Language, being the intricate web of communication that it is, often involves different translations for a single word. In this article, we will explore the word “head” in the Spanish language, including its direct translation, synonyms, related expressions, and idioms.

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The Basics

The Spanish word for “head” is “cabeza”. This is the direct translation of head in Spanish, and it is widely used in all Spanish-speaking countries. However, language is never one-dimensional, and that applies to the word “head” as well. There are also different words for head in Spanish, such as:

  • “testa”
  • and “cráneo”.

The latter specifically referring to the skull. Similarly, “cerebro” is the Spanish equivalent of “brain”.

Describing Headaches in Spanish

When it comes to health-related terminology, knowing how to express ailments such as a headache is useful. In Spanish, a headache is referred to as “dolor de cabeza”. This phrase is quite literal, translating to “pain of head”. If you are experiencing a headache, you can say, “Tengo dolor de cabeza,” meaning “I have a headache.”

In Spanish, as in any other language, several words and phrases can be related to the concept of the head. For example, “cabello” or “pelo” for hair, “frente” for forehead, “mejilla” for cheek, and “barbilla” for chin are all parts of the head. These words expand the vocabulary related to the head in Spanish and allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the term.

Expressions and Idioms Involving the Word “Head” in Spanish

The Spanish language, rich in its idiomatic expressions, offers several phrases that involve the term “head”. For instance, the expression “costar un ojo de la cara” directly translates to “to cost an eye from the face” but it is used to express that something costs an arm and a leg, or in other words, it’s very expensive. Though the word “head” isn’t directly included, the phrase is related to parts of the head, thus making it relevant.

Another common expression is “no tener pelos en la lengua”, which literally translates to “not having hairs on the tongue”. This idiom means to speak one’s mind, or to be blunt or straightforward.


Understanding how the term “head” translates and applies in the Spanish language provides us with a comprehensive understanding of the linguistic and cultural nuances of Spanish. From the basic translation of “head” to “cabeza” to idiomatic expressions like “costar un ojo de la cara”, we have uncovered a variety of ways the term is utilized. Not only does this knowledge enhance our Spanish vocabulary, but it also provides us with a cultural lens to understand the Spanish language better.


What are the different words for “head” in Spanish?

The most common word for “head” in Spanish is “cabeza”. However, “cráneo” and “testa” are also used, typically referring to the skull.

Can you provide examples of sentences using “head” in Spanish?

Sure! Here are some examples:

  • “Me duele la cabeza” (My head hurts)
  • “Está lloviendo, así que lleva un sombrero para proteger tu cabeza” (It’s raining, so wear a hat to protect your head).

Yes, there are many idiomatic expressions related to “head” in Spanish. For example, “romperse la cabeza” literally translates to “to break one’s head” but it means “to rack one’s brain”.

What are some common uses of the word “head” in Spanish?

The word “head” in Spanish, “cabeza”, is used just as commonly as in English. It can be used literally, as in “Me duele la cabeza” (My head hurts), or figuratively, as in “Eres la cabeza de la empresa” (You are the head of the company).

What are the Idioms and expressions with “head” in Spanish?

Some idioms and expressions with “head” in Spanish include “costar un ojo de la cara” (to cost an arm and a leg) and “no tener pelos en la lengua” (to speak one’s mind).

How to describe a headache in Spanish?

A headache in Spanish can be described as “dolor de cabeza”. If you have a headache, you would say, “Tengo dolor de cabeza,” which translates to “I have a headache.”

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