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Nicholas Klanc
Homeless City Renovation Foundation
Welface Street, Seattle
Washington, 981267


Bill and Melina Gates Foundation
Harrison Ave., Seattle
Washington, 98717

Dear Representative Gerald Sophin,

I am writing this plea on behalf of the Homeless City Renovation Foundation. Our Foundation focuses on providing support for homeless tent cities within the tri-state area in order to improve sanitation, provide consultation services, supply medical support, and give additional rations to individuals living in tent cities. With our initial efforts beginning in 2008, the Foundation has aided over 1500 homeless tent cities in improving living conditions. The mayor of Seattle, George Nikels, presented the Foundation with the City of Seattle Award for Humanitarian Efforts by a Mid-Sized Foundation in 2011. We are unflinchingly dedicated to the cause of aiding homeless individuals in the tri-state area.

Despite the Foundation’s achievements and accolades, we are due for a $850,000 deficit in the next quarter. We require these funds to properly follow-up on our current projects that oversee the well-being of over 400 homeless tent cities in the tri-city area. Medical supplies, rations, personal arrangements for social services, sanitation management, and the hiring of 24-hour staff to supervise our efforts make up the monetary requirements for the next quarter. Though other esteemed foundations akin to the Bill and Melinda Foundation have been generous, our needs have not yet been fulfilled.

If you could, Representative Gerald Sophin, relay this necessity to the Bill and Melinda Foundation’s accountants, the Homeless City Renovation Foundation would be grateful. If there are documents or legal issues that need to be attended to in order for our request to be met, please contact us at your convenience.

Yours faithfully,

Nicholas Klanc
Supervisor of Homeless City Renovation Foundation

[email protected]
(264) 7676-5566

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