Sapling AI Detector Review:
based on real mystery shopping

A*Help Score: 59/100
published January 9, 2024 - updated September 25, 2024

Quick Overview

Sapling is marketed as an advanced and robust AI content detection service, capable of identifying text produced by various AI text generators. It offers a limited free version and a fully functional paid version, along with a mobile application specifically for the Chrome browser. Despite its impressive specifications on paper, practical tests have revealed notable inaccuracies in its scanning results.

The Good
  • Offers Chrome extension and MS Word integration
  • Detects multiple language models
The Bad
  • Detection accuracy
  • No printable reports
TOP services Our verdict AHelp Score 🔥 Updated January 2024
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A photograph for the review of Sapling AI detector

Sapling AI Detector’s Accuracy — 25/50 ⭐️⭐️

Sapling’s AI detector presents a unique case where it identifies all types of texts as fully AI-generated, including those written entirely by humans. While this demonstrates a high sensitivity to potential AI-written content, it raises concerns about accuracy and false positives. The tool’s inability to discern human-written text (scoring 0 out of 10 in accuracy for human text) could be a significant drawback for users seeking nuanced detection capabilities.

A screenshot of scanning results at Sapling AI detector
Scanning results at Sapling AI detector (click to see a large image)

AI Detection Results: 15/30

 Human-writtenAI-Generated  Paraphrased
Detection feedback100.0% AI100.0% AI100.0% AI

Sapling AI Detector’s Value for Money —17/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Sapling offers free and paid plans, with the free version allowing up to 2000 characters. Its PRO plan is priced at $25 per month, and there’s an enterprise option with customized pricing. However, the lack of discounts and loyalty programs, combined with its limited detection capabilities and over-sensitive algorithm, might make users question its value for money. Although we believe the inclusion of MS Word integration and a Chrome browser extension does add some appeal to its pricing plans.

A screenshot of pricing plans at Sapling AI detector
Pricing plans at Sapling AI detector (click to see a large image)
Tech detection
Available tools
Input sources

Sapling AI Detector’s Overall Experience — 17/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

There are varied results when evaluating Sapling as a user perspective. Positively, there are several sign-in methods and no registration requirements, so users may start using the site without any hassles. The tool’s simple design and ease of use make navigating through it a breeze. The restricted support options (no phone or instant chat) and the interface’s lack of aesthetic appeal, however, take away from the whole experience. Its inability to recognize languages other than English may further restrict its attractiveness to a worldwide user base.

Website experience


Sapling may not be the most aesthetically pleasing tool but it can be helpful when it comes to AI detection. Allowing to check up to 2000 characters for free and without registration, this service, alongside its versatile selection of extra features, can come in handy to those needing a quick check of their work before submitting it. So, if you are not satisfied with your Sapling experience, consider exploring a new AI checker for essays to extend the capabilities of your toolkit even further.


Sapling AI detector’s Reviews

The prioritizes providing our readers with the most reliable and checked material. As a result, in addition to our own experience with each service, we supplement our results with user evaluations gathered from websites such as Reddit, Trustpilot, and Sitejabber. This process, in our opinion, produces the most objective and complete examination findings.

Is Sapling AI detector’s a Scam?

Sapling is a tool designed to identify text created by AI. The service operates on a legitimate basis, and it’s offered free of charge, posing no financial risk to users. This suggests that the Sapling Detector is a trustworthy option for detecting AI-generated content.

Is Sapling AI detector’s Legit?

Sapling functions in line with the standards expected of any respected online service. Its focus on analyzing documents or text to detect indications of AI-generated content does not contravene any legal statutes. Therefore, Sapling is a completely legal and legitimate service provider.

Is Sapling AI detector Safe?

Yes, using Sapling is safe. In our interactions with the service, no suspicious activities were observed. Similar to other esteemed online businesses, Sapling adheres to conventional security protocols and privacy policies. This commitment helps to safeguard user information and offer a secure experience to its users.

Is Sapling AI detector Trustworthy?

Sapling is regarded as a trustworthy service provider. It demonstrates transparent practices and a clear offering of its services. Throughout its operation, Sapling has consistently shown reliability, thereby establishing itself as a dependable option for users seeking an AI-detection tool.

Is Sapling AI detector a Good Service?

Yes, Sapling may be among the serviceable tools for its intended purpose. However, there is an inconsistency in the quality of its results, indicating a need for improvement in this area. Its effectiveness, especially in accurately identifying AI-generated texts, is notable, but it would benefit from refining its accuracy and consistency.

Sapling AI Detector’s Specs

Human + AIn/a
Trusted in education
API integration
Browser extension (Chrome)
MS Word
Addit. on-board tools
files (pdf, word)
simple text (copy-paste)
Code files
Batch files upload
Free trial
LimitsFree plan: 2000 characters per query (400 tokens)
ENTERPRISE and Pro plans: 8000 characters (2000 tokens)
Third-party sign-in options
Needs phone number
Personal account
Aesthetic Interface
Quick process
Multi-language detectionn/a
Printable report
Clear results
Leave a message
Instant chat
Social media channels
FAQ and guides

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