In a turning point for millions of Americans struggling with student loan debt, the Education Department announced its position on mass loan cancellation, eliciting a slew of reactions from academics, activists, and borrowers alike, reports Inside Higher Ed.

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Key Takeaways

  • The Education Department is exploring targeted relief for specific borrower groups, excluding a broad-based debt cancellation strategy.
  • The department plans to leverage its authority under the Higher Education Act of 1965, which allows the education secretary to “compromise” or “waive” claims against borrowers.
  • The advisory committee, representing a diverse range of stakeholders, is engaged in discussions, sharing personal stories and exploring potential strategies for debt relief.
  • Committee members highlighted the disproportionate impact of student loan debt on Black families and the exacerbation of existing inequities.

Tamy Abernathy, director of the policy coordination group at the Education Department’s Office of Postsecondary Education and a prominent player in the Education Department, has shed light on the department’s approach, which notably avoids broad-based debt cancellation in favor of a more tailored method. This judgment, based on the Higher Education Act of 1965, raised a heated debate among the advisory committee’s 16 members, showing not just the complexities of the subject but also the diverse tales of people caught up in the student loan crisis. Miss Abernathy explains,

“We’re not looking at a broad-based debt cancellation where we are going to wipe off debt in its entirety. That doesn’t mean that, in some cases, there wouldn’t be cancellation.”

This approach, while meticulous, is designed to craft a plan that will withstand legal scrutiny, especially considering the previous plan’s rejection by the Supreme Court.

The Higher Education Act of 1965 plays a critical role in this context. This act empowers the education secretary to “compromise” or “waive” its claims against borrowers, providing a legal framework for the department to explore various relief strategies. The department is navigating through a complex process known as negotiated rule-making to determine how to effectively utilize this power under a different legal framework than the previously rejected one-time student loan forgiveness plan.

India Heckstall from the Center for Law and Social Policy, representing civil rights organizations, underscored the significant impact of pursuing higher education on Black families’ wealth due to the ensuing debt burden.

“Pursuing higher education can negatively impact Black families’ wealth because of the debt burden.”

This perspective highlights the disturbing reality of how student loan debt perpetuates and exacerbates existing racial and economic disparities, necessitating a thorough examination of any proposed debt relief strategy.

“When they receive a denial, borrowers may be discouraged from applying for other forms of relief. It tests their faith.”

The committee, through its discussions, is not only attempting to figure out the intricate web of student loan relief but also striving to repair and redirect a system that has left numerous borrowers feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. The stories shared during these meetings illuminate the real-world implications of policy decisions, providing a human context to the bureaucratic process.

After beginning a nine-step rule-making process in July, the department plans to issue a proposed rule involving public comment periods and hearings early next year. The committee’s discussions, which will continue in subsequent sessions, aim to build consensus on a proposal to provide debt relief to borrowers, with the department itself abstaining from voting on the committee.


In light of the above, it’s evident that the path forward is fraught with challenges and complexities. While cautious and targeted, the department’s approach is underpinned by a recognition of the multifaceted nature of the issue. The discussions, insights, and stories emerging from the committee’s meetings will undoubtedly shape future student loan relief efforts, with the echoes of each borrower’s story reverberating through the corridors of policy-making.

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