by Nayeli Ellen

Woman shrugging
✅ AI Essay Writer ✅ AI Detector ✅ Plagchecker ✅ Paraphraser
✅ Summarizer ✅ Citation Generator


Adapting to Change: Leading Essay Writing Services Respond to the Rise of ChatGPT

The emergence of sophisticated language models like ChatGPT is poised to reshape various sectors, with academic writing being no exception. On the positive side, authors have recognized the immense potential of AI essay writers and have started to incorporate them into their work. As a result, they can now devote more energy to creativity and produce higher-quality content thanks to the time saved. However, this also implies a potential decline in demand as clients shift towards AI-powered tools for their writing needs.

In a survey conducted by the online learning platform Study in January 2023, over 1,000 American students and more than 100 educators participated. An overwhelming 89% of the students revealed that they had sought AI generators’ assistance for homework tasks. Almost half of them confessed to using AI platforms during at-home tests or quizzes, 53% utilized it for essay composition, and 22% employed it for creating outlines.

The rise of AI could potentially reduce students’ reliance on essay writing services forcing them to adapt their business model accordingly. We decided to ask the leading essay writing service USA to provide their views on the situation.

General ideas comparing AI with human essay writers

Liz Alton, Product Marketing Manager at Extraessay: “Indeed, Chat GPT has the ability to generate texts, including essays, based on input. However, it does not have the ability to understand the topic or purpose of the essay, and therefore it may not be able to write a quality, well-researched and well-insightful essay.”

Greg Larnell, CEO of CustomWritings: “We would say that AI and human essay writers are out of comparison. Can you compare a hammer and a carpenter? No. Can you compare a hammer and an automatic hammer? Sure. We view AI as an advanced research tool that came in use instead of the time-consuming online research. Now, instead of spending hours on research, human essay writers can devote more time to tailoring profound essay structure, delivering unique ideas, letting the creative vibe flow. That’s definitely great news for clients. Now they can expect from our writers even greater involvement into every order.”

SpeedyPaper: “AI brings many benefits to essay writing, primarily due to its impressive speed in generating large volumes of text in a short time frame. Nonetheless, the drawbacks of using AI for essay writing are significant. One of the major issues is the risk of plagiarism detection, which could result in ethical violations and severe consequences for students. Moreover, AI often relies on pre-existing patterns and language templates, resulting in repetitive and predictable content, which limits students’ ability to convey their own unique perspectives and ideas. In conclusion, human-written texts still reign supreme in terms of quality and reliability.”

Chief Product Officer at PaperHelp: “Comparing generating essays with AI tools and crafting them from scratch by a human writer is somewhat like comparing apples and oranges. Each approach has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. While AI can generate content incredibly fast, it still remains just a set of probabilities that don’t fact-check the information, hence prone to many mistakes. Moreover, in the near future, human essay writers will maintain the edge over AI when it comes to expertise, creativity, understanding prompts, describing unique (for example, personal) experiences, and generating absolutely new ideas.”

StudyBay: “We believe in an augmented creativity concept – the alliance of AI and human authors. We think that AI can help human writers to improve their skills and productivity, while human writers will ensure the quality, authenticity and originality of the content.”

Why do human writers beat the AI generation?

Extraessay: “Sometimes he gives grammatically incorrect or frankly nonsensical answers. And, of course, no one is safe from plagiarism. Our writers adhere to a strict anti-plagiarism policy and write everything from scratch. Before sending the work to the client, we scan it for originality using licensed software to ensure 100% originality and correct citation.”

CustomWritings: “First of all, human writers can process information in a way more advanced and personalized manner. Secondly, even when AI is capable of delivering high-performance results, not everybody knows how to request that information in the correct way. At least for now.”

SpeedyPaper: “Human-written texts are superior to those generated by AI for several reasons. Firstly, human writers are less likely to be detected by plagiarism detection systems. Additionally, humans can better follow instructions, making their writing more suitable for specific assignments. Finally, humans can draw on their personal experiences and emotions to create a more compelling and engaging essay. While AI has its benefits, human writers remain the top choice for high-quality and authentic writing that meets the demands of academic institutions and other writing contexts.”

PaperHelp: “Primarily because AI isn’t yet able to master two crucial skills inherent in good human writers – critical thinking and emotional intelligence. Critical thinking involves making informed conclusions or decisions based on tons of factors, including subjective ones. In turn, emotional intelligence allows human writers to empathize with their audience and create content that resonates emotionally. AI just cannot do these two things right now and will hardly be able to do them in the future. Add here creativity (again), contextual understanding, and access to sources beyond the Internet (for instance, printed books) – and you’ll see why human writers beat AI generation hands down.”

What pitfalls can students expect when dealing with AI generated essays?

Extraessay: “Technologies that can detect text written by artificial intelligence are already available. According to a recent survey by the online educational platform, more than a quarter of teachers have caught their students using GPT. A significant ‘pain’ of clients is that they can be exposed to academic dishonesty or unethical behavior and be expelled from the educational institution. Colleges still insist that a student should use only their intellect when writing an essay. And there is no anonymity or security when using ChatGPT. In contrast, our services strive to protect customer privacy by providing anonymous communication, secure payments, and personal data protection. We use a secure SSL protocol, an extensive privacy policy, and never collect/store any information.”

