will take place on Sunday at 4 p.m. Included among the planned activities is studying the basics of traditional Japanese arts, tasting Japanese cuisine, and learning interesting information about the Land of the Rising Sun.

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The event will begin with a speech given by Mr. Tanaka Hiroshi, the head of the Culture Center; he will briefly outline recent activities of the Culture Center, and announce the upcoming events. Afterwards, the opening activities will continue with a short concert. Visitors are invited to listen as musicians skillfully play exquisite, ancient musical instruments such as the koto, shakuhachi, and shamisen.

Among the many master classes and workshops taking place, guests will have the opportunity to learn the basics of the famous traditional tea ceremony. Master Aizawa Tomoko will make an excursion into the history of the tea ceremony, explain the rules of etiquette that should be followed, and induct her listeners in the time-honored procedure of conducting the ceremony.

Master Hito Anji, a well-known calligrapher, will share the secrets of writing Japanese characters. He will explain the hidden meaning of many characters, and teach the visitors how to write them with different techniques. On request, Master Hito can select characters that sound appropriate to the name of the requester, and according to a legend, bestow luck and happiness on that person.

The guests of the Culture Center will also have an opportunity to attend a master class on the old temple art of origami, watch kabuki plays, listen to haiku and tanka poetry being read, and participate in other activities.

“We are proud to introduce our culture to all enthusiasts,” Mr. Tanaka said. “We hope this open house will facilitate a mutual understanding and friendship between our nations, and invite everyone to visit our Culture Center.”

The Japanese Culture Center in Illinois has existed for more than two decades, and is involved in building and strengthening the partnership between Japan and the USA. It organizes various cultural events, acquaints citizens with the rich Japanese culture, and provides enthusiasts with a myriad educational programs.

Japanese Culture Center

240 South Chestnut Springfield, IL 62703
Contact: George Gilliam
Phone: 555. 079. 637. 1010
[email protected]

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