Annotated Bibliography

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Yoa, Kate. The Transformation of American Materialism. New York: Cale Works Press, 2004. Print.

Materialism is seen by the author as the main source of spiritual detriment in America. Yoa points to meditation as a force to relegate this detriment to being less obtrusive. The author also conjectures there is a trend of transformation that is widespread in America that will continue for the next 25 years at least. This source is useful in that it presents definite theories that meditation will be a viable answer to the persistance of materialism and the eventual downfall of American national security.

Klad, Joan. Everyday Change: Meditation for the Average American. Seattle: Rain City Press, 2008. Print.

Instead of meditation being perceived as an abstract, mystical practice, the author tries to untangle it as a commonplace artistry. Klad ensures the readers that meditation can be a source of peace and mental silence, even within the lives of busy Americans. The author also states that meditation should become a part of one’s daily regimen. The source is particularly connected to my paper in progress in that it demonstrates the practical benefits of meditation in the daily lives of Americans.

Roberts, Christopher. Effects of Meditation on Household Health. Michigan: Congress Backing Books, 2011. Print.

Roberts reports that meditation has a significant effect on the sustainability of families in America and abroad. With Americans facing family issues more than ever, including higher percentages of domestic violence cases, high divorce rates, psychiatric problems, and children who are less responsive to parents and guardians, the author suggests meditation as a backbone for familial security. This source aids to flesh out my paper in that it adds to the discussion of family life in America and how to combat the searing issues of our modern age within this sphere.

Percy, Jackson. Sports Meditation: American Athletes Speak Out About Meditation. Detroit: Car Jump Books, 2011. Print.

The author’s goal is to showcase the relation between athletics and meditation in America. He refers to such sports teams as the LA Lakers, the Michigan Owls, the Chicago Bulls, and specific athletes such as Warren Ghan, Pero Liam, Cyndy Olus, and Sarah Feguson as prime examples of meditation affecting American athletics. Percy does not relegate the effects of meditation to superhuman athletes only. The author points out that any physically active individual can benefit from meditation as it increases focus, performance, and positive attitudes. This source is another substantial example of the practical use of meditation, and in such a popular form of cultural heritage as American athletics.

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