Admin by Admin

Goran Yovanich
52 Mariborska st., 14 apt.
Belgrade, BG 11000, Serbia
Phone: 3-811-133-322-211
Email: [email protected]
Date of Birth: 14th September, 1981

Woman shrugging
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15th January, 2013

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter to your embassy is my appeal against the decision to decline my Schengen Visa application. Your denial letter stated that the reason for the decline was that my bank account balance was less than required by your policies. I was informed that I could not be granted a Schengen Visa unless my bank account contained the minimum balance requirement. Additionally, there were suspicions that I may refuse to return from the destination country.

After I had submitted my Schengen Visa application, my bank withdrew a significant sum of money from my account in error. The insufficient funds in my bank account were the result of a mistake committed my bank itself. The situation has since been corrected and funds in my account now match those required by your policies.


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As for my possible refusal to return, I hasten to inform you that it would be extremely unprofitable for me. I own real estate property in my country and a car. Staying in my host country instead of returning to my home would be to forfeit these valuable possessions. I am sending you a notarized copy of my documents of property ownership, as well as a copy of my current bank account statement, showing sufficient funds.

Based on this information, I would like to ask you to reconsider your previous decision to cancel my visa application. Should you require any additional information or documentation, I will gladly provide you with it. Please, do not hesitate to contact me via the contacts provided at the top of this letter.


Goran Yovanich

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