CustomWritings: “Oh, so many of them. But the key pitfalls that any essay reader – let alone a professor – can spot in AI generated essays is non-emotional robotic language and superficial online research. These two immediately give away AI generated essays.”

SpeedyPaper: “As previously mentioned, texts generated by AI can be easily detected and flagged as unoriginal. Furthermore, AI lacks the ability to distinguish between true and false information, potentially leading to inaccurate or misleading content. Therefore, relying on AI to generate essays is not a viable option for students seeking credible and trustworthy sources of information.”

PaperHelp: “The biggest pitfall is unchecked or purely fictional information, as most available AI tools cannot differentiate facts from fakes. Next, the similarity of generated texts. This is the inevitable consequence of how the vast majority of AI content generation utilities work – by putting the most probable words one after another. Finally, there is the issue of plagiarism that US colleges and universities fight so rigorously. The thing is, unlike custom essay writing services, no AI generator will guarantee that there wouldn’t be instances of borrowed content in the composed text.”

Do you see ChatGPT as your competitor?  

Extraessay: “We know that we provide a useful service because most of our customers come back to us again and again. By choosing us, they get fast order processing, 24/7 customer support, help from professional native writers with proven academic backgrounds, a variety of academic disciplines to choose from, clear terms with a money-back guarantee, and transparent pricing with no hidden fees. And as a nice bonus, students can get additional free features – plagiarism check, proofreading, title page and bibliography writing, and unlimited corrections.”

CustomWritings: “In a short-term perspective we are expecting a slight client churn because of AI hype. It’s just normal that some perspective clients would choose AI over human essay writers. Having no experience ordering a high-quality paper, they might be blinded by this AI trend and fall for the speed and cost (or we’d rather say no cost) of AI generated essays. But soon they  will be disappointed. Thus, our primary goal these days is to communicate that AI writing has nothing to do with high-quality human essay writing we deliver at and that these two realms should be used in completely different ways.”

SpeedyPaper: “To a certain extent, we do view AI as a competitor in the field of essay writing. Undeniably, it has its uses and can simplify certain tasks. However, in terms of modern university education, its capabilities fall short. While AI can assist with essay writing, it cannot produce a fully-formed essay from scratch that meets the specific requirements of higher education institutions. On top of that it fabricates facts and can be detected by AI-spotting software. Therefore, while it may be a helpful tool in research, it cannot replace the creativity and critical thinking skills that are necessary for success in academic writing.

PaperHelp: “No. The reason behind this is that neither ChatGPT nor any other AI content generation tool resolves the two core issues that struggling students usually have – the lack of time and the desire to make their lives easier. Having generated the text with the help of AI, students will still need to proofread it, format it, and rewrite it in order to beat AI content detectors that educational institutions use more and more widely. As a result, addressing a professional writing service like PaperHelp will not only provide confidence about the result but also might be more time-efficient.” 

Do you plan to use AI generation for your essays coupled with human editing?  

CustomWritings: “Like we’ve mentioned earlier, AI is a powerful tool for essay writing. We are considering different options of using AI in the most effective way so that can deliver the best paper writing services to our clients. Stay tuned.”

SpeedyPaper: “At SpeedyPaper, we consider AI to be an essay writing assistant rather than a replacement for human writers. Our team of writers may use AI to research or generate essay topics, but we don’t rely on it to write any part of the content that is delivered to our clients. We place a high value on quality and strive to build trust with our clients by delivering on our promises. To ensure the highest level of quality and originality, we have strict measures in place to check for any use of AI when writing a paper. With SpeedyPaper, students can expect top-notch content that meets their academic requirements.”

PaperHelp: “No, we are not, as this might put our customers at unnecessary risk. PaperHelp policies strictly prohibit our writers from using AI content generators while crafting papers, having them craft every text from scratch. Moreover, we check all papers for AI-generated content via several detectors to ensure its authenticity.” 

While the emergence of AI tools has created new challenges for essay writing services, the issue also presents an opportunity for academic help providers to adapt and grow. A*Help will keep you informed about all future developments and new exciting times for the academic help industry!

Read more:

Best Essay Writing Service Reviews: Top 10

Best AI Essay Writers: Top 18

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Anas Morrow May 27, 2023

Wait, did I get it right – some students use AI during at-home tests or quizzes? That’s simply cheating!

Sabrina Marquez June 3, 2023

It’s not exactly cheating, more like using a new tool. It’s a gray area that institutions need to clearly define.

Sylvia Kirby May 21, 2023

I think the potential of AI in this space is being understated here. As technology evolves, it’s very likely we’ll see some big improvements that could challenge human writers.

Ophelia Silva May 12, 2023

AI or no AI, at the end of the day, understanding and critical thinking still reign supreme in essay writing.

Shivam Hutchinson May 3, 2023

I feel that using AI to write an entire essay seems a bit unethical. It’s one thing to use it as a tool for ideas or research, but shouldn’t the actual writing part be done by the student?

Sabrina Marquez April 28, 2023

The analogy of comparing a hammer to a carpenter really hit the nail on the head! AI is just a tool, not a replacement for human creativity and understanding.


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