Free fall is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the motion of an object when it is influenced solely by gravity, and no other forces like wind or air resistance come into play. In this guide, we will delve into the concept of free fall, explore its key components, and understand how kinematic equations and motion graphs are used to analyze objects in free fall. Let’s begin by defining what free fall means in the context of physics.

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Understanding Free Fall

In physics, free fall refers to the motion of an object that is only subject to the force of gravity. When an object is dropped from a height or thrown vertically upwards, it experiences free fall as it moves under the influence of gravity alone. During free fall, the object’s velocity increases at a constant rate of approximately 9.81 m/s², which is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth.

Key Components of Free Fall

Acceleration due to Gravity

The acceleration due to gravity, denoted as ‘g,’ is a constant value of approximately 9.81 m/s² on Earth. This means that in free fall, the velocity of an object increases by 9.81 m/s every second it is in motion. The acceleration due to gravity always acts vertically downwards, causing the object to move faster and faster towards the ground.

Kinematic Equations for Free Fall

To analyze free fall motion mathematically, we use kinematic equations, which relate distance, time, initial velocity, final velocity, and acceleration. The two fundamental kinematic equations used for objects in free fall are:

  1. Formula for Finding Distance if Time is Known: d = vit + 0.5 * g * t^2
  2. Formula for Finding Time if Distance is Known: t = √(2d / g)

Motion Graphs for Free Fall

Motion graphs are valuable tools in understanding the behavior of objects in free fall. Three essential motion graphs that represent free fall motion are:

  1. Position-Time Graph for an Object in Free Fall: The position-time graph shows the vertical position of the object concerning time. As the object falls, the graph forms a curved line, indicating that the object’s velocity is increasing with time.
  2. Velocity-Time Graph for an Object in Free Fall: The velocity-time graph shows how the object’s velocity changes over time during free fall. In free fall, the velocity-time graph is a straight line with a constant negative slope of -9.81 m/s², indicating the constant acceleration due to gravity.
  3. Acceleration-Time Graph for an Object in Free Fall: The acceleration-time graph for free fall is a horizontal line at the value of -9.81 m/s², indicating that the acceleration remains constant throughout the motion.

Solving Problems in Free Fall Motion

Finding Distance Fallen in Free Fall

When we want to calculate the distance an object falls during free fall, we use the kinematic equation:

d = vit + 0.5 * g * t^2

where: d = distance fallen vi = initial velocity (usually 0 m/s for objects dropped from rest) g = acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s²) t = time of flight

Let’s consider an example to illustrate how this equation is applied:

Example: An object is dropped from rest from the top of a tall building. It hits the ground 5 seconds after it is dropped. What is the height of the building?

In this scenario, vi = 0 m/s (as it was dropped from rest), and t = 5 seconds. Using the formula:

d = 0 + 0.5 * 9.81 * 5^2 d = 0 + 0.5 * 9.81 * 25 d = 0 + 122.625 d = 122.625 meters

Therefore, the height of the building is approximately 123 meters.

Finding Time of Flight in Free Fall

To calculate the time an object spends in free fall, we rearrange the kinematic equation:

t = √(2d / g)

where: t = time of flight d = distance fallen g = acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s²)

Let’s consider another example to understand how to use this equation:

Example: An object is launched upwards with an initial velocity of 30 m/s. How long will it take for the object to reach its maximum height?

In this scenario, vi = 30 m/s (upward velocity), and we want to find t. Using the formula:

t = √(2 * 0 / 9.81) t = √0 t = 0 seconds

Since the object reaches its maximum height instantaneously, the time of flight is 0 seconds.


Understanding free fall in physics is crucial for analyzing the motion of objects influenced solely by gravity. It allows us to apply kinematic equations and motion graphs to solve complex problems related to distance, time, and velocity during free fall. By grasping the key components of free fall, such as the acceleration due to gravity, we gain valuable insights into the behavior of objects in this fascinating type of motion. Whether calculating the height of a building or the time to reach the maximum height of a projectile, free fall concepts are essential tools for any physics enthusiast.


What is the final velocity of an object in free fall?

The final velocity of an object in free fall depends on the time it has been falling and its initial velocity. In free fall, the final velocity continuously increases due to the constant acceleration of gravity, which is approximately 9.81 m/s² on Earth. The final velocity can be calculated using the equation:

v_f = v_i + (g * t)

where: v_f = final velocity v_i = initial velocity g = acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s²) t = time of flight

Are wind and air resistance considered in free fall motion?

No, wind and air resistance are not considered in free fall motion. Free fall describes the motion of an object when it is only influenced by gravity and no other forces are acting upon it. In this idealized scenario, we assume that there is no air resistance or other external forces affecting the object’s motion.

What is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth?

The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is approximately 9.81 m/s². This means that an object in free fall will experience a constant acceleration of 9.81 m/s² towards the Earth’s surface. The value of 9.81 m/s² is often rounded to 9.8 m/s² for simplicity in calculations.

Can you provide examples of free fall motion problems?

Certainly! Here are two examples of free fall motion problems:

Example 1: An object is dropped from a cliff with an initial velocity of 0 m/s. Calculate the time it takes for the object to hit the ground. Solution: Since the initial velocity (v_i) is 0 m/s, we can use the formula for time of flight in free fall:

t = √(2d / g)

where: t = time of flight d = distance fallen g = acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s²)

Example 2: A ball is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. Determine the maximum height the ball will reach. Solution: The ball will reach its maximum height when its final vertical velocity (v_fy) becomes zero. We can use the kinematic equation:

v_fy = v_iy – (g * t)

where: v_fy = final vertical velocity v_iy = initial vertical velocity g = acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s²) t = time to reach maximum height

What are the motion graphs used to represent objects in free fall?

In free fall motion, three essential motion graphs are used to represent the behavior of objects:

a. Position-Time Graph: This graph shows the vertical position of the object concerning time. In free fall, the position-time graph forms a curved line, indicating that the object’s velocity is increasing with time.

b. Velocity-Time Graph: The velocity-time graph shows how the object’s velocity changes over time during free fall. In free fall, the velocity-time graph is a straight line with a constant negative slope of -9.81 m/s², representing the constant acceleration due to gravity.

c. Acceleration-Time Graph: The acceleration-time graph for free fall is a horizontal line at the value of -9.81 m/s², indicating that the acceleration remains constant throughout the motion.


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