Kenny O’Brien
235 Kensington St.
Chicago, Illinois 019183
[email protected]

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21st of July, 2013

Kevin Anderson
Human Resources Advisor
Frogments Magazine
221 Baker Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 019383

Dear Kevin Anderson,

When I was job hunting via the Internet, I saw your advertisement about the vacant position of Columnist in your online magazine Frogments. As I am a devoted reader of this publication, and since I have years of experience in the field of online writing, I decided to apply for the vacancy.

To tell a little bit about my education, I graduated from Silverton University in 2006, majoring in English literature, obtaining a B.A. Both as a student and after graduating, I was actively participating in literary contests, and in 2007, I won a statewide contest, New Faces, for the best fiction novel.

I have been working as an online writer for six years, starting from 2006. I have worked in three different companies, each having their own types of content and requirements, so I consider myself capable of writing on almost any topic. I wrote film critiques and reviews for the publication CineMovies; in 2007, I was employed at 36.6 Community—an online magazine for young fiction writers; I worked there until 2011 as a content writer. My duties were to write short stories and novels, pretending to be five different authors, each with their own style and favorite subject. Four of these fake authors were in the Community’s Top-5 Best Authors List. Finally, until April 2012, I worked as a journalist in Foxtown News.

My friends know me as an easygoing and communicable person who always knows what to say almost on any occasion or subject. Working in a team stimulates me and gives me new ideas, so the more people I communicate with, the more diverse and numerous my writing becomes.

I would enjoy working as a Frogments columnist. Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or require some additional information about me, please contact me via specified phone or email.


Kenny O’Brien

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