Brainly vs Chegg: Which one is better?

🔥 published September 6, 2023 - updated January 21, 2025

Quick Overview

Chegg and Brainly are both online tutoring platforms that provide students with various learning resources. Chegg offers textbook rentals, homework help, and tutoring, while Brainly is known for its community tab, study solutions, and quick answers. Both websites provide high schoolers and students with many opportunities to improve their knowledge outside of the classroom.

Liked about Brainly
  • Ability to ask free questions
  • Various payment methods
  • Intuitive website
Liked about Chegg
  • Quick tutor response
  • Wide range of subjects (STEM, science, language, arts)
  • Extensive number of services
An infographic with a short Chat Brainly vs Chegg comparison describing the ways these 2 services were tested and how the winner was picked
Best fit forStudents who want to get a specific answer to a question or a math problem.Students who want to have more opportunities to use additional learning tools.
A*Help Score⭐⭐⭐⭐
Solution Quality⭐⭐⭐
Brainly’s solution was 70% correct with no answer for the third sub-task.
Chegg’s solution was 80% correct.
Overall Experience⭐⭐⭐⭐
Brainly has an aesthetic and intuitive website, offering many community activities.
Chegg is a student-oriented platform that is accessible and easy to use. 
Value for Money⭐⭐⭐⭐
Brainly allows you to use the site for free if you have relatively easy questions.
Chegg allows you to browse through various services and choose the one that fits you best.

The main difference between Brainly and Chegg is that on Chegg you have more options for writing tools, apart from textbooks and Q&As with experts (which are also available on Brainly). But, it’s definitely not the only difference there is.

The digital landscape has reshaped many aspects of our lives, including education. Online tutoring, in particular, has gained significant traction among students. Offering both convenience and a tailored approach, it provides an alternative to traditional learning environments. Many students are finding it an invaluable tool to bridge gaps in understanding or to deepen their knowledge of specific subjects. As we dive into this topic, it’s essential to emphasize a vital message: leaning on such resources is not an indication of one’s inability. Instead, it showcases a proactive attitude toward learning.

Both Chegg and Brainly have established names for themselves in the online learning industry and provide students with much-needed assistance when learning. But the questions among learners arise: Is Chegg safe? Can you find answers to your homework with Brainly? So, let’s dive into the comparison and figure out which service is better.

Comparing Value for Money: Chegg vs Brainly

Value For Money22/2520/25
Additional Features3/31/3
Payments& Price5/66/6
Range of Subjects4/43/4
A screenshot of the profile and asking the question at Chegg
The Profile and Asking the Question at Chegg (click here to see a large image)
A screenshot of checking out at Chegg
Checking Out at Chegg (click here to see a large image)

Comparing Overall Experience: Chegg vs Brainly 

Overall Experience20/2523/25
Ordering Form3/66/6
A screenshot of asking a question at Brainly
Asking a question at Brainly (click here to see a large image)
A screenshot of Brainly Answer to the Task
Brainly Answer to the Task (click here to see a large image)
A screenshot of Chegg Solution, Subtask 1
Chegg Solution, Subtask 1 (click here to see a large image)
A screenshot of Chegg Solution, Subtask 2
Chegg Solution, Subtask 2 (click here to see a large image)
A screenshot of Chegg Solution, Subtask 3, p.1
Chegg Solution, Subtask 3, p.1 (click here to see a large image)
A screenshot of Chegg Solution, Subtask 3, p.2
Chegg Solution, Subtask 3, p.2 (click here to see a large image)

Brainly VS Chegg: Which Is Better for Online Tutoring?

Quality of Help30/5029/50
Response Time10/1210/12
Communication with Tutor0/100/10
Solution Quality16/2014/20

The Winner 

It’s fair to say that both services were closely evaluated during our mystery shopping. In the end, Chegg as well as Brainly reviews got 72/100 points on the A*Help score. So, it truly depends on your individual needs to determine which service is better. Although Chegg scored a point more on its Quality of Help, Brainly, on the other hand, showed better results in terms of Overall Experience. If you are looking for a tutoring service, we recommend you to check both websites out, since they offer fairly similar study solutions.

Why is a credible source of information:

Stay curious with us. has been a reliable educational resource since 2011, providing students with the latest news, assignment samples, and other valuable materials. Even with the extensive information we process, our quality remains consistent. Each team member has experience in education, allowing us to evaluate new sector offerings critically. Our reviews are up-to-date and relevant, with impartiality ensured by the A*Help score methodology from mystery shopping. We aren’t affiliated with any listed service providers. Our focus remains on providing our audience with reliable and unbiased data.


Is there another website like Chegg?

Yes, there are several websites similar to Chegg, such as Course Hero, Brainly, and Studypool, offering study materials, textbook solutions, and expert help for students. You can find dedicated reviews to those and other tutoring websites here, at A*Help.

Is Chegg the best site?

According to our A*Help score, Chegg received 72/100 pts, similar to Brainly. These results are considered quite high, however, tutoring websites like DuoKnows, Wyzant, and JustAnswer reached even better points. If you want to learn more about the differences between those platforms, visit AcademicHelp to find more in-depth reviews.

Main Specs

> Features/Services
Q&A Base
Live Tutor Sessions
> Additional Features
AI solutions (detectors, checkers, editors, tutors)
Study groups/bootcamps
> Trial
DurationPaid monthly or yearly
Free questions
Free answers
LimitationsNo limitations20 questions per subscription
>Payments & Price
Pay per chat
Pay per time (1 h, 30 min, 15 min)
Pay per additional question
> Methods
Card Payments 
Wallet Payments 
> Range of Subjects
Natural subjects (Physics, Chemistry, etc.)
> Support
Support availability 24/7
Support on-site messenger 
Support guides/community/FAQ/Q&A
Helpfulness of support MediumMedium
> Registration & Privacy
Need a phone number to register —
Need an email to register
Uses third-party registration methods (Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft accounts) 
> Response Time
Question response 3 hours1 hour
live chat response No live chat
finding of tutors About an hourQuick
> Materials
Include answers
Include explanations 
Explanatory videos, images
Download video/image 
> Communication with Tutor
Live chat 
Video call 
Asking additional questions for free 

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