Sybil Low by Sybil Low

The year is 2023, and simple grammar skills have been fading for 10-15 years. People often mix up ‘your’ with ‘you’re,’ confuse words that sound alike, misuse apostrophes, mess up verb tenses, and use double negatives. These aren’t tough grammar rules, but basic ones we’re forgetting.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The shift away from reading formal literature to informal online content is impacting language proficiency.
  • Multilingual internet presence and educational system flaws contribute significantly to grammatical errors.
  • Grammar checkers like Grammarly and Quillbot offer valuable tools for improving written communication in the digital era.

In the bustling forums of Reddit, a question stirs lively debate: Why are spelling and grammar skills deteriorating? From mixing up ‘you’re’ and ‘your’ to dropping punctuation, these lapses in language are not just a US phenomenon. Online and text messages often showcase such mistakes, sentences run on without pause, as if the rules of language have faded. This article explores the root of this grammatical puzzle, simplifying a complex issue.

5 Main Reasons Why People Are Getting Worse At Grammar

Grammar and spelling seem to be on a downward spiral, and the reasons are as varied as they are concerning. Let’s explore the main factors contributing to this decline.

Reduced Reading of Formal Literature

People are reading less, especially formal publications like books and magazines that follow stringent grammatical standards. Instead, they’re consuming content from informal sources online, where language rules are often disregarded.

“I think it’s because people read a lot less. Reading proper language & grammar from books, magazines, which are held to a higher standard for publishing..not more informal written words like reddit, forums or youtube comments.”

“It’s because they aren’t reading books much anymore. Most people learn new words and see accurate grammar through reading books. If you’re reading online, you’re seeing and emulating the same incorrect grammar and spelling that you see there. That being said, a lot of people know the difference between things like “they’re” and “there” or “your” and “you’re,” but something gets confused between their brains and their fingers. I’m a touch typist and type quickly and rarely proofread online communication. The wrong word will come out of my fingertips while the right one is in my brain.”

Influence of Digital Communication

With the rise of digital communication, many overlook proper grammar for speed and convenience. Fast typing and lack of proofreading mean errors slip through, even when people know the correct usage. As one commenter notes, the correct word is in their mind, but their fingers betray them.

“Because of social media and lack of education.. people are attempting to shorten words and then it just sticks.. so they continue speaking and then inevitably talking that way as well. I can’t stand when people don’t know the difference between the “to/too, they/them, they’re/their”.. it depends where you grew up and what schooling you had as an adolescent (in my opinion). I went to private school on the west coast and moved to the east, where I went to public school.. When I got here, they were sooo behind. I had learned the things they were teaching, years prior. It’s unfortunate.”

Multilingual Internet Users

The internet is a global village with many non-native English speakers. Mistakes in grammar can be common as they navigate a second or third language, contributing to the overall decline in grammatical precision online.

“Some of the people on the internet are ones who have English as their second or third language and you can’t really tell them apart from any of the other people writing comments.”

“Not everyone’s native language is English, so that makes some difference. People had English lessons, but forgot the grammar and spelling over time, because they didn’t use it every day.

Next thing is, the time changes a lot and languages are in a constant flow changes, it’s good to have dynamic language and the influences of different languages too. It makes it all a little lively.”

Educational System Flaws

Some attribute the decline to a failing education system where students advance despite poor performance. This leniency is thought to foster a culture of complacency, affecting not just academic success but also the grasp of language basics.

“It’s a failed education system. They pass everyone these days whether they fail or not. They are not watching out for our children by enabling those that do not even try to learn. This is happening throughout our country. It’s the same thing with giving trophies to those who don’t win. This new mentality is making our children soft And creating a poor work ethic and a misunderstanding of what it really takes to succeed.”

Dependence on Technology

Auto-correct and spell-check features often do more harm than good, leading to reliance and forgetfulness of spelling and grammar rules. The shift towards real-time writing and the desire for convenience over correctness has allowed these technological aids to inadvertently lower language standards.

“Some people have autocorrect on, which will handily change your “were” into “we’re” or vice-versa, and why would you check the spell check, it’s not your fault it changed the damn word. Other people have spell check turned off and sometimes its just easier not to bother with apostrophes capitals and punctuation. Still other people use text speech like it’s cute (i am guilty of this), and sometimes that extends to intentionally using incorrect grammar. Not because you can’t but because you choose not to.”

“Cause I don’t really care when I’m texting on my phone. Save the corrections for emails or when I need to be on point. If you’re judging someone for not being proper when just having conversations then we probably have way different focuses anyways 🤷‍♀️”

“Autocorrect. Sometimes wrong words (we’re vs were), sometimes wrong singular/plural because you get 3 choices and the correct one isn’t there. Also you are seeing much more people writing, and that writing is sometimes in real time.”

“It’s because of SpellCheck and GrammarCheck. These computer ” helpers” have enabled us to forget spelling and grammar rules.”

The Best Grammar Checkers

In the digital age, writing with correct grammar has become crucial, whether for professional emails, social media posts, or academic papers. Grammar checkers are the lifesavers of written communication, offering a shield against common and complex mistakes. They’re not just about fixing errors; they help enhance clarity, tone, and style in writing.

The Best Grammar Checkers
Image: by pch.vector

These tools vary in functionality. Some correct mistakes in real-time as you type, others highlight errors for you to review, and a few take a deeper dive into your writing to point out passive constructions and wordy sentences that might escape even the sharpest human editor. They’re particularly helpful when you’re churning out content regularly, guarding against those little slips that can cause big blushes – like leaving out letters or botching up spellings on public announcements. Essentially, they’re like having a vigilant proofreader looking over your shoulder, enabling you to concentrate on the creative flow of your writing.


Quillbot is a standout option that leans on natural language processing to detect a range of writing issues. It’s intuitive, offering clear explanations and alternative phrasing so you can see and understand your mistakes immediately. With Quillbot, even extensive content can be proofread and polished swiftly, thanks to its dictionary, which allows for quick replacements of flagged words.


LanguageTool is favored by corporations for its reliability and multilingual support. It’s designed for comfort with a choice between light and dark screen modes, and it respects your privacy, keeping your text secure. LanguageTool is versatile, integrating with various browsers and word processors, and offers a personal dictionary feature to recognize and respect your unique terminology.


Grammarly is perhaps the best-known grammar checker, with a wide-reaching reputation. Its AI-driven analysis covers the basics for free and expands to scrutinize tone and suggest stylistic improvements in its premium version. Grammarly is ubiquitous, functioning across different platforms, ensuring consistency in your writing whether you’re composing an email, drafting a report, or updating your social media.


ProWritingAid offers more than just grammar checking; it’s like a writing coach that also educates. It scores your work for readability and encourages stylistic improvements. Unique features assist creative writers by flagging overused dialogue tags and emotional descriptions. ProWritingAid fosters growth in writing skills through its educational resources, and with premium access, you can dive deeper into advanced writing aids, including plagiarism checking.


Ginger provides robust grammar checking for the economical writer. Available across devices, Ginger helps you catch and correct errors swiftly, ensuring your writing is grammatically sound. It’s a simple yet effective tool for those who need reliable grammar assistance without any frills.

These grammar checkers are not just tools; they’re partners in writing that help you present your best self in any written medium. They adapt to your needs, whether you’re a student looking to tighten up an essay, a professional crafting an important business proposal, or a writer polishing your latest story. With their help, good writing is not just about avoiding errors, but also about refining and expressing your ideas clearly and effectively.


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