According to a recent article from, universities worldwide are recognizing the need to train engineers for the emerging quantum technology industry. As quantum technologies move towards mainstream adoption, undergraduate courses are being developed to prepare a skilled workforce for this revolutionary field.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Quantum technology is rapidly advancing, necessitating specialized education at the undergraduate level.
  • Universities are responding by offering quantum engineering degrees, aiming to fill a skills gap in the industry.
  • The future of quantum technology is promising, with diverse applications across various sectors.

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia, is one of the pioneering institutions offering an undergraduate degree in quantum engineering. William Papantoniou, a third-year student at UNSW, chose the program to delve deeper into the world of quantum computers. He reflects on his decision, stating, “It was presented as the future of computing,” highlighting the potential he sees in this field.

Meeting Industry Demands

Quantum technology encompasses a range of devices, including quantum computers, magnetic sensors, and atomic clocks. These devices utilize quantum mechanics for precise measurements and innovative computational methods. The growing quantum technology industry has begun exploring applications in various sectors like pharmaceuticals and electric-vehicle manufacturing.

Olivia Lanes, a physicist and researcher at IBM in Yorktown Heights, New York, points out the ongoing debate about the robustness of quantum technology. “A lot of people don’t want to enter the industry until they see the technology is robust, but can we make it robust without them?” she questions, highlighting the industry’s need for skilled professionals.

Educational Evolution

Recognizing the shortage of qualified candidates in the quantum technology field, universities are now introducing quantum training programs at bachelor’s and master’s levels. For instance, Saarland University in Germany and Virginia Tech in the United States have added quantum engineering and related specializations to their curriculums.

Abraham Asfaw, who leads education and outreach efforts for Google’s quantum team, notes the necessity of these programs. “Pretty much every week, I’ll learn about a new programme somewhere,” he says, emphasizing the growing interest in quantum education.

The curriculum for these new programs is being tailored to meet the specific needs of the quantum technology industry. At UNSW, for instance, the quantum engineering program is built on the framework of a conventional electrical engineering degree, but with additional, quantum-specific classes. “It’s really important to choose a degree that gives you a solid basis while providing you options,” says physicist Andrea Morello, who helped establish the UNSW program.

Hands-On Experience and Future Prospects

These programs are not just about theoretical knowledge; they also offer practical experience with quantum technologies. For example, UNSW has developed laboratory courses that give students hands-on experience with quantum hardware.

Reflecting on his journey and the future of quantum technology, Papantoniou remains optimistic. “At this point, nobody really knows what a quantum engineer is. But in ten years’ time, they will,” he says, anticipating the growing recognition and impact of this field.

As quantum technology continues to evolve, these educational programs play a crucial role in shaping the workforce of the future, ensuring that the quantum revolution benefits society as a whole.

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