With AI tools on the rise, students and professors have been contemplating the ethics and regulations behind them. Some people use it to create content entirely and some to make small improvements. But where is the red line when such AI help can be considered cheating?

Woman shrugging
✅ AI Essay Writer ✅ AI Detector ✅ Plagchecker ✅ Paraphraser
✅ Summarizer ✅ Citation Generator


Key Takeaways

  • AI tools can assist students in structuring essays, enhancing language quality, editing, and checking for plagiarism. These tools provide benefits such as error-free drafts and high-quality writing but must be used responsibly.
  • Relying too heavily on AI can result in plagiarism, loss of personal touch in writing, and hinder learning. It’s crucial for students to use AI as a supplementary tool rather than a complete replacement to maintain the essence of genuine learning and personal growth.
  • The lack of AI regulations in institutions poses risks like biased decision-making and data breaches. While institutions, like Greenwich University, provide guidance on how to reference AI, there’s a pressing need for more comprehensive regulations to ensure ethical and safe AI use.

In today’s digital age, the way we write and learn is rapidly evolving. One of the most exciting developments is the use of Artificial Intelligence in academic writing. But what does this mean? At its core, AI is a type of computer technology that can think and learn, much like humans. When applied to writing, it can help us craft better sentences, organize our thoughts more clearly, and even check our work for mistakes. For students and educators alike, this presents a wealth of opportunities. Imagine having a helpful assistant who suggests improvements to your essay or helps you structure your thesis better! However, everything comes at a price.

Since using AI for essays directly influences your academic work, most institutions consider it cheating. Especially due to the fact that there are no strict regulations against it because the issue itself is so new. It’s hard to determine to what extent exactly was AI used in a work. Did the students write the whole paper with it or just use it for polishing with no intent to change the content itself?

One of the users on Quora posed a question regarding this exact problem.

“Is it cheating to use AI to improve an essay?”

As always, the opinions were divided. So, we decided to dive into the discussion and figure it out once at for all (or at least in the short run).

Utilizing AI as a Valuable Study Tool 

Obviously, the quality of writing plays a pivotal role in academics. Whether you’re a student penning an essay or a researcher drafting a study, clarity and accuracy are key. This is where AI tools come into the picture since they offer a range of helpful solutions. Firstly, AI-driven writing tools can help in the early stages of writing by offering suggestions on structuring content. For instance, if you’re unsure about how to start an essay or organize your arguments, some AI tools can provide templates or structure recommendations based on your topic. This can save precious time and reduce the stress of staring at a blank page.

Secondly, as you write, AI rewriter to human style can obviously assist in enhancing language quality. Tools equipped with advanced grammar and spell-checkers can spot errors that might go unnoticed during manual proofreading. This not only ensures cleaner drafts but also aids in refining language skills over time. Some advanced tools even offer style and tone suggestions, ensuring that your writing fits the academic tone and remains consistent throughout.

“Personally I would make a couple modifications on top of what the AI had suggested me. But even if I were to use the exact prompted text it gave me, it still conveys my idea, just phrased in a better fashion. This is so useful, specially when english ain’t your first language, which is my case.”

Furthermore, when it comes to editing, AI proves invaluable. Beyond basic grammar checks, AI tools can analyze sentence complexity, making sure your writing is clear and easily understandable. They can highlight repetitive words or phrases, encouraging a richer vocabulary. For those writing in a non-native language, AI can be a supportive guide, helping to navigate linguistic nuances and idiomatic expressions.

“No. Helps you with better choice of words or expressions. The idea is still yours. Polishing is not coming up with an idea or theme.”

Lastly, one of the most significant advantages of AI tools is their ability to check for plagiarism. Originality is a cornerstone of academic writing. AI-powered plagiarism checkers can scan vast databases and the internet to ensure that written works are unique, thus safeguarding academic integrity.

So, the integration of AI tools in academic settings is revolutionizing the writing process. From structuring to final edits, AI assists in every step, ensuring that written works are not only error-free but also of high quality. As technology continues to advance, it’s clear that AI will become an even more integral part of academic writing, making the process smoother and more efficient for all. However, you didn’t think we would only praise AI, did you? Especially considering that most responses under the Quora thread were not in favor of using AI in any way when writing whatsoever.

Writing or Editing with AI? Doesn’t Matter – It’s All Cheating

While AI tools offer numerous advantages in academic writing, they also come with certain disadvantages and concerns. One of the most pressing issues is plagiarism. Academic institutions value original thinking and unique perspectives, but the ease of AI tools can sometimes tempt students to take shortcuts. For instance, a student might use an AI tool to generate an entire essay and then submit it as their own work. This is not true academic effort, and it undermines the very purpose of education, which is to develop one’s critical thinking and analytical skills.

“If you’re using AI for an essay, that is cheating, even if you’re not using it for the full essay, you still shouldn’t use AI. If you’re struggling with how to improve your essays, you should work with an English comp tutor.”

Additionally, when AI tools produce text, the writing might be grammatically correct and well-structured, but it might lack a personal touch or deep understanding. This can lead to essays that sound generic or robotic. Authentic human experiences, emotions, and unique perspectives could be lost when relying too heavily on AI-generated content. Moreover, it certainly depends on the field of study of the student, since certain professions generally have more responsibility than others, for example, medical professionals. 

“It really matters what the essay is about. I would never want my doctor to be someone who used an AI instead of learning their field.”

Now, there’s a significant difference between completely relying on AI-generated content and using AI as an additional tool. If a student simply copy-pastes AI-generated text without any personal input or effort, they’re essentially ripping off the AI. They miss out on the learning process and fail to develop their skills. On the other hand, using AI as a supplementary tool can be beneficial. For example, using AI for grammar checks, structure suggestions, or to get ideas flowing can be constructive. In this case, the student is still actively involved in the writing process, refining the AI’s suggestions with their own thoughts and research.

However, even when used as a supplementary tool, there’s a risk. Students might become too dependent on AI, not trusting their own abilities or not bothering to learn essential skills. Over time, this could lead to a decline in the quality of human-written academic content and a lack of confidence in one’s own capabilities.

“AI can be a helpful tool, but it is not a replacement for learning. Students should still learn how to write essays on their own.”

While AI tools have the potential to be valuable allies in academic writing, they must be used responsibly. Completely relying on AI, especially in the realm of plagiarism, is a slippery slope that devalues education. On the other hand, when used responsibly and as a supplement to one’s own efforts, AI can be a beneficial tool. It’s essential for students to strike the right balance and always prioritize genuine learning and personal growth.

Implementing AI Guidelines in Institutions

The lack of regulations for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various institutions is a pressing concern in today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape. Many institutions, from healthcare to finance, have started to integrate AI into their operations without clear guidelines or oversight. This absence of standardized rules can lead to unintended consequences, such as biased decision-making, data privacy breaches, or even potential harm to individuals. Moreover, the subject of AI regulation is intricate because AI systems are diverse, evolving, and can be applied in countless ways. It’s challenging to create one-size-fits-all rules. For example, according to the Guidance on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Greenwich University, students can reference AI in certain situations:

  1. Cite sources located via AI, but not the AI itself.
  2. For tasks where AI aids, such as summarizing articles, acknowledge AI use.
  3. If quoting from an AI source like ChatGPT, use the provided citation style.

However, balancing the promotion of innovation and ensuring ethical and safe use becomes a delicate act. As AI continues to impact more sectors, there’s an urgent need for stakeholders to come together and craft well-informed regulations that cater to the complexities of the technology, while safeguarding public interests.

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