Uncertainty plays a crucial role in physics, as it helps us understand the limitations and potential variations in our measurements. In this article, we will explore the steps involved in calculating uncertainty in physics and provide examples to illustrate the process.

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Understanding Uncertainty and Errors

Before delving into the calculation of uncertainty, let’s first understand the concept of uncertainty and its relationship with errors. Uncertainty represents the range of potential variation in a measurement, while errors occur when there is a difference between the measured value and the true or expected value.

One of the fundamental types of errors is absolute error, which is the difference between the measured value and the expected value. For example, if we measure the length of an object and obtain a value of 10.2 cm, while the true length is 10 cm, the absolute error would be 0.2 cm.

Another type of error is relative error, which compares the magnitude of the absolute error to the true or expected value. It provides a measure of the discrepancy in terms of a percentage. Using the previous example, if the true length is 10 cm and the measured length is 10.2 cm, the relative error would be 2%.

Calculating Uncertainty

To calculate uncertainty in physics, we follow specific steps that involve analyzing the data and considering the sources of error. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Determine the Sources of Error

Identify the potential sources of error in your measurement or experiment. These sources can include instrumental limitations, human errors, or systematic biases.

Step 2: Conduct Multiple Measurements

To obtain a more accurate assessment of the uncertainty, conduct multiple measurements of the same quantity. For instance, if you are measuring the time it takes for an object to fall, repeat the experiment several times and record the values.

Step 3: Calculate the Mean Value

Calculate the mean value of the measurements by summing all the values and dividing the sum by the total number of measurements. This provides a representative value for further analysis.

Step 4: Determine the Absolute Deviations

Calculate the absolute deviations of each individual measurement from the mean value. Subtract the mean value from each measurement and take the absolute value of the result. For example, if the mean value is 5.0 s and the measurements are 4.8 s, 5.2 s, and 5.1 s, the absolute deviations would be 0.2 s, 0.2 s, and 0.1 s, respectively.

Step 5: Calculate the Average Absolute Deviation

Calculate the average absolute deviation by summing the absolute deviations and dividing the sum by the total number of measurements. This represents the average amount of deviation from the mean value.

Step 6: Calculate the Uncertainty

The uncertainty is typically reported as the standard deviation, which measures the spread of the measurements around the mean value. It can be calculated by taking the square root of the average squared deviations from the mean.

Step 7: Report the Uncertainty

Finally, report the uncertainty with the measured value using the ± symbol. For example, if the mean time is 5.0 s and the uncertainty is 0.2 s, you would report the result as (5.0 ± 0.2) s.

Examples of Uncertainty Calculations

Let’s explore a couple of examples to illustrate the calculation of uncertainty in physics.

Example 1: Calculating Uncertainty in Length Measurement

Suppose you are measuring the length of a wire using a ruler with a precision of 0.1 cm. After conducting multiple measurements, you obtain the following values: 15.2 cm, 15.1 cm, and 15.3 cm.

First, calculate the mean value: Mean = (15.2 cm + 15.1 cm + 15.3 cm) / 3 = 15.2 cm

Next, calculate the absolute deviations: Absolute Deviations = |15.2 cm – 15.2 cm|, |15.1 cm – 15.2 cm|, |15.3 cm – 15.2 cm| = 0 cm, 0.1 cm, 0.1 cm

Calculate the average absolute deviation: Average Absolute Deviation = (0 cm + 0.1 cm + 0.1 cm) / 3 = 0.067 cm

Finally, calculate the uncertainty (standard deviation): Uncertainty = √((0 cm^2 + 0.1 cm^2 + 0.1 cm^2) / 3) ≈ 0.08 cm

The result can be reported as (15.2 ± 0.08) cm.

Example 2: Calculating Uncertainty in Time Measurement

Suppose you are measuring the time it takes for a pendulum to complete one oscillation. After conducting multiple measurements, you obtain the following values: 1.85 s, 1.88 s, and 1.82 s.

Calculate the mean value: Mean = (1.85 s + 1.88 s + 1.82 s) / 3 = 1.85 s

Calculate the absolute deviations: Absolute Deviations = |1.85 s – 1.85 s|, |1.88 s – 1.85 s|, |1.82 s – 1.85 s| = 0 s, 0.03 s, 0.03 s

Calculate the average absolute deviation: Average Absolute Deviation = (0 s + 0.03 s + 0.03 s) / 3 ≈ 0.02 s

Calculate the uncertainty (standard deviation): Uncertainty = √((0 s^2 + 0.03 s^2 + 0.03 s^2) / 3) ≈ 0.02 s

The result can be reported as (1.85 ± 0.02) s.


Calculating uncertainty in physics is essential for understanding the limitations and variations in measurements. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can accurately determine uncertainty and provide reliable results. Remember to consider the sources of error, conduct multiple measurements, calculate the mean value, and determine the uncertainty using appropriate statistical techniques. Practicing these calculations will enhance your experimental skills and contribute to the accuracy of your scientific findings in the field of physics. Additionally, understanding the concept of uncertainty (not to be confused with U in Physics) is crucial for interpreting experimental data and ensuring the validity of scientific conclusions.


How do you calculate absolute uncertainty in physics?

To calculate the absolute uncertainty in physics, subtract the measured value from the accepted or expected value. The result is the difference or deviation between the two values.

What is relative uncertainty and how is it calculated in physics?

Relative uncertainty compares the magnitude of the absolute uncertainty to the accepted or expected value. To calculate relative uncertainty in physics, divide the absolute uncertainty by the accepted or expected value and multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Can uncertainty be reduced or eliminated in physics measurements?

Uncertainty cannot be completely eliminated in physics measurements. However, it can be reduced by using more precise instruments, improving measurement techniques, and conducting multiple measurements to obtain a more accurate average.

Are there different methods to calculate uncertainty in physics?

Yes, there are different methods to calculate uncertainty in physics, depending on the nature of the measurements and the available data. Some common methods include the standard deviation method, propagation of errors method, and Monte Carlo simulation method. The choice of method depends on the specific requirements of the measurement and the level of accuracy desired.

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