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future perfect

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What is It?

Uses will have + a verb in the past tense (part particle) or am/is/are + going to have + a verb in the past (past particle) to show that an action will be completed before an event in the future or to show the time that passes until an event happens in the future.

When to Use?

Cases Examples
* To show that an action will be completed before an event in the future. 1. By next September, I will have received my new spaceship.
2. I am not going to have this drawing finished before class begins at 12:30pm.
* To show the time that passes until an event happens in the future. 1. I will have been in Mumbai for 122 years by the time I leave to Cambodia.
2. By Tuesday, Nicole is going to have had my PlayStation 11 for four months.

Important to Remember

Even though this is a future tense, there is no future tense used when mentioning time in the future perfect.


I will go to the circus when I will have finished my acrobatics training. Not correct.

I will go to the circus when I have finished my acrobatics training. Correct.

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