negotiatingCobb, Charles. Practical Communication for Technical and Vocational Arts. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear, 1987.

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This text-workbook contains 13 sections covering areas such as “The Essentials of Communication,” “Work Orders and Estimates” and “Other Necessary Forms and Records.” All sections end in a “learning quiz” that evaluates the text and projects that require students to write a reply, complete a form, or arrange graphic material. Six appendices cover vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation, and many examples of work orders, maintenance requests, forms for memos, insurance claims, job records, and more is also included.

Ury, William. Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations. New York: Bantam Books, 2007. Print.

The author provides an innovative, ground-breaking approach for turning opponents into negotiating partners. It helps readers learn how to resolve hostility and be in control when under pressure. Discover what the other person wants; agree to what fulfills the demands of both sides, and use persuasion to bring the other person back to the table. It is a cutting-edge book on conciliation designed for the 21st century. One can learn to cope with tough people, tough times, and tough situations. One does not have to get even or become mad, but can instead get exactly what one wants.

McKay, Matthew, Martha Davis, and Patrick Fanning. Messages: The Communication Skills Book. Oakland, Calif: New Harbinger Publications, 2008. Print.

The writers discuss the benefits of communication skills, and argue that one’s capacity to communicate determines one’s happiness. They go on to postulate that if a person is less efficient at communicating, that person would find life incomplete, in one area or another. Effective communication makes one’s life functional. This book compiles the most essential communication devices in one volume, in condensed form, though with adequate exercises and examples, to enable readers to start practicing the abilities needed. It details what to do concerning communication and what to think about it. There is an emphasis on communication skills: how to understand, how to listen, how to communicate what is true, and learning how to reveal feelings and thoughts. The other sections discuss how to understand and use body language, clarify language, and uncover hidden agendas. There is also the aspect of skills needed to influence others, make speeches, negotiate, and fight fairly.

Nichols, Michael P. The Lost Art of Listening: How Learning to Listen Can Improve Relationships. New York: Guilford Press, 2009. Internet resource. P.6

The author helps readers learn how to resolve conflicts. The article also explains why people frequently feel disconnected from those they care about, and offers easy-to-learn procedures for hearing, and for being heard. It is divided into four parts. Part 1 explains the importance of listening. Part II surveys concealed assumptions and emotional responses, which are the main reason why people do not listen. Part III examines how one can manage emotional reactivity and become a proficient listener. Part IV explains the complications involved in listening, and how to make use of knowledge to get through to each other. The author concludes the book with exercises intended to assist the reader to become an improved listener. The author argues that effective listening is the greatest way to learn from others, to make one interesting to socialize with, and the best technique to enjoy others.

Huebner, Kathleen M. Hand in Hand: Selected Reprints and Annotated Bibliography on Working with Students Who are Deaf-Blind. New York: AFB Press, 1995. Print. P. 3

Even though instruments for evaluating language have been practical for researchers and tutors of learners with serious impairments, they have not offered an efficient means of observing learners who are both deaf and blind, as well as those with other serious impairments. They do not work at the pre-language stage of communication, nor has practical proficiency been taken into account. This article explains a tool applicable to such learners, which offers many prospects at the level of pre-language and allows for a structured examination of pragmatic features of communication. Most theories argue that communication is not solely a developmental task, but encompasses all domains. There is a discussion of the expansion and use of symbols as one of the communication skills.

Greene J.O. &, Burleson B. R; Handbook of Communication and Social Interaction Skills. Westport, Conn. [u.a.: Libraries Unlimited, 2004. Print.

Research on communicative capability is diverse. “Why have several scholars, from different fields, studying communicative capability in so many institutional, rational and cultural contexts?” The authors feeling is that the contemporary western culture as well as scholars broadly accept certain tacit beliefs. For example, success in individual and specialized relationships depends on communicative competence, but many individuals demonstrate a lack of skill in at least some situations and few individuals are evaluated across many conditions. In spite of the instinctive significance of communication, it is difficult to define precisely what comprises communicative competence. For many scholars, common laments include the lack of theory and definitional problems.

 Asante, Clement E. Press Freedom and Development: A Research Guide and Selected Bibliography. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1997. Print. P. 11

The author writes that, “To study development and communication is, more often than not, studying a connection between the government and the media.” This scholarly work provides an exceptional glimpse into the interdependence between the freedom of press and communication. The volume, though, is split into two “camps.” Section 1 is about press liberty and government media associations, subdivided into sections on global press systems, media control and ownership, and the present global communication and information order debate. Section 2 covers development and communication, with subsections on “mass media and development deliberation,” “role of communication for state development” and “reexamination of the latest and the previous media.” The author clarifies that the “approach and style that he has used in this research is symbolically that of an unobtrusive and fair referee in a boxing contest, who steps in only when it is completely essential to do so, to clarify the rules of the match to the fighters.”

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