Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a powerful language used to control the presentation and layout of web pages. At the core of CSS lies the cascade, an essential algorithm that determines how CSS properties are combined from different sources and how their values are applied to HTML elements. Understanding the function of the cascade is crucial for web developers and designers to create consistent and visually appealing websites. In this article, we will explore the cascade in CSS, its origin types, and the order in which declarations are applied.

The Cascade: A Fundamental Concept in CSS

Understanding the Cascade

The cascade in CSS is an algorithm that governs how property values from various sources are combined and applied to HTML elements. CSS properties can come from different origin types, including user-agent stylesheets, author stylesheets, and user stylesheets. Each of these sources has its specific level of precedence, which determines which style declarations take effect when there are conflicts.

Origin Types and Precedence

The cascade operates based on a hierarchy of origin types, with each type having its own level of precedence. Let’s briefly explore each of these origin types:

  1. User-agent Stylesheets: User-agent stylesheets are provided by web browsers and set default styles for HTML elements. They serve as the baseline styles before any other CSS is applied.
  2. Author Stylesheets: Author stylesheets are the CSS rules defined by web developers or designers. These stylesheets are included in the HTML document and can override user-agent styles.
  3. User Stylesheets: User stylesheets are styles applied by users themselves, either through browser settings or browser extensions. These styles take precedence over both user-agent and author styles.

Cascade Order

The cascade follows a specific order when determining which styles should be applied to an element:

  1. Selector Specificity: When multiple selectors target the same element, the selector with the highest specificity takes precedence.
  2. Source Order: If two selectors have the same specificity, the one defined last in the CSS takes precedence.

Applying Cascade: A Step-by-Step Example

Let’s walk through a simple example to illustrate how the cascade functions:

Consider the following CSS code:

body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  color: #333;

p {
  font-size: 16px;
  color: red;

In this example, we have two rules targeting the <body> element and the <p> elements. The font color is set to #333 in the body rule and red in the p rule. The font size is set to 16px in the p rule.

Now, suppose we have the following HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Example Page</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
  <p>Hello, CSS Cascade!</p>

Here’s how the cascade determines the final styles for the <p> element:

  1. The user-agent stylesheet sets the default font family and color for the <body> element.
  2. The styles.css file, which contains the author styles, overrides the font family for the <body> element and sets its text color to #333.
  3. The <p> element inherits the font family from its parent <body> element.
  4. The p rule in the styles.css file sets the font size to 16px and the text color to red.

As a result, the text inside the <p> element will be displayed with a font size of 16px and a text color of red.

Working with Cascade Layers

Cascade layers refer to the level at which styles are applied within each origin type. Each layer has a different priority in the cascade, and styles can be overridden between layers. Understanding cascade layers is essential for managing styles effectively and avoiding unexpected conflicts.

Layer 0: User-agent Stylesheets

Layer 0 is the user-agent layer, which contains default styles set by browsers. These styles form the foundation for every web page and can be overridden by subsequent layers.

Layer 1: Author Stylesheets

Layer 1 contains styles defined in author stylesheets. These styles can override user-agent styles and form the main CSS rules created by web developers.

Layer 2: User Stylesheets

Layer 2 is the user layer, representing styles applied by users themselves. These styles can further override both user-agent and author styles, allowing users to customize the appearance of websites according to their preferences.

Managing the Cascade: Best Practices

Effectively managing the cascade is essential for maintaining a consistent and maintainable codebase. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Organize CSS Styles: Keep styles well-organized by using meaningful class and ID names. Avoid relying heavily on inline styles, which can become challenging to manage.
  2. Use Specific Selectors Sparingly: Overusing overly specific selectors can lead to specificity conflicts. Aim to keep selectors simple and targeted.
  3. Avoid !important: While it can solve immediate issues, using !important should be a last resort as it can make styles difficult to override.
  4. Group Related Styles: Group related styles together in your author stylesheets to make it easier to spot conflicts and maintain consistency.
  5. Use CSS Resets or Normalize: To avoid browser-specific inconsistencies, consider using CSS resets or normalization techniques to establish a consistent baseline.


The cascade in CSS is a crucial concept that underpins the way styles are combined and applied to HTML elements. Understanding the origin types, cascade order, and cascade layers is vital for web developers and designers to create well-organized and visually appealing websites. By following best practices and managing styles effectively, developers can harness the power of the cascade to deliver consistent and professional-looking web pages.


What are cascade layers in CSS?

Cascade layers in CSS refer to the different levels of style application within each origin type. The cascade operates in layers, with each layer having a unique priority. The layers are as follows:

  • Layer 0: User-agent stylesheets (Default styles provided by browsers)
  • Layer 1: Author stylesheets (Styles defined by web developers or designers)
  • Layer 2: User stylesheets (Styles applied by users themselves, through browser settings or extensions) Styles from higher layers can override styles from lower layers, allowing for customization and style preferences.

Can declarations from different sources override each other in the cascade?

Yes, declarations from different sources can override each other in the cascade. The cascade follows a specific order of precedence based on specificity and source order. If two declarations have the same specificity, the one defined later in the CSS file takes precedence. Additionally, user stylesheets can override both author and user-agent styles.

How does specificity play a role in the cascade?

Specificity is a key factor in the cascade’s functioning. When multiple selectors target the same element, the selector with the highest specificity takes precedence. Specificity is calculated based on the number of ID selectors, class selectors, and element selectors in a rule. Inline styles have the highest specificity, followed by IDs, classes, and elements. Understanding specificity is essential for resolving conflicts and ensuring desired styles are applied.

What are the origin types in the CSS cascade?

The cascade in CSS operates with three origin types:

  • User-agent stylesheets: Default styles provided by web browsers.
  • Author stylesheets: CSS rules defined by web developers or designers in the HTML document.
  • User stylesheets: Styles applied by users themselves, either through browser settings or extensions. Each origin type has its level of precedence, and styles from higher origins can override styles from lower origins.

How do user-agent stylesheets, author stylesheets, and user stylesheets interact in the cascade?

The cascade defines how styles from different origin types interact and take precedence over each other. User-agent stylesheets set default styles for HTML elements, while author stylesheets provide main CSS rules defined by developers. User stylesheets allow users to customize styles, and their styles can override both user-agent and author styles. The cascade combines styles from these different origins to determine the final appearance of HTML elements.

How does the cascade handle conflicting property values?

When conflicting property values arise, the cascade resolves them based on specificity and source order. The selector with higher specificity takes precedence, and if specificities are equal, the declaration defined later in the CSS file overrides the previous one. The cascade ensures that only one value for each property is ultimately applied to an element, avoiding ambiguity and maintaining consistent styles.

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