In a recent Reddit post that started a discussion, a user shared their experience of largely abandoning Google in favor of ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. But is it really a widespread trend? And are LLMs so much better than modern search engines?

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Key Takeaways

  • ChatGPT can miss important context and sometimes provide inaccurate information, making it unreliable as a primary source.
  • It is still necessary to verify information from ChatGPT with traditional search engines and reliable sources to ensure accuracy.
  • While some users find ChatGPT helpful, many express concerns about its reliability, indicating that it’s best used alongside other research tools.

Over the past few months, the Redditor, who is also a web developer, revealed that they have relied on ChatGPT for everything from quick searches to even news summaries. This shift, they argue, marks a significant change in how people may use the internet to gather information in the future. The user also highlighted the benefits of using ChatGPT as a learning assistant, praising its ability to facilitate quick and effective knowledge acquisition.

However, the larger audience of the community doesn’t seem to agree with such a statement. Some started recommending other better LLMs to use for research purposes, others, on the other hand, voiced their concern over such ChatGPT use. Is there a reason behind such backlash towards the employment of AI chatbots as search engines? We’ve decided to dive right into the comment section and find that out.

In the comment section of the Reddit post, opinions varied widely. Some users shared their enthusiasm for ChatGPT, though mostly in combination with using Google as well.

“I started using Chatgpt for most of my queries at the beginning of it, then I realized Google is useful too for things like specific links, the exact source, and to authenticate my search. Now I use both at their places. Current stats show Google search queries haven’t declined and continue to thrive.”

One Redditor noted, however, that despite its obvious usefulness, ChatGPt still lacks in terms of providing reliable sources for the information it shows.

“I use it a lot for specific questions that you wouldn’t be able to get answers to on Google anymore. I wish ChatGPT would provide specific sources and further reading materials/links.”

Other users shared, that there are better LLM versions than ChatGPT. Most of them mentioned Perplexity.

“If you want to use an LLM as a search engine, use something like Perplexity instead. I have switched from Google to Perplexity for months now.”

byu/ThePastoolio from discussion

Despite such an enthusiastic approach toward using AI to look for information, most commenters didn’t agree with such a stance. On. the contrary, they see LLM use as a downgrade and a definite preference for incorrect information.

“This post is terrifying. More confidence in less accurate answers due to how quickly and easily the answers are delivered. 😖”

Why is Using ChatGPT to Search for Facts Not the Best Idea?

While ChatGPT has its perks, using it as a primary source of information can be a bit of a gamble. Many Reddit users have pointed out why relying on AI for facts isn’t always the smartest move. For starters, ChatGPT can miss the necessary context, even when its facts are accurate.

“Yes, I would never use GPT as a primary source myself; I would be missing too much context even assuming that the responses themselves are factually accurate (which most of the times they are).”

Another big issue is that ChatGPT, and similar models like Perplexity, can sometimes present information that’s not only incorrect but also misleading. One frustrated commenter noted,

“Perplexity is just as bad, arguably even worse. Not only will it hallucinate bullshit, but it will include a source for the hallucination, making you think ‘oh well if there is a source it then must be true.’ But if you actually click the source and read it, you see that there is absolutely nothing backing the hallucinated claim.”

Additionally, ChatGPT’s responses are based on predicting the next word rather than “knowing” facts like a traditional search engine. This can lead to risky and unreliable results. And finally, some users have experienced inconsistencies and inaccuracies with ChatGPT, especially when it comes to more detailed queries. One user shared their experience, saying,

“I tried ChatGPT, but it’s wildly inconsistent with so many useless guard-railed results, or when I try asking for specific passages from works of literature, ChatGPT suddenly says, ‘I provided a passage like those found in (literary work name) and this is not actually from that book.”

In short, while ChatGPT can be a helpful tool, it is still important to double-check the information it provides and not rely on it solely. Working with it alongside traditional search engines and verifying sources can help make sure you get accurate and reliable information.


So, what’s the takeaway here? While ChatGPT and other AI tools are super handy and can make searching for information quick and easy, they aren’t perfect. They can miss important context, sometimes give inaccurate info, and even lead you down a path of misinformation. It’s necessary to remember that AI isn’t a replacement for critical thinking and fact-checking. Using ChatGPT can definitely be part of your research toolkit, but don’t ditch Google and other reliable sources just yet. Keep a balance, verify your facts, and you’ll get the best of both worlds.

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