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The Literary Observer
Tracey Miles
Chief Editor
416 Northumberland Dr.
Cheneyville, LA, 71325, USA

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September 13, 2013

Thomas Andrews
Project Manager

Dear Thomas,

I am writing this letter to inform you that on September 28, 2013 I am leaving the position of Chief Editor for “The Literary Observer”. You know my warm attitude towards this periodical, as we started it together in 2008. I am still feeling enthusiastic about it, and I am not planning to terminate all my relations in connection with our publication. However, I was offered a professional proposal for which I was compelled not to refuse, and I chose to try myself with a new challenge.

I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with the people who make up the team of our periodical: the editors, copyeditors, translators, illustrators, coders, designers, and many others. The experience I gained while working for “The Literary Observer” is invaluable. I had an opportunity to develop and use my skills of leadership; communication; organization, coordination, and strategical planning; I also learned to understand an audience, its needs and interests. Due to this, “The Literary Observer” remained one of the most popular periodicals in Louisiana for almost five years.

I ask you to accept this letter of resignation. I will perform my duties conscientiously until my last working day. Also, I offer my help in the quest of searching and training a replacement for my position. In case you have any questions, email me anytime at [email protected].


Tracey Miles

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